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BC Resolutions

Business Committee resolutions are used to document the decisions officially adopted by the elected officials. The resolution differs from other actions taken in a Business Committee meeting by including the authority of the Committee or Council to make the decision and provides the background information for why the decision was made. All resolutions proposed for adoption by the Oneida Business Committee shall be accompanied by a Statement of Effect and processed through the Legislative Reference Office. A Statement of Effect contains legal and policy analysis which explains the effect adopting a resolution has for the Nation. Exceptions for resolutions that do not require a Statement of Effect.

  • Resolution for grant applications
  • Self-governance contract or compact resolutions
  • Resolutions for the purchase of land into trust status
  • Nominations of individuals to serve on a particular entity
  • Resolution in support of a cause or individual
  • Resolution regarding the pardoning or forgiveness of any member of the nation
  • Resolution which approve a contract or agreement accompanied by a legal review

Individuals and organizational entities are encouraged to utilize the BC Resolution template when drafting resolutions for Business Committee consideration. To request a Statement of Effect, visit the Legislative Operating Committee page. If the information you are looking for has an error, please contact or 920-869-4364.


01-10-24-A Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Funds for a Donation of $35,000 to the Safe Shelter, Inc 

01-10-24-B Recognizing Lois June Powless for Lifetime Achievements and Contributions to the Oneida Nation

01-10-24-C Recognizing Wendell William McLester for Lifetime Achievements and Contributions to the Oneida Nation 

01-10-24-D 2023 Tribal Cyber Security Grant Application Authorization 

01-24-24-A Recognition of the Service of Members Serving on the Executive Committee 1937 to 1969 

01-24-24-B OBC Approval of Annual Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity for Real Estate Transactions Insured by First American Title Insurance Company

02-14-24-A Amendments to the Clean Air Policy

02-14-24-B Amendments to the Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Law

02-14-24-C FY 2024 Community Opioid Intervention Prevention Program Grant Application 

02-14-24-D Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Grant Application 

02-27-24-A USDA Rural Business Development Grant Program Application 

02-28-24-A Approval of ED24-002 For The Use of EDDCD Funds for a Loan of $830,000 to Oneida Golf Enterprise for the purchase of new golf carts

02-28-24-B Interpretation of General Tribal Council August 7, 2023, Action on Petition Removing All Employee Wage Caps 

 02-28-24-C Geographic Information System Discovery and Implementation Project – Bureau of Indian Affairs Grant Application 

02-28-24-D Safe Shelter HUD Application – Resolution of Authorization

02-28-24-E Trends of Screening Rates & Prevalence of Colorectal Cancer in the Oneida Nation Community Compared to the Wisconsin Adult Population

03-27-24-A FY 2023 Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Competitive Grant Program Application

03-27-24-B Recognition of the Service of Members Serving on the Oneida Business Committee from 1969 to 1984

03-27-24-C Support the Nomination of Oscar Schuyler to the National Indian Gaming Commission

03-27-24-D Updated Oneida Business Committee 2023-2026 Term Assignment of Representation of the Oneida Nation on or with Tribal, State or Federal Entities or Agencies

04-10-24-A Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Considerations and Calendar

04-24-24-A Oneida Nation Tribal Residential Energy Program Grant Application

 04-24-24-B Approval of Use of EDDCD Funds for a donation of $500,000 for sponsorship for the Green Bay Public Market Campaign

04-24-24-C Documenting Employer Matching Contributions, Oneida Nation Business Committee 401(k) Savings Plan

04-24-24-D Support for Marlon Skenandore, Jameson Wilson, and Jonas Hill to participate in the Tribal Leadership Academy at Dartmouth

04-24-24-E Recognizing Julie Barton for Lifetime Achievements and Contributions to the Oneida Nation

04-24-24-F Recognizing Alma Webster for Lifetime Achievements and Contributions to the Oneida Nation 

04-24-24-G Authorizing Use of Carry Over Funds of $500,000 for Oneida Golf Enterprise (OGE) to Complete Capital Projects

05-08-24-A Authorization to Sign-Off on Purchased Referred Care Services – Health Care Payments

05-08-24-B Proclamation May is Mental Health Matters Month

05-22-24-A Amending BC Resolution 03-30-22-A Updating Tribal Contribution Savings Processes and Allocations

06-12-24-A FY-2024 General Welfare Assistance 18+ Program

06-12-24-B FY-2024 General Welfare Assistance Elder 62+ Program 

06-12-24-C FY-2024 General Welfare Assistance Elder 65+ Program 

06-12-24-D Appointing Authorized Representatives to Transact Business with Wells Fargo Bank 

06-26-24-A Approval of 2024-2025 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida Casino Travel Center

06-26-24-B Approval of 2024-2025 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida Bingo & Casino

06-26-24-C Approval of 2024-2025 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida Golf Enterprises

06-26-24-D Approval of 2024-2025 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida Hotel

06-26-24-E Approval of 2024-2025 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida One Stop – E & EE

06-26-24-F Approval of 2024-2025 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida One Stop – Larsen

06-26-24-G Approval of 2024-2025 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida One Stop – Packerland

06-26-24-H Approval of 2024-2025 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida One Stop – Westwind

06-26-24-I Approval of 2024-2025 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida Nation Four Paths

06-26-24-J Approval of 2024-2025 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida West Mason Casino

06-26-24-K Participation in Kunhi-yo I am Healthy 2024 Conference

06-26-24-L Oneida Nation Food Assistance Program – Oneida General Welfare Exclusion Program

07-24-24-A Oneida Nation Comprehensive Division HUD ONAP Tribal VASH Renewal

07-24-24-B Office of Violence Against Women – FY2024 Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program Grant Application

07-24-24-C Amendments to the Back Pay Law

07-24-24-D Adoption of the FY-2024-2027 Oneida Nation Transportation Program (TTIP) and (TTPG2G) including Corresponding (RFA)

07-24-24-E Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Funds for a donation of 400,000 for the 2025 NFL Draft

08 14-24-A 2023 ITBC Herd Development Grant Application Support

08-14-24-B Submission of ISDEAA Section 105l Lease Proposals to Department of Interior

08-14-24-C Authorizing Use of Carry Over Funds to Pay Off Hotel Loans Prior to October 1, 2024 Consolidation of Casino and Hotel Operations

08-28-24-A Authorizing Use of $21,590,695 Carry Over Funds to Balance the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget

08-28-24-B Oneida Reads Proclamation

08-28-24-C Adoption of Fiscal Year 2025 Draft Budget and Directive to Present Budget to the General Tribal Council for Approval

08-28-24-D Regarding Forgiveness of Jake A

09-11-24-A Authorizing Participation in the U.S. Department of Transportation Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program

09-11-24-B Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program Application

09-11-24-C Authorizing Use of Carry Over Funds for Capital Expenditures for Oneida Hotel Prior to Consolidation

09-11-24-D Continuing to Operate Fiscal Year 2025

09-11-24-E Resolution – Authorization to Open a Bank Account for Hotel

09-25-24-A Amendment to BC Resolution # 08-25-21-D Obligation for CIP #21-111, Multi-Family Housing, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Federal Relief

09-25-24-B Amendments to the Vehicle Driver Certification and Fleet Management Law

09-25-24-C Great Lakes Intertribal Food Coalition – Data Sovereignty

09-25-24-D Tribal Contribution Savings – Final Obligation Opportunities

09-25-24-E Tribal Contribution Savings Final Obligation Opportunities – Boundary Signage Project CDC #19-007

09-25-24-F Approval of FY 2025 Annual Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity for Real Estate Transactions Insured by First American Title Insurance Company

09-25-24-G Self-Governance FY 2024-2028 Multi-Year Funding Agreement between the Oneida Nation and U.S

10-09-24-A Amendments to the Computer Resources Ordinance

11-13-24-A CY 2025 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant Application – Brown County

11-13-24-B CY 2025 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant Application – Outagamie County

11-13-24-C Tribal Climate Resilience Category 1 – Planning Grant Application

11-13-24-D Tribal Climate Resilience Category 2 – Implementation Grant Application

11-13-24-E Identifying Our Needs A Survey of Elders FY 2025-2028 Title VI Part A, B, and C Grant Application

11-13-24-F Addressing Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Disparities The American Indigenous Cognitive Assessment (AMICA) Phase 2

11-13-24-G Addressing ADRD Disparities Indigenous Behavioral and Cognitive Symptoms (IBACS) Checklists with the University of Minnesota Medical School and the University New Mexico Sciences Center

11-13-24-H Tribal Contribution Savings Final Obligation Opportunities – Affordable Home Ownership Strategy Revolving Loan Program

11-13-24-I Amendments to the Investigative Leave Policy

11-13-24-J Resolution to Approve the Third Amendment to the Governmental 401(k) Plan

11-13-24-K Setting the Oneida Business Committee Regular Meeting and Executive Session Discussion Schedule

11-13-24-L Setting Supervision and Management of Direct Reports to the Oneida Business Committee and Political Appointments

11-13-24-M Adoption of Affordable Home Ownership Strategy

12-11-24-A Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Funds for a donation of $163,883 for Roy Skenandore Memorial Pool Tournament

12-11-24-B Amendment to BC Resolution 03-23-22-D Obligation for Amelia Cornelius Culture Park & Veterans Wall Enhancements, Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

12-11-24-C Regarding Pardon of Lorenzo Samuel Guzman 




01-11-23-A FY-2022 Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Competitive Grant Program Application

01-11-23-B Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until March 19, 2023

01-11-23-C Authorizing Use of Carry Over Funds For Health Campus Resiliency Project

01-11-23-D Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Grant Application

01-11-23-E Acknowledging the Authority of Oneida ESC Group, LLC, and its Subsidiaries, to Waive Sovereign Immunity for the Purpose of Entering into an Agreement of Indemnity and Capital Retention Agreement With Euler Hermes North America Insurance Company 

01-25-23-A Election to Participate in the Five Settlements with TEVA, Allergan, Walmart, Walgreens and CVS and Authorization of the Oneida Nation’s Opioid Litigation Counsel to Submit Tribal Participation Forms and other Documents on the Oneida Nation’s Behalf

02-08-23-A 2022 lnterTribal Buffalo Council, Buffalo Herd Development Grant Application

02-08-23-B Designate Debra J. Danforth, BSN, RN as the Authorized Official for Oneida Comprehensive Health Division Activities with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”)

02-08-23-C Setting Supervision and Management of Direct Reports to the Oneida Business Committee and Professional Support Staff

02-08-23-D Obligation for 800 MHz Project Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

02-15-23-A Public Service Commission FY 2023 Broadband Expansion Grant Application

02-22-23-A Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Funds to Conduct a Feasibility Study for CDC # 21-112 Transitional Residential Detox Treatment Facility

02-23-23-A Oneida Nation Food Processing Technical Assistance Project Grant Application

03-08-23-A Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until May 11 2023

03-08-23-B Emergency Amendments to the Election Law for the 2023 General Election

03-08-23-C Amendments to the Emergency Management Law 

03-22-23-A Bureau of Indian Affairs Grant Application

03-22-23-B Nourishing Our Communities – The White Corn Project Grant Application

03-22-23-C Extension of the Emergency Adoption of the Oneida Life Insurance Plan Law

03-22-23-D Grid Infrastructure Deployment and Resilience Grant Application

03-22-23-E Surplus Buffalo Program

03-22-23-F Consolidating All Remaining ARPA FRF TCS Allocations and Closing Portal 

03-22-23-G Obligation for Air Drill Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings 

03-22-23-H Obligation for CDC # 21-105 Orchard Retail Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings 

03-22-23-I Obligation for Class 7 Tractor Buy Out Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings 

03-22-23-J Obligation for Class 8 Tractor Buy Out Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings 

03-22-23-K Obligation for Orchard Pruning Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings 

03-22-23-L Obligation for Semi-Truck Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

03-22-23-M Obligation for Tsyunhehkwa Cattle Trailer Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings 

03-27-23-A Authorization of Unbudgeted Expenditure 001-1206010-260

03-27-23-B Authorizing Use of Carry Over Funds For Main Casino and West Mason Casino Generator Replacement Project

03-27-23-C Amendment to Labor Allocations Levels – 1 Position from Business Unit 4275010

04-12-23-A Obligation for FY-2024 Food GWA Payment Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

04-12-23-B Obligation for the Oneida Pow Wow Arbor Replacement Project Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

04-12-23-C Obligation for Senior Center Vehicles Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

04-12-23-D Obligation for The Great Law of Peace Recital Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

04-14-23-A Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Funds for a Payment of $49,900 for a Third-Party Review of a Feasibility Study in Accordance with BC Resolution # 03-11-20-C

04-26-23-A Office of Violence Against Women – FY-2023 Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Program

04-26-23-B Adoption of the FY-2023-2026 Oneida Nation Tribal Transportation Improvement Plan And Tribal Transportation Program Agreement Including Corresponding RFA

04-26-23-C Fireworks Display for the 200 Year Bicentennial

04-26-23-D Adding Group 3 to Approved ARPA FRF TCS Allocations

04-26-23-E Obligation for 22-105 Mission Park Renovations Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

04-26-23-F Obligation for Tribal Action Plan Community Events Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

04-26-23-G Obligation for Skenandoah Front Lobby Renovation Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

05-10-23-A Amendments to BC Resolution # 07-13-22-J Obligation for 6155M Cab Tractor with Crimper Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

05-24-23-A 2023 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Grant Application

05-24-23-B Supervision of the Chief Financial Officer in the Absence of the Treasurer

05-24-23-C Disparities in Delivery Method Study Recruitment

05-31-23-A Oneida Nation Farm Native American Agriculture Fund Application 

06-14-23-A Adoption of the Restated and Amended Oneida Business Committee 401(k) Savings Plan 

06-14-23-B Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Funds for a Payment of $450,000 to contract with American Indian AG Industries to complete a Feasibility Study, a Business Strategy, and requested actions from General Tribal Council for legalized marijuana in accordance with General Tribal Council January 20, 2020, directive 

06-14-23-C Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Funds for a Sponsorship of $10,000 to the Tribal Housing Summit in October 2023

 06-14-23-D Authorization of Unbudgeted Expenditure – 4273006 

06-14-23-E Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Considerations and Calendar

06-14-23-F Support for Great Law Recital in Oneida Nation Community 2023

 06-14-23-G Regarding Pardon of Eric Alexander Arce

06-28-23-A Research Forum with Oneida Nation

07-12-23-A Participation in Kunhi-yo Iam Healthy 2023 Conference 

07-12-23-B Encouraging Tribal Employees to Volunteer in the Bicentennial 

07-12-23-C Authorization of 80 hours of Trade Back for Cash for Fiscal Year 2023

07-12-23-D The Oneida Nation Indigenous Animal Harvesting and Meat Processing Grant Application 

07-13-23-A Approving the use of Paid Work Time for Employees – Great Law Recital – August 7-10, 2023

08-02-23-A Authorizing Use of Carry Over Funds For Transit Garage Project

 08-02-23-B Amendment to Labor Allocations Levels – 1 Position from Business Unit 4225001 

08-02-23-C Amendment to Labor Allocations Levels – 1 Position from Business Unit 4225033

08-02-23-D Amendment to Labor Allocations Levels – 2.5 Positions from Business Unit 4240001  

08-02-23-E Amendment to Labor Allocations Levels – 1 Position from Business Unit 4251001

 08-02-23-F Amendment to Labor Allocations Levels – 1 Position from Business Unit 4263027 

08-02-23-G Amendment to Labor Allocations Levels – 5 positions OBC Support Staff

08-02-23-H Support for Judicare Legal Aid Participation in the Tribal Civil Legal Assistance Program Grant 

08-02-23-I Approval of 2023-2024 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida Airport Hotel Corporation

08-02-23-J Approval of 2023-2024 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida West Mason Casino 

08-02-23-K Approval of 2023-2024 Alcohol Beverage License for The Oneida Nation Four Paths 

08-02-23-L Approval of 2023-2024 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida One Stop – Packerland 

08-02-23-M Approval of 2023-2024 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida One Stop E & EE 

08-02-23-N Approval of 2023-2024 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida Bingo & Casino 

08-02-23-O Approval of 2023-2024 Alcohol Beverage License for The Oneida Golf Enterprises 

08-02-23-P Approval of 2023-2024 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida One Stop – Larsen 

08-02-23-Q Approval of 2023-2024 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida One Stop – Westwind 

08-02-23-R Approval of 2023-2024 Alcohol Beverage License for the Oneida Casino Travel Center 

08-02-23-S Approval of Use of Unclaimed Per Capita Infrastructure Funds for Highway 172 Utility Improvement Project 

08-16-23-A Authorize the Use of $48,063,510 in Carry Over Funds to Balance the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget 

08-16-23-B Adoption of Fiscal Year 2024 Draft Budget and Directive to Present Budget to the General Tribal Council for Approval

08-23-23-A Amendment to Labor Allocations Levels – 5 positions from Business Unit 4261007

08-23-23-B Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Funds for a One Time Start-Up Payment of $90,036 for the Oneida Youth Leadership Institute

08-23-23-C Oneida Nation Assistance Fund Application Submission Period and Disbursement Time Frame for 2023

08-23-23-D Elder Assistance Program Application Submission Period and Disbursement Time Frame for 2023 

08-23-23-E Amendments to BC Resolution 11-10-21-E Obligation for Government Infrastructure American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Fiscal Recover Funds Lost Revenue 

08-23-23-F Setting Supervision and Management of Direct Reports to the Oneida Business Committee and Political Appointments 

08-23-23-G Adoption of the Oneida Life Insurance Plan Law  

09-13-23-A Reaffirming the Oneida Nation’s Declaration that it does not have access to Classified Information Maintained by Oneida ESC Group, LLC and Sustainment & Restoration Services, LLC, as well as its Subsidiaries 

09-13-23-B Appointing Delegates to the Indian Gaming Association 

09-13-23-C Appointing Delegates to the National Congress of American Indians 

09-13-23-D Oneida Business Committee 2023-2026 Term Appointment of Liaison to Boards, Committees, and Commissions of the Oneida Nation 

09-13-23-E Oneida Business Committee 2023-2026 Term Appointment of Liaison to Tribally Chartered Entities of the Oneida Nation 

09-13-23-F Oneida Business Committee 2023-2026 Term Assignment to Standing Committees

09-13-23-G Oneida Business Committee 2023-2026 Term Assignment of Representation of the Oneida Nation on or with Tribal, State or Federal Entities or Agencies

09-13-23-H Regarding Pardon of Bruce Clifford Doxtator

09-27-23-A Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement to Satisfy Eligibility for the Wisconsin Recycling Consolidation Grant for CY 2024

09-27-23-B The Oneida Nation Farm’s Buffalo Acquisition Project Application to InterTribal Buffalo Council 

09-27-23-C Election to Participate in the Settlement with McKinsey & Company Inc & Authorization of the Oneida Nations Opioid Litigation Counsel to Submit Tribal Participation Forms and other Documents on behalf of the Oneida Nation 

10-25-23-A Amendment to BC Resolution #08-25-21-B Obligation for CIP #15-001, Food Innovation Center, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Federal Relief Funds

10-25-23-B Appointment of Kirby Metoxen, Councilman, on behalf of the Oneida Nation to the American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association

10-25-23-C Appointment of Kirby Metoxen, Councilman, on behalf of the Oneida Nation to the Native American Tourism of Wisconsin and identify, Jennifer Webster, Councilwoman, as Alternative and Michelle Danforth-Anderson, Marketing and Tourism Director, as a second alternate  

11-08-23-A Amendment to BC Resolution # 08-25-21-C Obligation for CIP #23-005, Residential Home Sites, Utilizing ARPA of 2021 Federal Relief Funds 

11-08-23-B CY 2024 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Brown County

11-08-23-C CY 2024 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Outagamie County

12-13-23-A Pardon and Forgiveness Law Application Fee

12-13-23-B Grant Application to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration for the Tribal Broadband Grant Program

12-13-23-C Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Funds for Oneida Nation Solar (ONS) LLC to buyout of Sunvest Solar Investments WI (SIWI) of $187,188  

12-13-23-D Approval of Increase of Automatic Contribution Rate for Participants to 5%, Increase of Employer Matching Contribution Rate to up to 5%, and Compliance Updates Regarding Certain Catch-up Contributions, Required Minimum Distributions, and Required Commencement of Payments for the Oneida Nation Governmental 401(k) Plan

12-13-23-E Approval of Amendment No. 2 to the Oneida Nation Enterprise 401(k) Plan Increase of Automatic Deferral Percentage to 5% for Participants in, Newly Hired Employees, and Newly Eligible Employees 

12-13-23-F Oneida Business Committee Approval to Purchase of the Units held by Sunvest Solar Investments WI, LLC, in Oneida Nation Solar LLC

12-19-23-A Updated Oneida Business Committee 2023-2026 Term Assignment to Standing Committees

12-21-23-A Proposed Dissolution of Oneida Airport Hotel Corporation

12-21-23-B Consolidation of the Hotel and Conference Center with Oneida Gaming 


01-12-22-A Setting the Oneida Business Committee Regular Meeting and Executive Session Discussion Schedule

01-12-22-B Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until March 24, 2022

01-26-22-A Support of Brothertown Indian Nation’s efforts to seek Congressional Restoration Legislation

02-09-22-A Amendments to the Furlough Law

02-24-22-A Tribal Youth Program Grant Application

03-09-22-A Election to Participate in the J&J Settlement and the Big 3 Distributors’ Settlement

03-23-22-A Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until May 23, 2022

03-23-22-B Public Gatherings – Indoor and Outdoor – Safety Guidance

03-23-22-C Obligation to Support Oneida Early Childhood Programs Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

03-23-22-D Obligation for Amelia Cornelius Culture Park & Veterans Wall Enhancements Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

03-23-22-E Obligation for Big Bear Media Upgrades Project Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings 

03-23-22-F Obligation for Security Improvement Maturity and Cybersecurity Risk Reduction Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

03-30-22-A Updating Tribal Contribution Savings Processes and Allocations

04-13-22-A 2021 InterTribal Buffalo Council, Buffalo Herd Development Grant Application

04-13-22-B Further Amendments to the Boards, Committees, and Commissions Law Stipends Resolution

04-13-22-C The Administration for Community Living/Administration on Aging Older Americans Act Title VI & Participation in Cycle VIII of the National Resource Center on Native American Aging Needs Assessment

04-13-22-D Obligation for Oneida Police Department Retention-Pandemic Payment Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

04-27-22-A Approval of Participation in Research Study on Fall Prevention among Native Elders

04-27-22-B Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Funds for a Donation of $150,000 to the Safe Shelter, Inc

05-11-22-A Additional Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Personnel Policies and Procedures – Selection Policy

05-11-22-B Amendments to the Budget Management and Control Law

05-11-22-C Amendments to the Oneida Nation Gaming Ordinance

05-11-22-D BIA Solid Waste Disposal FY22

05-11-22-E Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until July 22, 2022

05-11-22-F Nomination of Tehassi Hill to the U.S Government Accountability Office Tribal Advisory Council

05-25-22-A Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Considerations and Calendar

06-08-22-A Emergency Adoption of the Oneida Nation Assistance Fund Law

06-08-22-B Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Funds for a Capital Contribution of $750,000 to the Oneida Airport Hotel Corporation for Project ED22-003

06-08-22-C Approval of Use of EDDCD Funds for a Donation of $17,637.23 to the OYLI Fund for the Oneida Community Lacrosse Program Project Number ED22-002

06-08-22-D Regarding Forgiveness of Douglas J. Haven

06-20-22-A Declaration of Emergency Resulting from the Damages Caused by the June 15, 2022, Severe Weather and Tornado

06-21-22-A Amendment to Resolution BC-04-27-22-B Removing Restrictions on Use of the Donation

06-22-22-A Oneida Nation American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Bureau of Indian Affairs Housing Improvement Spending Plan

06-28-22-A Summer Savings at the Pump Program

07-01-22-A Fireworks Display for 48th Annual Oneida Nation Pow Wow

07-13-22-A Adoption of the Elder Assistance Program Law

07-13-22-B Elder Assistance Program Application Submission Period and Disbursement Timeframe for 2022

07-13-22-C Oneida Nation Assistance Fund Application and Disbursement Timeframe for 2022

07-13-22-D Adoption of the Healing to Wellness Court Law

07-13-22-E Adoption of an Emergency Amendment to the Election Law

07-13-22-F Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until September 20 2022

07-13-22-G Authorization of 80 Hours of Trade Back for Cash for Fiscal Year 2022

07-13-22-H Obligation for 140HP Loader Tractor Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-13-22-I Obligation for 140HP Mixer Tractor Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-13-22-J Obligation for 6155M Cab Tractor with Crimper Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-13-22-K Obligation for MS 400 VB Spreader Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-13-22-L Obligation for Regenerative Agriculture Consultation Assessment Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-13-22-M Obligation for Public Arts and Arts Survey Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-13-22-N Obligation for Oneida National Treasures Recognition Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-13-22-O Obligation for Oneida Nation Student Relief Fund Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-13-22-P Obligation for Oneida Nation Home Infrastructure Program Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-13-22-Q Obligation for Oneida Nation Home Repair and Improvement Program Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-13-22-R Obligation for the Oneida Nation Food Assistance Program Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-27-22-A Adoption of the FY2022-2026 Oneida Nation Tribal Transportation Improvement Plan and Tribal Transportation Program Agreement Including Corresponding RFA

 07-27-22-B The Oneida Nation Farm’s Buffalo Acquisition Project 

07-27-22-C The Oneida Airport Hotel Corporation Will Be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

 07-27-22-D The Oneida Bingo & Casino Will Be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

07-27-22-E The Oneida Casino – West Mason Casino Will Be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

07-27-22-F The Oneida Nation Four Paths Will Be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Law 

07-27-22-G The Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida Casino – Travel Center Will Be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Law 

07-27-22-H The Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida One Stop – E and EE Will Be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Law 

07-27-22-I The Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida One Stop – Packerland Will Be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Law 

07-27-22-J The Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida One Stop – Westwind Will Be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Law 

07-27-22-K The Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida One Stop – Larsen Will Be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Law

07-27-22-L The Oneida Golf Enterprises for Thornberry Creek at Oneida Will Be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Law

07-27-22-M The Three Clans Airport, LLC Will Be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Law

07-27-22-N Obligation for Oneida Nation School System STEM Lab Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-27-22-O Obligation for Oneida Language Department (OLD) and Tehatiw^nakhwa Language Nest (TLN) Expansion Project Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

07-27-22-P Scheduling a Virtual General Tribal Council Meeting

 08-10-22-A Saving Our History – Oneida Elder Interview Program – Oneida General Welfare Exclusion Program

08-10-22-B Authorization and Delegation of Authority to Enter Into the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) Allocation Agreement with the U.S

08-10-22-C Amendment of BC Resolution # 07-13-22-M Obligation for Public Arts and Arts Survey Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

08-10-22-D Obligation for Oneida Nation Home Infrastructure Program Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

08-11-22-A Participation in Kunhi-Yo (I am healthy) 2022 Conference

08-24-22-A Amending Obligation of ARPA FRF LR TCS Funds for 2021 Pandemic Relief Food Card Distribution to Obligate Remaining Unclaimed Food Cards to the Oneida Nation Food Pantry

09-01-22-A Oneida Nation Food Assistance Program – An Oneida General Welfare Exclusion Program

09-14-22-A Amendments to the Children’s Code

09-14-22-B Emergency Amendments to the Emergency Management Law

09-14-22-C Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until November 19 2022

09-14-22-D Continuing to Operate Fiscal Year 2023

09-14-22-E Designated Tribal Representative to the North American Indigenous Games

09-14-22-F Obligation for 200 Year Commemoration Events & Projects Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

09-14-22-G Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Funds for a Donation of $150,000 to the Safe Shelter Inc

09-28-22-A Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Community Engaged Recruitment

09-28-22-B Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement to Satisfy Eligibility for the Wisconsin Recycling Consolidation Grant for Calendar Year 2023

09-28-22-C Emergency Adoption of the Oneida Life Insurance Plan Law

09-28-22-D Adoption of Standard Operating Procedure Employment Cap and Labor Allocations Level – Budget and Finances Law, Chapter 121

10-12-22-A Obligation for Beef Discount Project Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

10-12-22-B Obligation for Oneida Nation Farm Combine Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

10-12-22-C Obligation for Oneida Nation Farm Office Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

10-21-22-A Process to Authorize Use of Carry Over Funds

10-26-22-A Bureau of Indian Affairs Solid Waste Disposal FY-2023 Grant Application

10-26-22-B Special Diabetes for Indians Program (SDPI) for CY2023 and beyond through CY2027 Grant Application

10-26-22-C Fiscal Year 2023 COVID-19 Paid Time Off Hours

10-26-22-D Emergency Amendments to the Budget and Finances Law

10-26-22-E Obligation for Change Management Initiatives Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

10-26-22-F Obligation for On^yoteɁa‧ká niɁi Project Plan Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

10-26-22-G Obligation for Transit Garage Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings

10-26-22-H Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until January 18 2023

11-07-22-A Extension of the Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Personnel Policies and Procedures Resolution

11-30-22-A Adoption of the Oneida Nation Assistance Fund Law

11-30-22-B Older Americans Act, Title VI 2023-2026 Grant Program Application

11-30-22-C Acceptance as Information All Items from the November 15 2022 Re-Convened Semi-Annual Meeting

11-30-22-D Proclamation in Recognition of the Oneida Nation Economic Support Teams’ Outstanding Service in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

12-14-22-A CY 2023 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant Application – Brown County

12-14-22-B CY 2023 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant Application – Outagamie County

12-28-22-A Authorize the Use of $53,105,864 in Carry Over Funds to Balance the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget

12-28-22-B Emergency Amendment to the Election Law

12-28-22-C Empowering Communities to Deliver and Sustain Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Grant Application

12-28-22-D Adoption of Fiscal Year 2023 Budget

12-28-22-E Regarding Pardon of Worden Shane Webster


01-07-21-A Extension of Declaration of Public State of Emergency Declaration Until February 11, 2021

01-27-21-A Oneida Nation Eviction and Foreclosure Moratorium

01-27-21-B Oneida Nation Emergency Response Plan

02-10-21-A Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until March 13, 2021

02-10-21-B Emergency Amendments to the Oneida General Welfare Law

02-10-21-C Adoption of the Covid Quarantine Assistance Program

02-10-21-D 2020 Intertribal Buffalo Council, Buffalo Herd Development Grant Application

02-10-21-E Authorizing Exemption from Temporary Closure – Oneida Nation Arts Board

02-10-21-F Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Grant Application

02-10-21-G Updated Oneida Business Committee 2020-2023 Term Appointment of Liaison Responsibilities for Organization

02-19-21-A Authorizing the use of Self-Governance Carryover Funds to Purchase Portable Radios for the Oneida Police Department

02-24-21-A Additional Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Higher Education Pandemic Relief Fund Law

02-24-21-B Authorizing the use of Self-Governance Carryover Funds to Purchase Portable Radios for the Oneida Police Department As Amended

03-10-21-A Amendments to the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Law

03-10-21-B Emergency Management Law Citation Schedule Resolution

03-10-21-C Amendments to the Community Support Fund Law Resolution

03-10-21-D Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until May 12, 2021

03-19-21-A Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for Buy Back of Dream Homes Under Existing Mortgage Language, Right of First Refusal in Bay Bank Mortgage Loans and Foreclosures

03-24-21-A Amendments to the Oneida Airport Hotel Corporation Bylaws

04-14-21-A Extension of the Waiver of the Application Fee under the Pardon and Forgiveness Law for Fiscal Year 2022

04-14-21-B Authorization of Boards, Committees and Commissions to Meet and Superseding the Temporary Closure

04-14-21-C 2021 Summer Tribal Youth Program Grant Application

04-14-21-D Oneida Nation Assistance Fund

04-28-21-A Emergency Amendments to the Pardon and Forgiveness Law

04-28-21-B Emergency Amendments to the Election Law

04-28-21-C Safely Scheduling General Tribal Council Meetings – COVID-19 Health Risk Impacts

04-28-21-D Proclamation of May 5th as a Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW)

05-12-21-A Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until July 11, 2021

05-12-21-B Staying Safer At Home Policy – COVID-19 Pandemic

05-12-21-C Emergency Amendments to the Budget Management and Control Law

05-12-21-D Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Nation Gaming Ordinance

05-12-21-E Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for Cemetery Improvements, CIP 14-002

05-12-21-F “You Are Not Alone” Mental Health Awareness Month – May 2021

05-12-21-G Emergency Amendments to the Early Return to Work Law

05-12-21-H Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Worker’s Compensation Law

05-12-21-I Safer Re-Opening of Government Offices – COVID-19 Pandemic

05-26-21-A FY2021-2024 Oneida Nation Tribal Transportation Improvement Plan (TTIP)

05-26-21-B Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund – Updating Review and Recommendation Responsibilities

05-26-21-C 2021 Intertribal Buffalo Council, Buffalo Herd Development Grant Application

06-09-21-A Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for Transfer of $2.4 Million to the Oneida Land Commission

06-09-21-B Setting Goals for Application of Funding from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to Direct Support to Individuals Families Community and the Oneida Nation

06-09-21-C Face Masks Updated – COVID-19 Pandemic

06-09-21-D Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Considerations and Calendar

06-09-21-E Regarding Pardon of Dolores M. Denny

06-09-21-F Regarding Pardon of Rebecca L. Selwyn

06-23-21-A Support Partnership with the MITW and Authorize Participation in the USDA FDPIR Demonstration Project for Indian Organizations

06-23-21-B Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until July 28, 2021

06-23-21-C Amendment # 1 to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Investment Allocation to Direct Membership Assistance

06-23-21-D Oneida Nation Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan 2020-2025

06-25-21-A The Oneida Meat Processing Plant Feasibility Study

06-30-21-A Adoption of the Oneida Nation Employee Vaccination Incentive Plan for Employees Who Are Not Oneida Nation Members

06-30-21-B Adoption of Direct Membership Assistance Payments Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Federal Relief Funds

06-30-21-C Adoption of the Oneida Nation Vaccination Incentive Program for Oneida Nation Members

06-30-21-D Approving Third Amendment to the Oneida Nation and State of Wisconsin Gaming Compact of 1991

07-28-21-A The Oneida Airport Hotel Corporation will be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-28-21-B The Oneida Bingo & Casino will be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-28-21-C The Oneida Casino – West Mason Casino will be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-28-21-D The Oneida Golf Enterprises for Thornberry Creek at Oneida, will be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-28-21-E The Oneida Nation Four Paths will be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-28-21-F The Oneida Retail Enterprise, Oneida Casino Travel Center will be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-28-21-G The Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida One Stop – E & EE will be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-28-21-H The Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida One Stop – Larsen will be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-28-21-I The Oneida Retail Enterprise, Oneida One Stop – Packerland will be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-28-21-J The Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida One Stop – Westwind will be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-28-21-K The Three Clans Airport, LLC will be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-28-21-L Amending Requirement for a Statement of Effect to Exclude Resolutions Obligating ARPA FRF LR Funds for Projects Approved Through the FRF Office

07-28-21-M Extension of the Emergency Amendments to the Oneida General Welfare Law

07-28-21-N Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until September 26, 2021

08-03-21-A Setting Public Gathering Guidelines During Public Health State of Emergency – COVID-19

08-11-21-A Grant Application to the National Telecomm. and Info. Administration for the Tribal Broadband Grant Program to Improve Broadband Connectivity on the Reservation

08-25-21-A Rescinding Resolution #BC-12-27-17-A and Removing the Maximum Vehicle Fuel Purchase Restriction

08-25-21-B Obligation for CIP #15-001, Food Innovation Center, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Federal Relief Funds

08-25-21-C Obligation for CIP #23-005, Residential Home Sites, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Federal Relief Funds

08-25-21-D Obligation for CIP #21-111, Multi-Family Housing, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Federal Relief Funds

08-25-21-E Revenue Allocation Plan FY-2021

09-08-21-A Adoption of the Public Peace Law

09-08-21-B Public Peace Law Citation Schedule

09-08-21-C Regarding Pardon of Sheila M. Shawanokasic

09-16-21-A Revised Public Peace Law Citation Schedule

09-22-21-A Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until November 25, 2021

09-22-21-B Extension of the Oneida Nation Vaccination Incentive Program for Oneida Nation Members

09-22-21-C Extension of the Oneida Nation Employee Vaccination Incentive Plan for Employees Who Are Not Oneida Nation Members

09-22-21-D Temporary Amendment to BC Resolution 08-28-13-B — Authorization to Sign-Off on PurchasedReferred Care – Health Care Payments

09-22-21-E Continue to Operate Fiscal Year 2022

10-13-21-A Application for the FY 2021 Indian Community Development Block Grant-American Rescue Plan

10-13-21-B Adoption of the 2021 Pandemic Relief Food Card Distribution Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Federal Relief Funds

10-13-21-C Obligation for Pandemic Pay, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Fiscal Recover Funds Lost Revenue, as amended

10-13-21-D Support of Food Sovereignty and Food Sovereignty Policy

10-13-21-E Proclamation of the Rights of Nature

10-27-21-A Extension of the Emergency Amendments to the Pardon and Forgiveness Law

10-27-21-B Opposing Enbridge’s Construction of Pipelines 3 and 5

10-27-21-C Amending Fiscal Year 2022 budget approval timelines provided in BC resolution # 09-22-21-E Continue to Operate Fiscal Year 2022

11-01-21-A Obligation for Adolescent Wellness Treatment Center Tribal Partnership, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Fiscal Recovery Funds Lost Revenue

11-10-21-A Extension of the Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Nation Gaming Ordinance

11-10-21-B Extension of the Emergency Amendments to the Budget Management and Control Law

11-10-21-C CY 2022 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Brown County

11-10-21-D CY 2022 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Outagamie County

11-10-21-E Obligation for Government Infrastructure, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Fiscal Recover Funds Lost Revenue

11-24-21-A Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Personnel Policies and Procedures – Selection Policy

11-24-21-B Oneida Nation American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Bureau of Indian Affairs Law Enforcement Special Initiatives Spending Plan

11-24-21-C Oneida Nation American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Bureau of Indian Affairs Aid to Tribal Government Spending Plan

11-24-21-D Oneida Comprehensive Health Division American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Indian Health Service Spending Plan

11-24-21-E Amending the Approved Purposes provided in BC resolution # 06-09-21-A

11-24-21-F Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until January 23, 2022

12-02-21-A Amendment of BC Resolution # 10-13-21-B Adoption of the 2021 Pandemic Relief Food Card Distribution Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 FRF

12-08-21-A Adoption of the Oneida General Welfare Law

12-08-21-B Updating Public Gathering Guidelines During Public Health State of Emergency – COVID-19

12-08-21-C Extension of the Oneida Nation Vaccination Incentive Program for Oneida Nation Members

12-08-21-D Obligation for the Oneida Nation Student Relief Fund, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Fiscal Recovery Funds Lost Revenue

12-08-21-E Increasing the Oneida Nation Minimum Wage to $15.00 Per Hour

12-22-21-A Quarterly, Annual, and Semi-Annual Reporting for Calendar Year 2022

12-22-21-B Adoption of Fiscal Year 2022 Budget

12-22-21-C Approval of Special Vesting and New Benefit Features in the Nation’s 401(k) Plans


01-08-20-A 2019 InterTribal Buffalo Council, Buffalo Herd Development Grant

01-08-20-B FY2020-2022 Oneida Nation Tribal Transportation Improvement Plan (TTIP)

01-08-20-C Amendments to the Child Support Law

01-08-20-D Support For H.R. 1964 Of The 116th Congress, “To Provide For The Recognition Of The Lumbee Tribe Of North Carolina, And For Other Purposes”

01-22-20-A Modifying the Oneida Business Committee Regular Meeting Schedule

01-22-20-B Real Property Emergency Adoption Resolution

01-22-20-C Energy Infrastructure Deployment on Tribal Lands – 2020 Grant Proposal # DE-FOA-0002168

02-12-20-A Citations Law

02-12-20-B Oneida Youth Conservation Project

02-26-20-A Tobacco Law Emergency Amendments

03-11-20-A Authorizing the use of Self-Governance Carryover Funds to Purchase A Walk-Through Metal Detector for the Judiciary

03-11-20-B Boards, Committees, and Commissions Law emergency amendments

03-11-20-C Interpretation of General Tribal Council January 20, 2020 Economic Development and Fiscal Strategy Motion and Setting Implementation Procedures

03-17-20-A Adoption of Tier IV Budget Contingency Plan for the Remainder of Fiscal Year 2020 As A Result of Potential COVID-19 Pandemic Financial Impacts

03-17-20-B Adoption of Emergency Amendments to the Election Law to Implement Alternative Processes to Address COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on the Oneida Nation 2020 General Election

03-17-20-C Adoption of Emergency Amendments to the Boards, Committees, and Commissions Law to Address COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on Boards, Committees, and Commissions of the Nation

03-17-20-D Amending Resolution BC-05-08-19-B Boards, Committees, and Commissions Law Stipends

03-17-20-E Emergency Amendments to the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Law Adding Section Identifying COVID-19 Core Decision-Making Team and Delegating Authority

03-26-20-A Extension of March 12th Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency

04-08-20-A Emergency Amendments to the General Tribal Council Meeting Stipend Payment Policy

04-08-20-B Placing Listed Boards, Committees and Commissions in Temporary Closure Status

04-08-20-C Tier V Budget Contingency Declared for Remainder of Fiscal Year 2020

04-08-20-D General Membership and Elder (age 62+) Per Capita Payment for Fiscal Year 2020 Halted in Light of Public Health Emergency and Impact on Finances

04-08-20-E Deferring Payments to OLIPP and Elder Endowments

04-08-20-F Halting General Tribal Council Meeting Stipend Payments for FY2020 and FY2021

04-08-20-G Reducing the General Tribal Council Higher Education Scholarship Payments for FY2020 and FY2021

04-08-20-H Amendments to the Vehicle Driver Certification and Fleet Management Law

04-08-20-I Amendments to the Indian Preference in Contracting Law

04-08-20-J Indian Preference in Contracting Law Fine and Penalty Schedule

04-08-20-K Appointing Oneida ESC Group LLC as Nations General Contractor for Construction Projects

04-08-20-L Suspension of Collection of Rent, Leases, Mortgages and Utilities

04-16-20-A Resolution to Add Coronavirus-Related Distributions to the Nation’s 401(k) Plans

04-22-10-A-Amendments-to-the-Childrens Burial Fund Policy

05-06-20-A Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until June 11, 2020

05-13-20-A Amendments to the Curfew Law

05-13-20-B Amendments to the Domestic Animals Law

05-13-20-C Amended Domestic Animals Fine, Penalty, and Licensing Fee Schedule

05-13-20-D Amendments to the Oneida Food Service Law

05-13-20-E Oneida Food Service Law Fine, Penalty, and Licensing Fee Schedule

05-13-20-F Pardon and Forgiveness Law Application Fee

05-13-20-G Suspension of the Pardon and Forgiveness Law Application Fee due to the COVID-19 Public Health State of Emergency

05-13-20-H Adoption of Emergency Amendments to the Election Law

05-13-20-I Oneida Nation Support of the Wisconsin Department of Transportations Southern Bridge Corridor Project

06-10-20-A Extension of Declaration of Public Health Emergency Until July 12, 2020

06-10-20-B Process for Authorization for Use of CARES Act Covid Relief Funds

06-10-20-C COVID-19 Response – Oneida Nation Small Business Assistance Program

06-10-20-D Amendments to the Tobacco Law

06-10-20-E Tobacco Law Penalty and Fine Schedule

06-10-20-F InterTribal Buffalo Council Surplus Buffalo Program

06-24-20-A Authorizing the use of Self-Governance Carryover Funds to Purchase Crowd Control Equipment for the Oneida Police Department

06-24-20-B Adoption of Additional Emergency Amendments to the Election Law

06-24-20-C Adoption of the Oneida Small Business Assistance Program II–Off Reservation and Within State of Wisconsin

07-08-20-A Extension of Declaration of Public Health Emergency Until August 11, 2020

07-08-20-B Authorizing the Public Release of the Summary Financial Information of the Oneida Nation for Presentation to Membership

07-22-20-A Extension of the Real Property Law Emergency Amendments

07-22-20-B Amendment to resolution # BC 12-11-19-A for the Nation’s Appointed Representative on the Board for the Greater Green Bay Chamber of Commerce

08-06-20-A Extension of Declaration of Public Health Emergency Until September 11, 2020

08-12-20-A Setting Supervision and Management of Direct Reports to the Oneida Business Committee

08-12-20-B Amendments to the Boards, Committees, and Commissions Law

08-12-20-C Amended Boards, Committees, and Commissions Law Stipends

08-12-20-D Emergency Adoption of the Oneida General Welfare Law

08-12-20-E Emergency Adoption of the Oneida Higher Education Pandemic Relief Fund Law

08-12-20-F Support Submitting the Nation’s Disposal of Solid and Hazardous Waste Project Proposal to the Bureau of Indian Affairs

08-12-20-G BIA-2020-LLGP, LIVING LANGUAGES GRANT PROGRAM (LLGP) Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs

08-12-20-H Amending Furlough and Layoff Return to Work Protection Additional Weeks and Payout of Vacation and Personal Time

08-12-20-I Supervision of the Chief Financial Officer

08-12-20-J Continuing Resolution for Fiscal Year 2021

08-12-20-K Approving a Limited Waiver of Sovereignty for the NIS of America LLC, Investment Management Agreement with the OTEC

08-12-20-L Approving a Limited Waiver of Sovereignty for the Merganser Capital Management LLC, Advisory Agreement with the Oneida Trust Enrollment Committee

08-25-20-A Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Higher Education Pandemic Relief Fund Law

08-26-20-A Extension of the Emergency Amendments to the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Law

09-09-20-A Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until October 12, 2020

09-23-20-A Setting Supervision and Management of Direct Reports to the Oneida Business Committee

09-23-20-B Extension of the Emergency Amendments to the General Tribal Council Meeting Stipend Payment Policy

09-23-20-C Modifying the Oneida Business Committee Regular Meeting Schedule

09-23-20-D Native American Agriculture Fund Limited Waiver of Tribal Immunity

10-08-20-A Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until November 13, 2020

10-14-20-A Oneida Business Committee 2020-2023 Term Appointment of Liaison Responsibilities for Organization

10-14-20-B Designated Representative to Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council

10-14-20-C Designated Representative to Haskell Indian Nations University National Board of Regents

10-14-20-D Designated Representative to Hobart, Ashwaubenon, Lawrence, Oneida HALO

10-14-20-E Designated Representative to Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes

10-14-20-F Appointing Delegates to the National Congress of American Indians

10-14-20-G Designating Primary Liaison and Representative to National Indian Gaming Association

10-14-20-H Designated Representative to Native American Finance Officers Association

10-14-20-I Designated Representative to Native American Tourism of Wisconsin

10-14-20-J Designated Representative to Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustee Council

10-14-20-K Appointing Representatives to the Environmental Protection Agency Regional Tribal Operations Committee

10-14-20-L Appointment of Councilwoman Jennifer Webster to the CMS Tribal Technical Advisory Group

10-14-20-M Designated Representative to the State of Wisconsin Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations

10-14-20-N Reaffirming Support for Jennifer Webster, Councilwoman as Representative to Wisconsin Minority Health Leadership Council

10-14-20-O Designated Representative to the State of Wisconsin Religious Practices Advisory Committee

10-14-20-P Designated Representative to the State of Tribal Labor Advisory Committee

10-14-20-Q Support for Tehassi Hill Chairman as Representative to the Wisconsin Diversity Task Force

10-14-20-R Designated Tribal Representative to the North American Indigenous Games

10-28-20-A Further Interpretation of “Fiscal Impact Statement” in the Legislative Procedures Act

10-28-20-B Discretion Regarding the Transfer of Cases under the Children’s Code

10-28-20-C Approval of a Dementia Caregiver Research Study

10-28-20-D Naming Individuals as Authorized Persons for SagePoint Accounts

10-28-20-E Amendment to Resolution # 08-12-20-H Authorizing Recall of Layoff or Furlough Employees During the 13 Week Extension

11-10-20-A Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until December 13, 2020

11-10-20-B Approving a Limited Waiver of Sovereignty for the Lazard International Strategic Equity

11-24-20-A CY 2021 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Brown County

11-24-20-B CY 2021 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Outagamie County

11-24-20-C Continuation of Temporary Closure of Listed Boards, Committees & Commissions for Fiscal Year 2021

11-24-20-D Emergency Adoption of the Pandemic Relief Assistance Law

11-24-20-E Emergency Amendments to the Budget Management and Control Law

11-24-20-F Approval of Final Draft Fiscal Year 2021 Budget & Budget Directives

12-09-20-A Industrial Hemp Law

12-09-20-B Proclamation of Appreciation

12-09-20-C Quarterly, Annual and Semi-Annual Reporting for Calendar Years 2020 and 2021

12-09-20-D Extension of Declaration of Public Health State of Emergency Until January 12, 2021

12-09-20-E FY20 Indian Housing Block Grant

12-31-20-A Second Amendment to Resolution # 08-12-20-H, Amending Furlough and Layoff Return to Work Protection Additional Weeks and Payout of Vacation and Personal Time, Authorizing Recall of Layoff or Furlough Employees for an Additional 13 Week Extension


01-09-19-A Higher Education Department’s Application to the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community

01-09-19-B Oneida Nation, recognizing Climate Change as a long-term threat to our Core Values

01-09-19-C Yukwatsistayʌ’s Application to the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community

01-09-19-D Amending resolution # BC 06-13-18-A Appointment of Liaison Responsibilities for Organization Entities

01-09-19-E Regarding Pardon of Sonia Luna

01-09-19-F Regarding Pardon of Lee Skenandore

01-23-19-A Authorizing the Transfer of Self-Governance Funds to the Town of Oneida for Fire Protection Services

01-23-19-B Support of Enacting Legislation to Ensure Medicaid Fulfills the Federal Trust Responsibility of American Indians-Alaska Natives

01-23-19-C Updating and Clarifying Access to the Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund As Amended

01-23-19-D Allocation of Bay Bancorporation Dividends and Revenues to the Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund

02-08-19-A Revised and Amended Corporate Charter of the Oneida Golf Enterprise

02-12-19-A FY 2019 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation grant application – U.S. Department of Justice

02-12-19-B Whistleblower Protection Law

02-27-19-A Silver Creek Trail

02-27-19-B Creation of the Oneida Nation School System Endowment in Accordance with the Endowments Law

02-27-19-C Supporting Dental Therapy as a Solution to the Oneida Nations Oral Health Challenges

02-27-19-D Approving a limited waiver of sovereign immunity for a Premium Stabilization Fund Agreement between the Oneida Nation and Epic Life Insurance Company

02-27-19-E Office of Special Trustee – Sign Off Authority

03-13-19-A The Oneida Nation’s Policy for Making Expenditures under its Compact and Funding Agreement with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

03-13-19-B Appointing Representative to the Nuclear Energy Tribal Working Group and the Tribal Radioactive Materials Transportation Committee

 03-13-19-C Amending Res. BC-09-26-18-F Rescission of the Dissolution of the OPC & Related Emergency Amendments in Accordance with GTC’s 8-27-18 Directive

03-13-19-D Regarding Pardon of Thomas Lee

03-13-19-E Regarding Pardon of Cody Cornelius

03-27-19-A Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2019

03-27-19-B Proclamation Naming June 19 as Norbert S. Hill, Sr. Remembrance Day

03-27-19-C Supporting the Tribal AmeriCorps Program

03-27-19-D OBC and Joint Meetings with BCCs – Definitions and Impact

04-10-19-A No Trade Back for Cash for Fiscal Year 2020

04-24-19-A Community Based Movement to Build Health Equity and Address Alzheimer’s Disease in Wisconsin’s Indian Country

04-24-19-B Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team

04-24-19-C Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month

04-24-19-D Proclaiming the Oneida Nation Reservation as a Purple Heart Reservation

04-24-19-E Tribal Energy Development Capacity Grant

04-24-19-F Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for Project ED19-008

05-08-19-A Research Requests– Review and Approval to Conduct

05-08-19-B Amending Resolution BC-09-26-18-D Boards, Committees, and Commissions Law Stipends

05-08-19-C Amendments to the Domestic Animals Law

05-08-19-D Domestic Animals Law Fine, Penalty, and Licensing Fee Schedule

05-08-19-E Prohibited Animals under the Domestic Animals Law

05-22-19-A Approval of Use of EDDCD Fund for Project ED18-007, Industrial Hemp Pilot Project on May 22, 2019

05-22-19-B Oneida Nation Support of Sports Betting Core Principles

05-22-19-C Interpretation of Resolution # BC-02-27-19-B, Regarding the Education Endowment, also known as the Ramah Fund Allocation

06-12-19-A Authorizing the Purchase of Extrication Equipment for the Village of Hobart using Self-Governance Funds for the purpose of Fire Protection Services

06-12-19-B Authorizing the Transfer of General Self-Governance Funds to the Town of Oneida for the Purchase of a Back-up Generator System

06-12-19-C Support for the Indian Buffalo Management Act

06-12-19-D Correcting resolution # BC-05-22-19-A – Approval of Use of EDDCD Fund for Project ED18-007, Industrial Hemp Pilot Project

06-12-19-E Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for a Lacrosse Box, Project ED19-011

06-12-19-F Supporting the Community Build Concept regarding the Inaugural Box Lacrosse Field at Cora House Park

06-12-19-G Finalizing the Dissolution of Oneida Seven Generations Corporation

07-02-19-A Rural Housing Preservation Program Grant Application

07-24-19-A Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for Project ED19-012, Industrial Hemp Processing Equipment

08-07-19-A Indian Housing Block Grant

08-14-19-A Oneida Airport Hotel Corporation will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-14-19-B Oneida Bingo & Casino will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-14-19-C Oneida Casino – West Mason Casino will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-14-19-D Oneida Golf Enterprise for Thornberry Creek at Oneida will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-14-19-E Oneida Nation Four Paths will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-14-19-F Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida Casino Travel Center will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-14-19-G Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida One Stop – E & EE will be Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-14-19-H Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida One Stop – Larsen will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-14-19-I Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida One Stop – Packerland will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-14-19-J Oneida Retail Enterprise Oneida One Stop – Westwind will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-14-19-K Three Clans Airport LLC will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-14-19-L Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for Project ED19-014, Central Oneida Community Space 

08-14-19-M Rescinding and Amending Resolutions Regarding Direct Reporting and Assigning Responsibilities and Authorities of the General Manager 

08-14-19-N Setting Supervision and Management of Direct Reports to the Oneida Business Committee 

08-28-19-A Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for Project ED19-015, Oneida Homeless – Day Warming Shelter

08-28-19-B Regarding Pardon of Angel Jordan

09-04-19-A Reaffirming the Oneida Nation’s declaration it does not have access to Classified Information maintained by OESCG and SRS et al

09-11-19-A Urban Forestry Catastrophic Storm Grant Program – Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

09-11-19-B Authorizing the Transfer of General Self-Governance Funds to Head Start to Purchase Playground Equipment

09-25-19-A Interpreting “Fiscal Impact Statement” in the Legislative Procedures Act

09-25-19-B Updated Statement of Effect Requirement for Resolutions

 09-25-19-C Support for Great Law Recital in Oneida Nation Community 

09-25-19-D Guidance to Implement Good Governance Principles for Conducting Public Affairs and Managing Public Resources

09-25-19-E Triennial Goals – Trending – Budget Guidance Resolution

 09-25-19-F Approve Changes to the Enterprise 401(k) Plan

 09-25-19-G Naming Individuals as Authorized Persons for SagePoint Accounts

09-25-19-H Confirming Guaranty Commitment for OESC and Affiliates

 09-25-19-I Additional Authorization Regarding Oneida Seven Generations Dissolution

10-09-19-A Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for ED19-017 Food Innovation Center – Business Plan

10-09-19-B Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for ED19-019 SRS Strategic Acquisition – Loan Request

10-09-19-C Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for ED19-021 OESCG – Seven Generations Corporation Loan Request

10-09-19-D Appointment of Councilwoman Jennifer Webster to the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services Tribal Technical Advisory Group

10-09-19-E Appointing Delegates to the National Congress of American Indians

10-09-19-F Curfew Law

10-09-19-G Curfew Law Penalty and Fine Schedule

10-23-19-A Approval of Use of Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for Project ED19-022, Central Oneida Site Clean-up

10-23-19-B Authorizing Discretion Regarding Implementation of Children’s Code, Chapter 708

10-23-19-C Authorization to Write-off Oneida Golf Enterprise Loan regarding the LPGA Thornberry Creek at Oneida Tournament

10-23-19-D Regarding Pardon of Crystal M. Flores

11-13-19-A Older Americans Act, Title VI 2020-23 Grant Program

11-13-19-B Amendment to the Creation of Acheson Education Endowment in Accordance with the Endowments Law

11-26-19-A Office of Special Trustee-Sign Off Authority

11-26-19-B Support H.R. Bill 3467 Remove the Stain Act

11-26-19-C CY 2020 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Brown County

11-26-19-D CY 2020 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Outagamie County

11-26-19-E Self-Governance FY 2016-2023 MTFA between the Oneida Nation and US DHHS on behalf of the USA

12-11-19-A Amending resolution # BC 01-09-19-D Appointment of Liaison Responsibilities for Organization Entities

12-11-19-B First Amendment to the Governmental 401(k) Plan

12-11-19-C Regarding Pardon of Valerie P. Ventura

12-11-19-D Regarding Pardon of Anthony P. Konkol

12-12-19-A FY 2019-2020 IDEA Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers Application


01-24-18-A Amending resolution # BC 08-30-17-A Appointment of Liaison Responsibilities for Organization Entities

01-24-18-B Amendment to Opening Date of the Legal Resource Center to August 1, 2018

01-24-18-C Temporary Amendment to BC Resolution 08-28-13-B; Authorization to Sign-Off on Purchased-Referred Care – Health Care Payments

02-14-18-A Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) 2018-2021

02-14-18-B Restated Elected Business Committee Retirement Program and Restated Elected Business Committee Deferred Compensation Plan

02-14-18-C Restated Deferred Compensation Plan

02-28-18-A Designate Representative on the Midwest Tribal Energy Resources Association Board

02-28-18-B Delegation of Purchasing and Sign Off Authority to the Oneida Youth Leadership Institute (OYLI)

02-28-18-C Extension of Time for Implementation of Budget Management and Control Act

03-14-18-A Amendment of Resolution # BC-10-16-84-A; Responsibility for Tribal Identification Cards

03-14-18-B FY 2018 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) Grant

03-14-18-C Delegated Authority to Oneida Public Transit Manager for Federal and State Grant Funding

03-14-18-D Amending Resolution # BC-09-27-17-I, Strategic Workforce Planning – Budget – Implementation for Oneida Nation

03-14-18-E Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2018

03-28-18-A Rescinding Resolution # BC-7-5-06-C

03-28-18-B Fee To Trust application for property located at 2706 Hazelwood Lane

03-28-18-C Fee To Trust application for property located at 2795 Hazelwood Lane

03-28-18-D Fee To Trust application for property located at 1350 Mirage Drive

03-28-18-E Fee To Trust application for property located at N5894 Lambie Road

03-28-18-F Fee To Trust application for property located at N6544 Seminary Road

03-28-18-G Fee To Trust application for property located at 2201 Shamrock Lane

03-28-18-H Fee To Trust application for property located at 602 Florist Drive

03-28-18-I Fee To Trust application for property located at N6433 County Road E

03-28-18-J Fee To Trust application for property located at 2680 Oakwood Drive

03-28-18-K Fee To Trust application for property located at N5899 Moore Road

03-28-18-L Fee To Trust application for property located at 2105 Ninth Street

03-28-18-M Fee To Trust application for property located at 3053 Ferndale Drive

03-28-18-N Fee To Trust application for property located at N5875 Moore Road

03-28-18-O Fee To Trust application for property located at N6159 Lambie Road

03-28-18-P Fee To Trust application for property located at 2713 Klee Street

03-28-18-Q Fee To Trust application for property located at 2070 Oakwood Drive

03-28-18-R Fee To Trust application for property located at W327 Fish Creek Road

03-28-18-S Fee To Trust application for property located at 3045 Ferndale Drive

03-28-18-T Supporting Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council’s Application for Tribal Public Health Capacity Building and Quality Improvement Umbrella Cooperative Agreement CDC-RFA-OT18-1803

03-28-18-U Reprogramming Duck Creek Litigation Self-Governance Carryover Funds to Litigation in the Oneida Nation v. Village of Hobart, Wisconsin (Big Apple Fest) Case

03-28-18-V Adoption of Third Amendment and the Amended and Restated Revolving Credit Note of the Oneida Nation

03-28-18-W FY 2018 ANA Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS)

04-11-18-A Dissolution of Personnel Commission, Tolling all Timelines in Personnel Related Matter, and Directing the Development of Emergency Amendments to Existing Laws

04-11-18-B Creation of the Personnel Selection Committee

04-11-18-C Capital Contribution to the Oneida Airport Hotel Corporation of $1.7 Million

04-25-18-A Proclamation of Appreciation

04-25-18-B Older Americans Month 2018

04-25-18-C Contribution to the Experience Greater Green Bay

04-25-18-D Military Service Employee Protection Act Emergency Amendments

04-25-18-E Oneida Personnel Policies and Procedures Emergency Amendments

04-25-18-F Oneida Judiciary Rules of Civil Procedure Emergency Amendments

04-25-18-G Employee Protection Policy Emergency Amendments

04-25-18-H Transition Plan for the Transfer of Hearing Authority from the Personnel Commission to the Judiciary – Trial Court

04-25-18-I Creation of the Business Unit ‘Tribal Action Plan – Office’ in the FY2018 Budget and Approving Allocation of Funding for that Purpose

04-25-18-J Support for Industrial Hemp Pilot Program 2018-2019

05-09-18-A Real Property Law Amendments

06-13-18-A Amending resolution # BC 01-24-18-A Appointment of Liaison Responsibilities for Organization Entities

06-13-18-B DOJ-OJJDP FY2018 Supporting Tribal Youth-Training and Technical Assistance and Youth Leadership Development Grant Solicitation

06-13-18-C DOJ-OVC FY2018 Enhancing Community Responses to the Opioid Crisis-Serving our Youngest Crime Victims Grant Solicitation

06-27-18-A Athrz’g a Ltd. Waiver of Sov. Imnty. Specifying Gvrn’g Law, Reauth. of a Forum for Res. of Disputes and Reaff. of Certain Contractual Rights and Duties

07-11-18-A Capital Contribution to Oneida Airport Hotel Corporation of $750,000 to Improve Parking Lots and Lighting from the Hotel Tax Fund

07-25-18-A OJJDP FY2018 Opioid Affected Youth Initiative

08-08-18-A Continuing Budget Resolution – Fiscal Year 2019

08-08-18-B Regarding Pardon of Joslin Skenandore

08-22-18-A The Oneida Retail Enterprise, Oneida Casino Travel Center will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSING LAW

08-22-18-B The Oneida Retail Enterprise, Oneida Nation Four Paths will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSING LAW

08-22-18-C The Oneida Retail Enterprise, Oneida One Stop – Larsen will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSING LAW

08-22-18-D The Oneida Retail Enterprise, Oneida One Stop – Packerland will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSING LAW

08-22-18-E The Oneida Retail Enterprise, Oneida One Stop – E & EE will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSING LAW

08-22-18-F The Oneida Retail Enterprise, Oneida One Stop – Westwind will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSING LAW

08-22-18-G The Oneida Airport Hotel Corporation will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSING LAW

08-22-18-H The Three Clans Airport, LLC will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSING LAW

08-22-18-I The Oneida Golf Enterprise Corporation for Thornberry Creek at Oneida will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSING LAW

08-22-18-J The Oneida Casino – West Mason Casino will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSING LAW

08-22-18-K The Oneida Bingo & Casino will be selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSING LAW

08-22-18-L FY 2018 Midwest Region Geographic Information System Project Bureau of Indian Affairs

09-12-18-A Appointing Delegates to the National Congress of American Indians

09-12-18-B Oneida Employee Onʌhaka·lát (White Corn) Cultural Education Days at Tsyunhéhkwʌ́

09-26-18-A Adoption of the Community Development Planning Committee Charter

09-26-18-B 2018 Intertribal Buffalo Council, Buffalo Herd Development Grant

09-26-18-C Amendments to the Comprehensive Policy Governing Boards, Committees, and Commissions 

09-26-18-D Boards, Committees, and Commissions Law Stipends 

09-26-18-E Oneida Nation’s Support of Public Breastfeeding 

09-26-18-F Rescission of the Dissolution of the Oneida Personnel Commission and Related Emergency Amendments in Accordance with General Tribal Council’s August 27, 2018 Directive 

09-26-18-G Authorizing Use of $1,500,000 from the Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund for the Purposes of Providing a 120-Day Bridge Loan to OAHC at an Interest Rate of LIBOR Plus 1%

09-28-18-A Support Indigenous Peoples Day Resolution

10-10-18-A Action by Oneida Nation as Owner of Corporate Shares

10-24-18-A Amending Resolution BC-07-26-17-J to Delay the Implementation of the Children’s Code

10-24-18-B Participation in a Nationwide Elder Needs Assessment

10-24-18-C Establishing Priority List of Services in Accordance with the Budget Management and Control Law, s. 121.5-3

10-24-18-D Regarding Pardon of Timothy Christjohn

10-24-18-E Regarding Pardon of Eleanor Swett

10-24-18-F Regarding Pardon of Randall Archiquette

11-14-18-A CY 2019 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Outagamie County

11-14-18-B CY 2019 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Brown County

11-28-18-A Oneida Nation Wildland Fire Management Plan

11-28-18-B Relocating ‘Tribal Action Plan – Office’ to Under the Supervision of a Direct Report to the Oneida Business Committee

11-28-18-C Re-Affirmation of the Independence of Oneida ESC Group, LLC

12-12-18-A FY 2019-2022 Oneida Nation Tribal Transportation Improvement Plan (TTIP) and FY 2019 TTP Retained Services Agreement (RSA)

12-12-18-B Updating and Clarifying Access to the Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development Fund

12-12-18-C Approve Changes to the Enterprise 401(k) Plan

12-12-18-D Adopt Restated Governmental 401(k) Plan


01-11-17-A Resolution to Adopt the FY 2017-2020 Oneida Nation TTIP and TTP Retained Services Agreement (RSA)

01-11-17-B Adoption of Communit Support Fund Amendments

01-11-17-C Oneida Nation Seal and Flag Law

01-13-17-A Regarding Pardon of Roxanne McDowell

01-13-17-B Regarding Pardon of Thomas Christjohn

01-25-17-A Extending the Appointment of Agent for Oneida Seven Generations Corporation Until Such Time as Dissolution

01-25-17-B Tobacco Law Amendments

01-25-17-C Landlord-Tenant Law Emergency Amendments

01-25-17-D Adoption of Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Law Amendments

01-25-17-E Resolution to Adopt Name Change Amendments to the Governmental and Enterprise 401(k) Plans

02-08-17-A Adoption of Real Property Law Amendments

02-08-17-B Conflict of Interest Law Amendments

02-08-17-C Adoption of the Budget Management and Control Law

02-08-17-D Eviction and Termination Rules Extension

02-08-17-E Landlord-Tenant Rules Extension

02-08-17-F Regarding Pardon of Richard Dickenson

02-08-17-G Regarding Pardon of Seagram Stevens

02-22-17-A FY 2017 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation Grant

02-22-17-B Support for the 2017 Summer Tribal Youth Program Grant

02-22-17-C MOU between Oneida Nation and the BIA Midwest Regional Office, Division of Fee to Trust

02-22-17-D Adoption of Per Capita Law Amendments

02-22-17-E Adoption of Amendments to the Oneida Seven Generations Corporate Charter

03-08-17-A Title VI, Parts A&C Grant Program Application

03-08-17-B Resolution to Approve One-Time Funding Request to the Tribal Justice Support Directorate, BIA

03-08-17-C Oneida Nation Seal and Flag Rules Extension

03-08-17-D Oneida Wellness Council – Exercise At Work Strategy

03-08-17-E Regarding Pardon of Marlon Skenandore

03-22-17-A EDA FY 2017 Economic Development Assistance Program

03-22-17-B Identifying Official Oneida Media Outlets

03-22-17-C Repeal of Resolution BC-12-23-09-A, Oneida Housing Authority Admissions and Occupancy Policy

03-22-17-D Regarding Pardon of Efren Rivera

03-22-17-E Adoption of the Second Amendment to the Business Committee 401(k) Savings Plan

04-03-17-A Adoption of the Second Amendment to the Public Safety Officer Pension Plan

04-12-17-A Implementing Per Capita Plan Adopted by General Tribal Council on June 13, 2016

04-12-17-B Extending the Effective Date of the Community Support Fund Law

04-12-17-C Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Law Amendments

04-12-17-D Endowments Law Amendments

04-12-17-E Adoption of 2nd Amend. and Amended and Restated Revolving Credit Note

04-25-17-A Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Amendments and Rules Extension

04-26-17-A Older Americans Month 2017

04-26-17-B Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2017

04-26-17-C Conflict of Interest Emergency Amendments

04-26-17-D Authorization of 40 Hours of Trade Back For Cash for Fiscal Year 2017

05-10-17-A 2017 Intertribal Buffalo Council, Buffalo Herd Development Grant

05-10-17-B FY 2017 Indian Community Development Block Grant

05-10-17-C Tribal Action Plan

05-24-17-A Legal Resource Center Emergency Law

06-14-17-A Real Property Law Probate Rules Extension

06-14-17-B Oneida Nation Seal and Flag Rules Second Extension

06-14-17-C Regarding Pardon of Tabitha Hill

06-28-17-A One-Time Funding – Office of Tribal Justice Support – U.S. Dept. of the BIA

06-28-17-B Domestic Animal Ordinance Amendments

06-28-17-C Adoption of the Vehicle Driver Certification and Fleet Management Law

06-28-17-D Conflict of Interest (Law) Amendments

06-28-17-E Workplace Violence Law

06-28-17-F Second Extension of the Effective Date of the Community Support Fund Law

07-03-17-A Regarding Pardon of Jennifer Wilson

07-12-17-A Amending Resolution BC-09-28-16-B to Correctly Title the Fund Economic Development, Diversification and Community Development and to Correct the Purpose

07-12-17-B Authorizing Use of $193,401.00 for the Purposes of CIP# 14-013

07-26-17-A Well Abandonment Law Amendments

07-26-17-B Tribal Environmental Response Law Amendments

07-26-17-C On-Site Waste Disposal Law Amendments

07-26-17-D Public Use of Tribal Land Law Amendments

07-26-17-E All-Terrain Vehicle Law Amendments

07-26-17-F Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Law Amendments

07-26-17-G Water Resources Ordinance Amendments

07-26-17-H Oneida Business Committee Meetings Law

07-26-17-I Landlord-Tenant Law Emergency Amendments Extension

07-26-17-J Adoption of the Children’s Code and the Nation’s Indian Child Welfare Act Policy

07-26-17-K Cemetery Law Amendments

08-09-17-A Administrative Rulemaking Law Amendments

08-09-17-B Internal Audit Law Amendments

08-09-17-C Child Care Department Consumer Complaint Law

08-09-17-D Transfer of Language Department to Oneida Nation School System

08-09-17-E Native American Business Development Institute (NABDI) Feasibility Study

08-30-17-A Appointment of Liaison Responsibilities for Organization Entities

08-30-17-B Appointing Representative to the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council

08-30-17-C Appointment to the Haskell Indian Nations University National Board of Regents

08-30-17-D Appointing Representative to Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes

08-30-17-E Appointing Delegates to the National Congress of American Indians

08-30-17-F Appointing Representatives to the National Indian Gaming Association

08-30-17-G Appointing Representative for Membership in the Native American Finance Officers Association

08-30-17-H Appointing Representative to Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustee Council

08-30-17-I Appointing Representatives for the Environmental Protection Agency Regional Tribal Operations Committee

08-30-17-J Appointing Representative to the State of Wisconsin Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations

09-13-17-A Adoption of Budget Contingency Plan in Conformance with the Budget Control and Management Law

09-13-17-B Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – OAHC Radisson

09-13-17-C Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – Wingate by Wyndham

09-13-17-D Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – Main Oneida Bingo & Casino

09-13-17-E Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – Oneida Casino Travel Center

09-13-17-F Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – OGE Thornberry

09-13-17-G Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – One Stop E & EE

09-13-17-H Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – One Stop Larsen

09-13-17-I Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – One Stop Packerland

09-13-17-J Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – One Stop Westwind

09-13-17-K Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – West Mason Street Casino

09-13-17-L Legal Resource Center

09-27-17-A Resolution Appointing Reps to Wisc Inter Tribal Repatriation Committee

09-27-17-B Setting the Strategic Plan for the 2017-2020 Term of the Oneida Business Committee

09-27-17-C Continuing Budget Resolution – Fiscal Year 2018

09-27-17-D OBC Regular Meeting Schedule for Quarterly Reports

09-27-17-E Extension of the Effective Date of Amendments to Various Laws – ERB Hearing Body Authority Transfer to Judiciary

09-27-17-F Reinstating the Oneida Tribal Regulation of Domestic Animals Ordinance

09-27-17-G Professional Conduct for Attorneys and Advocates Law

09-27-17-H Defining Comprehensive Housing Division

09-27-17-I Strategic Workforce Planning – Budget – Implementation

10-11-17-A Grant Application by Comp. Housing Division for HUD ROSS Service Coordinators Program

10-11-17-B Dissolution of Oneida Health Board in Accordance with the GTC Directive of 2-20-17

10-25-17-A Zero Suicide Initiative

10-25-17-B Trustee for the Oneida Nation Enterprise 401(k) Plan

10-25-17-C Trustee for Oneida Nation Governmental 401(k) Plan

10-25-17-D Opposition to 2017 Senate Bill 395 Regulation

10-25-17-E Fiscal Years 2019 to 2022 Triennial Strategic Fiscal Planning

10-25-17-F Third Extension of the Effective Date of the Community Support Fund Law

11-08-17-A Implementing Constitutional Amendments

11-15-17-A CY 2018 County Tribal Law Enforcement – Brown County

11-15-17-B CY 2018 County Tribal Law Enforcement – Outagamie County

12-13-17-A FY 2018-2020 Oneida Nation Tribal Transportation Improvement Plan (TTIP)

***12-13-17-B Office of Special Trustee – Sign Off Authority (In route for signatures)

12-13-17-C Creation of Acheson Education Endowment in Accordance with the Endowments Law

12-13-17-D Landlord-Tenant (Law) Amendments

12-14-17-A Resolution to Authorize New Transamerica Service Platform for Govt and Enterprise 401k Plans

12-21-17-A Four Paths Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the OABLL

12-27-17-A Amending Resolution BC-01-14-09-F (Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Exemption)

12-27-17-B Authorizing Treasurer and Secretary to Act RE Oneida Nation Excess Benefit Payment Plan and the Public Safety Officer Pension Plan

12-27-17-C Regarding Pardon of La Donna Parker 


01-13-16-A Fee to Trust Application for property located at – N6600, 6900 Blk of HWY 55 and W1800, 2000 Blk Culbertson Rd.

01-13-16-B Oneida Code of Laws Reorganization

01-13-16-C Public Use of Tribal Land Law Permanant Amendments

01-13-16-D Resolution to Restate the Business Committee 401(k) Savings Plan documents

01-13-16-E Resolution to Restate the Public Officer Safety Pension Plan document

01-27-16-A Office of Special Trustee – Sign off Authority

01-27-16-B Agreement with Wis DOT for Corridor Study on Mason ST-54

02-10-16-A Authorizing and Submitting a Grant Application to the U.S. DOJ for the FY16 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation Grant

02-10-16-B FY 2016 Cultural Resource Fund Grant

02-24-16-A Authorizing and Submitting a Grant Application to the State of WI-DNR for the 2016 Summer Tribal Youth Program Grant

02-24-16-B Administrative Procedures Act Adoption

02-24-16-C Administrative Rulemaking Law

03-09-16-A Appointing Representative to the State of WI Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations

03-09-16-B Regarding Pardon of Judith Saldana

03-09-16-C Regarding Pardon of Tammy VanDenBloomer

03-30-16-A Older Americans Month 2016

03-30-16-B Oneida Representation on Midwest Tribal Energy Resources Association Board and Support of Association’s Department of Energy Grant Application

04-13-16-A Revising the Standard Oath for Elected and Appointed Positions

04-27-16-A Resolution Approving a Government to Government Agreement for Tribal Transportation Funding and TTP Referenced Funding Agreements (RFA) FY16

04-27-16-B Election Law Emergency Amendments -with law attached

05-11-16-B Adopting the Marriage License Fee Schedule

05-11-16-A 2016 InterTribal Buffalo Council, Buffalo Herd Development Grant

05-25-16-A Adoption of Marriage Law Amendments

06-08-16-A DOJ-OJJDP FY16 Reducing Reliance on Confinement and Improving Community-Based Responses for Girls At Risk of Entering the Juvenile Justice System Grant Program

06-08-16-B Regarding Pardon of Lindsey Danforth 

06-22-16-A Native American Business Development Institute Feasibility Study Program

06-22-16-B The KeepsEagle Settlement Fund Grant Application

06-22-16-C Climate Change Grant from Bureau of Indian Affairs – Midwest Region

06-22-16-D Regarding Pardon of Thomas Lee

07-13-16-A Participation in a Nationwide Elder Needs Assessment

07-13-16-B The Economic Development Administration Program Grant

07-13-16-C Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2016

07-13-16-A Participation in a Nationwide Elder Needs Assessment

07-13-16-B The Economic Development Administration Program Grant

07-13-16-C Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2016

07-27-16-A Amending the Self-Governance Multi-Year Funding Agreement

07-27-16-B Garnishment (Law) Amendments

08-10-16-A Oneida Airport Hotel Corp. dba Radisson Inn Green Bay Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-10-16-B Oneida Bingo & Casino Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-10-16-C Oneida Golf Enterprise for Thornberry Creek at Oneida Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-10-16-D Oneida One Stop – Larsen Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-10-16-E Oneida One Stop – Packerland Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-10-16-F Oneida One Stop – E & EE Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-10-16-G Oneida One Stop – Westwind Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-10-16-H Oneida Casino Travel Center Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-10-16-I Three Clans Airport dba Wingate by Wyndham Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-10-16-J West Mason Street Casino Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-10-16-K Mortgage and Foreclosure (Law)

08-10-16-L Defining Comprehensive Housing Division in the Mortgage and Foreclosure Law

08-10-16-M Conflict of Interest Policy Emergency Amendments

08-17-16-A Oneida Nation Objecting to the Construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline and Support of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

08-24-16-A WI Dept. of Transportation (WisDOT)-Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) Project

08-24-16-B Oneida Nation 2015-2020 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan

09-14-16-A Adoption of Rules of Decorum for General Tribal Council Meetings

09-14-16-B Adoption of the Oneida Youth Leadership Institute’s Charter

09-14-16-C Regarding Pardon of Valerie Ventura

09-28-16-A Extending Multi-Year Funding Agreement – Oneida Nation and DOI – Calendar Years 2017 through 2021

09-28-16-B Assignment of Return on Investment from OTIE to Economic Development and Diversification

09-30-16-A Continuing Budget Resolution – Fiscal Year 2017

10-12-16-A Eviction and Termination Law

10-12-16-B Defining Comprehensive Housing Division in the Eviction and Termination Law

10-12-16-C Landlord-Tenant Law

10-12-16-D Defining Comprehensive Housing Division in the Landlord-Tenant Law

10-12-16-E Vendor Licensing Law Amendments

10-12-16-F Election Law Emergency Amendments Extension

10-26-16-A Back Pay Law Amendments

There is not a resolution for 10-26-16-B

10-26-16-C Leasing Law Amendments

10-26-16-D Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy Emergency Amendments

11-09-16-A Opposition to Back 40 Mine Project in Michigan

11-09-16-B Adoption of Definition and Guidance Regarding Day-to-Day

11-23-16-A CY 2017 County Tribal Law Enforcement – Outagamie County

11-23-16-B CY 2017 County Tribal Law Enforcement – Brown County

12-27-16-A Oneida Business Committee Regular Meeting Schedule

12-28-16-A Resolution to Adopt the First Amendment to the Public Safety Officer Pension Plan

12-28-16-B Resolution to Adopt the First Amendment to the Business Committee 401(k) Savings Plan



01-14-15-A Amendment of BC Resolution 09-25-81- Oneida Child Protective Board Ordinance

01-14-15-B Regarding Pardon of Ashley Blaker 

01-14-15-C Regarding Pardon of Jerry Adams 

01-14-15-D Regarding Forgiveness of Todd Hill 

01-14-15-E Regarding Pardon of Victor Reyes 

01-28-15-A Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) 

01-28-15-B OTIW 2015-2016 Transportation Improvement Plan 

02-11-15-A Budget Initiative for Fiscal Years 2016, 2017, and 2018 

02-25-15-A Administration for Children and Families – Administration for Native Americans — Native American Language Preservation and Maintenance-Esther Martinez Immersion 

02-25-15-B Administrative Procedures Act Amendments Emergency Adoption 

02-25-15-C Adoption of Amendments to remove references to the Oneida Appeals Commission pursuant to GTC Resolution 07-01-13-A 

03-25-15-A Regarding the Forgiveness of Anthony Galbraith 

03-25-15-B Take your Son_Daughter to Work Day 

03-25-15-C Rules of Appellate Procedure Amendments 

03-25-15-D Fee to Trust application for property located at N6955 VanBoxtel Rd 

03-25-15-E Fee to Trust Application for property located at 1970 Belmont Drive 

03-25-15-F Fee to Trust Application for property located at 3261 W. Mason Street 

03-25-15-G Fee to Trust Application for property located at N7284 County Rd. J 

03-25-15-H Fee to Trust Application for property located at W772 County Rd. EE 

03-25-15-I Fee to Trust Application for property located at W1927 Ray Road 

04-08-15-A 2015 Summer Tribal Youth Program Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 

04-22-15-A Older Americans Month 

04-22-15-B Oneida Nation Gaming Ordinance Emergency Amendments 

04-22-15-C Amendments to the Motor Vehicle Registration Law – Chapter 51 

04-22-15-D Adopting the Motor Vehicle Registration Fee Schedule

04-22-15-E Future Years Funding per Referenced Funding Agreements Under the Tribal Transportation Program  

04-22-15-F Appointment of Brandon Stevens, Council Member to the Haskell Board of Regents and identify Norbert Hill, Jr., as Alternate 

05-13-15-C Leasing Law 05-13-15-B Real Property Law Amendments 05-13-15-A Indian Child Welfare Act Policy 

05-13-15-D Utilities Rate Increase Resolution 

05-13-15-E Amending Resolution BC-09-24-14-D Appointment of Liaison Responsibilities for Organization Entities 

05-27-15-A Marriage Law Amendments 

05-27-15-B Adoption of Amendments to the Oneida Seven Generations Corporate Charter 

05-27-15-C Appointment of Agent to Oneida Seven Generations Corporation 

06-10-15-A Amending the Quality of Life Standing Committee Charter 

06-10-15-B Resolution for Wellness 

06-10-15-C Regarding Pardon of Jeremy Wheelock 

06-10-15-D Regarding Pardon of Kelly Braaten 

06-10-15-E Regarding Pardon of Richard Guyette 

06-10-15-F Regarding Pardon of Robert Mills 

06-24-15-A Investigative Leave Policy Amendments 

06-24-15-B Section 8 Housing Assistance Waiver of Tribal Sovereign Immunity 

06-24-15-C Generation Indigenous (Gen-I) Tribal Leadership Acceptance Challenge

06-24-15-D Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2015  

06-28-15-A Emergency Amendments to the Election Law 

07-08-15-A Adopting the Motor Vehicle Registration Fee Schedule

07-08-15-B Public Use of Tribal Lands Schedule of Citations  

07-08-15-C Public Use of Tribal Land Law Emergency Amendments 

07-08-15-D Confirming Guaranty Commitment for OTIE 

07-31-15-A DHHS_Indian Health Services Grant–Dental Preventive and Clinical Support Center Program 

08-12-15-A Recognition of Dr. Clifford Abbott 

08-12-15-B Oneida Golf Enterprises for Thornberry Creek at Oneida Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-12-15-D Three Clans Airport dba Wingate by Windham will be selling alcohol beverages in Accordance with Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-12-15-E West Mason Street Casino Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-12-15-F Oneida Bingo and Casino Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-12-15-G Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-12-15-H Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-12-15-I Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-12-15-J Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-12-15-K Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law 

08-12-15-L Amending Resolution BC-05-13-15-E Appointment of Liaison Responsibilities for Organization Entities 

08-26-15-A Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) for CY2016 and beyond through CY2020 

08-26-15-B Amending Resolution 09-29-14-A Supporting the Application for a US Dept of Energy Grant 

08-26-15-C Administrative Procedures Act Amendments Emergency Adoption Extension 

09-09-15-A Oneida Nation Gaming Ordinance Amendments 

09-09-15-B Resolution Designating Representatives for the Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Advisory Council (WTCAC) 

09-23-15-A 2015 Intertribal Buffalo Council Buffalo Herd Development Grant 

09-29-15-B Appointing Delegates to the National Congress of American Indians for FY2016 and FY2017

09-23-15-B Section 5311 (C) Tribal Transit Grant 

09-30-15-A Continuing Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2016 

11-25-15-A No Trade Back for Cash for Fiscal Year 2016

11-10-15-B Adoption of the Furlough Policy

11-10-15-A 2016-2019 Transportation Improvement Plan 

12-09-15-A Guidance for Implementing FY 2016 Budget and Developing FY 2017 and FY 2018 Budget 

12-23-15-B CY 2016 County Tribal Law Enforcement – Outagamie County

12-23-15-A CY 2016 County Tribal Law Enforcement – Brown County 


01-08-14-A CY 2014 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Brown County

01-08-14-B CY 2014 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Outagamie County

01-22-14-A Adoption of Tribal Election Fines for Campaign Restrictions

01-22-14-B Amendments to the Pardon and Forgiveness Law

02-12-14-A Designate Lauren Hartman as alternate Tribal Representative to Fee to Trust Cosortium

02-12-14-B FY14 Revised Emergency Cost Containment and Spending Restrictions

02-12-14-C Support the Family and Child Education program (FACE)

02-12-14-D Amendments to the Sovereign Immunity Law

02-26-14-A 2014 Tribal Aging and Disability Resource Specialist Grant

03-12-14-A 2014 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation Grant

03-12-14-B Ultimate Texas Hold em Rules of Play

03-12-14-C Regarding Pardon of June Czechan

03-12-14-D Regarding Pardon of George BlueBird Jr

03-12-14-E Regarding Pardon of Kelly Braaten

03-26-14-A 2014 Intertribal Buffalo Council Herd Development Grant

03-26-14-B Emergency Amendments to the Judiciary Law

03-26-14-C Extension of Emergency Amendments

03-26-14-D Adoption of Emergency Amendments to the Judiciary Law-Transistion Plan

04-09-14-A DHHS-ACF-Administration for Native Americans Social and Economic Development Strategies

04-09-14-B DHHS-ACF-Administration for Native Americans Native American Language Preservation and Maintenance

04-09-14-C 2014 Summer Tribal Youth Program Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

04-09-14-D Extension of Emergency Adoption of the Furlough Policy

04-09-14-E Family Court Rules

04-09-14-F Amendments to the Tobacco Ordinance

04-23-14-A Oneida Judiciary Rules of Evidence

04-25-14-A Oneida Judiciary Rules of Civil Procedure

04-25-14-B Oneida Judiciary Rules of Appellate Procedure

05-15-14-A OTIW 2014-2016 Transportation Improvement Plan

05-15-14-B Amendments to the Divorce, Annulment, Legal Separation Law

05-15-14-C Public Use of Tribal Land Law Adoption

05-15-14-D Public Use of Tribal Lands Schedule of Citations

05-15-14-E Amendments to the Child Custody, Placement and Visitation Law

05-15-14-F Amendments to the Paternity Law

05-15-14-G Youth Leadership Fund

05-28-14-A Clean Air Policy Amendments

05-28-14-B Removal Law Amendments

06-11-14-A Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2014

06-11-14-B Oneida Tribal Judiciary Canons of Judicial Conduct Amendments

06-11-14-C Regarding Pardon of Cliff Sundquist

06-25-14-A Support the Midwest Tribal Energy Resources Association and Grant Application with the State Energy Office

06-25-14-B Amendments to Remove Appeals Commission References

06-25-14-C Adoption of Rules of Play-Mini Baccarat and Roulette

07-23-14-A OVC FY2014 Vision 21 Tribal Community Wellness Centers-Serving Crime Victims Needs Grant Opportunity

07-23-14-B Cemetery Law Amendments

07-23-14-C Public Use of Tribal Land Law Emergency Amendments

08-13-14-A Vocational Rehabilitation Services for American Indians with Disabilities 2014-2019

08-13-14-B USDA Oneida Food Summit

08-13-14-C Back Pay Policy Amendments

08-13-14-D Investigative Leave Policy Amendments

08-13-14-E Child Support Law Amendments

08-28-14-A Authorizing an Exception – Special Election to Elect Judges – Polling Places in Oneida and Milwaukee

09-10-14-A West Mason Street Casino Selling Alcohol Beverages

09-10-14-B Oneida Bingo & Casino Selling Alcohol Beverages

09-10-14-C Oneida Golf Enterprises for Thornberry at Oneida Selling Alcohol Beverages

09-10-14-D Oneida Airport Hotel Corp dba Radisson Inn Green Bay Selling Alcohol Beverages

09-10-14-E Three Clans Airport LLC dba Wingate by Wyndham Selling Alcohol Beverages

09-10-14-F Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages – E & EE

09-10-14-G Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages – Larsen 0

9-10-14-H Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages – Packerland

09-10-14-I Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages – Oneida Casino Travel Center

09-10-14-J Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages – Westwind

09-10-14-K Authorizing and Submitting a Grant Application to the Health Division Administration

09-24-14-A Continuing Resolution for Fiscal Year 2015

09-24-14-B No Trade Back for Cash for Fiscal Year 2015

09-24-14-C Adopting Standards for the Roles and Responsibilities for Oneida Business Committee Liaison Assignments

09-24-14-D Appointment of Liaison Responsibilities for Organization Entities

09-24-14-E Appointing Delegates to the National Congress of American Indians

09-24-14-F Appointing Representative to Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes

09-24-14-G Appointing Representative to National Resource Damage Assessment Trustee Council

09-24-14-H Appointing Representative to the State of Wisconsin Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations

09-24-14-I Appointing Representative to the Tribal Technical Advisory Group

09-24-14-J Appointing Representatives for the Environmental Protection Agency Regional Tribal Operations Committee

09-24-14-K Appointing Representative to Hobart, Ashwaubenon, Lawrence, Oneida (HALO)

09-24-14-L Appointing Representative for Membership in the Native American Finance Officers Association

09-24-14-M Appointing Representatives to the National Indian Gaming Association

09-24-14-N Appointing Representative to the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council

09-24-14-O Appointing Representative on the Wisconsin Department of Corrections Religious Practices Advisory Committee

09-24-14-P Extension of Emergency Amendments to the Judiciary Law – Transition Plan

09-24-14-Q Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Personnel Policies and Procedures Regarding Job Duties and Reassignments

09-24-14-R Acknowledging the Authority of OTIE to Waive Sovereign Immunity – Allied World Assurance Agreement

09-24-14-S Acknowledging the Authority of OESC to Waive Sovereign Immunity – Allied World Assurance Agreement

09-26-14-A Regarding 3 OBC Officer Signatures to open the YD Fund at Bay Bank GB

09-29-14-A Supporting the Application for a US DOE Grant

10-08-14-A Amending Resolution BC-09-24-14-D Appointing Members to the Audit Committee

10-08-14-B Recommending Appointment of ViceChair to the NIH -TCAC

10-08-14-C Oneida Nation Gaming Ordinance Emergency Amendments

10-22-14-A Setting Supervision and Management of Direct Reports to the OBC

10-22-14-B Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine

10-22-14-C Office of Special Trustee – Sign Off Authority

10-28-14-A Amendment to GTC-01-07-13-B RE Case Acceptance by OAC as Authorized by GTC

10-28-14-B Amending Implementation Date in Resolution BC-4-25-14-A Which Adopted the Rules of Civil Procedure

10-28-14-C Amending Implementation Date in Resolution BC-4-25-14-B Which Adopted the Rules of Appellate Procedure

10-28-14-D Amending Implementation Date in Resolution BC-4-23-14-A Which Adopted the Rules of Evidence

11-12-14-A Rescinding Resolution BC-6-21-06-I Fee to Trust for the Property located at 2522 W Mason St

11-12-14-B Re-Affirmation of Core Values

11-12-14-C Proclamation RE the OTIW Commitment to the My Brothers Keeper Community Challenge

11-26-14-A CY 2015 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Brown County State of WI-DOJ

11-26-14-B CY 2015 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Outagamie County State of WI-DOJ

11-26-14-C Correcting Resolution BC-10-22-14-A Setting Supervision and Management of Direct Reports to the OBC

12-10-14-A Public Use of Tribal Land Law Amendments

12-19-14-A Rules of Appellate Procedure Emergency Amendments


01-09-13-A CY 2013 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Outagamie County

01-09-13-B CY 2013 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Brown County

01-23-13-A Fee to Trust for parcel numbers HB-1291 and HB-1297

01-23-13-B Fee to Trust Application Property Address 909 Packerland Drive

01-23-13-C Endorsement of Ernie Stevens Jr. as National Indian Gaming Association Chairman

01-23-13-D Emergency amendments to the pardon and forgiveness law

02-13-13-A 2013 Indian Community Development Block Grant

02-13-13-B Oneida Housing Authority ROSS Program

02-13-13-C Resolution to Transfer an Unknown Distribution of Docket 75 Funds held in Account JA10103

02-13-13-D Opposition to Proposed Mine(s) and Changes to State Mining Laws

02-13-13-E Amendments to the General Tribal Council Meeting Stipend Payment Policy

02-27-13-A Amendments to the Independent Contractor Policy

03-13-13-A Adoption of Schedule of Fees and Schedule of Fines Pursuant to the Oneida Zoning and Shoreland Protection Law and the Oneida Building Code

03-13-13-B FY 2013 Coordinated Tribal Solicitation Grant (CTAS)

03-27-13-A Appointment of Kathy Hughes to the Boards of Brown Cty and Outagamie Cty Aging and Disability Resource Centers

03-27-13-B Adoption of the Indian Preference in Contracting Law

03-27-13-C Support the College of Menominee Nation submitting a proposal to the U.S. Dept. of Education to support career and technical programs

04-10-13-A 2013 Intertribal Buffalo Council Herd Development Grant

04-10-13-B Regarding Pardon of Dwight Hill

04-10-13-C Regarding Pardon of Paula Ninham

04-10-13-D Regarding Forgiveness of Jared Skenandore

04-10-13-E Regarding Pardon of Darlene Longcore

04-15-13-A Temporary Amendment to Corporate Charter of Oneida Golf Enterprise to Dissolve Board of Directors and Appoint and Agent

05-08-13-A Adoption of Family Court Law

05-22-13-A Amendments to the Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Law

05-22-13-B Resolution to Add Investment Option to Elected Official Program

06-12-13-A To extend and renew the board of managers’ terms of oneida total integrated enterprises, LLC

06-12-13-B Tribal Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Deployment Assistance U.S. Department of Energy

06-12-13-C Amendments to the Oneida Room Tax Law

06-12-13-D Adoption of the Oneida Tribal Judiciary Canons of Judicial Conduct

06-12-13-E Amendments to the Marriage Law – Chapter 71

06-12-13-F Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2013

06-12-13-G Regarding forgiveness of Anthony Galbraith

06-12-13-H Regarding pardon of Tomas Escamea

06-12-13-I Regarding pardon of Presley Moore

06-12-13-J Regarding pardon of Jolene Billie

06-12-13-K Regarding pardon of Dustin Fish

07-10-13-A Extension of Emergency Amendments to the Pardon and Forgiveness Law

07-10-13-B Implementing Per Capita Plan Adopted by the GTC May 5 2013

07-10-13-C Appointment of Councilwoman Melinda J Danforth and Debra Danforth to the TTAG to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

07-10-13-D SEEDS Grant DHHS ACF – Administration for Native Americans

07-24-13-A Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – E & EE

07-24-13-B Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – Larsen

07-24-13-C Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – Packerland

07-24-13-D Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – Westwind

07-24-13-E Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – Oneida Market

07-24-13-F Oneida Retail Enterprise Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law – Travel Center

08-14-13-A Oneida Golf Enterprise for Thornberry Creek at Oneida Selling Alchohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alchohol Beverage Licensing Law

08-14-13-C Fee to Trust for tax parcel numbers-HB-1480, HB-1695-10, HB-1493-A-42, HB-1695-19, HB-1493-A-23, HB-543-3, HB-1695-20, HB-1415-1

08-14-13-D Amendments to the Per Capita Law

08-14-13-E Amendment to the Family Court Law Transistion Plan

08-14-13-F Adoption of the 2013-2014 Tribal Transportation Program Agreement between the OTIW and the US Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs

08-28-13-A Participation in Nation wide Elder Needs Assmessment Identifying our Needs A Survey of Elders

08-28-13-B Authorization to Sign-Off on Contract Health Services – Health Care Payments

08-28-13-C Amendments to the Small Business Project 2000 Policies and Procedures

08-28-13-D Regarding Pardon of Jamie Hebb

08-28-13-E Regarding Pardon of Tyler Pamanet

09-11-13-A Adoption of Interest Rate Pursuant to the Small Business Loans Law

10-09-13 A Delegate(s) to the National Congress of American Indians Annual Meeting NCAI

10-09-13-B Cemetery Law Emergency Amendments

10-09-13-D Emergency Cost Containment and Spending Restrictions Due to Federal Government Shut Down

10-15-13-A Emergency Adoption of Furlough Policy

10-17-13-A Support of Menominee Indian Tribe’s Off-Reservation Gaming Project

10-23-13-A West Mason Street Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

10-23-13-B Native Strong Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures Promising Program Grant Notah Begay III Foundation

10-23-13-C 2013 Intertribal Buffalo Council Surplus Buffalo Program

11-13-13-A Amendments to the Early Return to Work Law – Chapter 309

11-15-13-A Older American Act, Title VI

11-15-13-B Trade Back for Cash – Exception for Health Care Providers

12-11-13-A Proclamation of Oneida Nation Code Talkers Day

12-11-13-B Fee to Trust Application Property Address 2465 Oakwood Dr Green Bay WI

12-11-13-C Native Strong Healthy Kids Healthy Futures Capicity Building Grant-Notah Begay III Foundation

12-11-13-D Amendments to the Community Support Fund Policy

12-11-13-E Amendments to the Oneida Trust Scholarship Policy

12-11-13-F Amendments to the Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace policy

12-11-13-G Regarding Pardon of Antonio Hernandez

12-11-13-H Regarding Pardon of Kevin House

12-11-13-I Regarding Pardon of Patricia Thomas

12-11-13-J Regarding Pardon of Sherry Skenandore

12-11-13-J Regarding Pardon of Wayne Leutjen

12-24-13-A Reorganization of Oneida Seven Generations Corporation


01-11-12-A renewal of bank of america, n.a. credit agreement

01-25-12-A Establish Oneida Housing Authority (OHA) HUD income limits

01-25-12-B Grant application to ANA and SED

02-08-12-A Amendment to corporate charter of the Oneida Seven Gens Corporation

02-22-12-A Amending Oneida Seven Generations Corporation charter regarding registered agent

03-14-12-A Grant application to United States Department of Labor Workforce Innovation Fund

03-14-12-B Grant application by OHA to 202 ROSS Service Coordinators Program

03-14-12-C Creation of Business Entity Oneida ESC Group, LLC

03-28-12-A Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)

03-28-12-B Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Indian Preference Law

03-28-12-C Division Directors and the Grievance Process

04-11-12-A 2012 Coordinated Tribal Grant Solicitation (CTAS)

04-25-12-A Fireworks Display for Taste of Oneida 2012

04-25-12-B Fee to Trust Property address 1200 Block Crestwood Drive

04-25-12-C Fee to Trust Property address W200 Blk County Road S

04-25-12-D Fee to Trust Property address W1100 Block Reformatory Road

04-25-12-E Independent Contractor Policy Emergency Amendments

05-09-12-A Emergency Amendment to the General Tribal Council Meeting Stipend Payment Policy

05-09-12-B Adoption of Per Capita Law Amendments

05-23-12-A Fee to Trust Property Address W1400 Block Hwy 54 and County Rd H

05-23-12-B Rescinding resolution BC-11-24-10-C Regarding Sole Source Contracting for Oneida and Indian Owned Businesses

05-23-12-C Adoption of the Vendor Licensing and Permitting Regulation, OGC R#1

06-13-12-A Commitment to Support Implementation of Oneida Governance Analysis Action Plans by December 31, 2013

06-13-12-B Fee to Trust Property address W2700 Block of County Rd EE

06-13-12-C Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2012

06-27-12-A F2Trust application property address N4200 Block of County Rd U

06-27-12-B Dedication of carry-over funds from prior year head start before and after program

06-27-12-C Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Room Tax Law

06-27-12-D Setting the Oneida Room Tax Rate

07-11-12-A Native American Bank Authorization for Accounts, Signers, Powers Granted and Limitations

07-25-12-A Amendment to the Wells Fargo Account Agreement Documentation Authorized Signers Certification

07-25-12-B Autonomous Human Resource Structure and Reporting

08-08-12-A FY 2012 Second Chance Act Supplemental Funding U.S. Department of Justice-Bureau of Justice Assistance

08-22-12-A Tribal Wildlife Grant U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

09-12-12-A Per Capita Law Emergency Amendments

09-12-12-B Adoption of the Tribal Environmental Response Law

09-12-12-C Extension of Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Indian Preference Law

09-12-12-D Principles of Sovereignty and Discussion Draft of Indian Country Amendments to any Internet Gaming Legislation

09-26-12-A Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin Long Range Transportation Plan Inventory Update

09-26-12-B Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin 2012-2014 Transportation Improvement Plan

09-26-12-C Delegate(s) to the NCAI Annual Meeting

09-26-12-E Self-Governance Multi-Year Funding Agreement

09-26-12-F Indigenous People’s Day

10-10-12-A Self monitoring policy

10-10-12-B Extension of emergency amendments to the independent contractor policy

10-10-12-C Amendments to the child support law

10-10-12-D Amendments to the paternity law

10-24-12-A Fee to Trust Application Property Address W600 Blk of Reformatory Rd., N8000 Blk of Olson Rd. and C.T.H. U

10-24-12-B Extension of Emergency Amendments to the GTC Meeting Stipend Payment Policy

10-24-12-C Memorandum of Understanding between the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin and the BIA Midwest Regional Office, Division of Fee to Trust

12-12-12-A 2013 Administration for Children and Families-Social Economic Development Strategies

12-12-12-B Fee to trust for parcel number 253689 11.28-1-6

12-12-12-C Fee to Trust Application Property Address W1000 Block of Old Seymour Road

12-12-12-D Extension of Emergency Amendments Room Tax Law

12-18-12-A First Amendment to the Oneida Tribe of Indians of WI Enterprise 401K Plan


01-26-11-A Amending the Corp Charter of Oneida Seven Gens Corporation

01-26-11-B Amending the Corporation Charter of Oneida Airport Hotel Corporation

01-26-11-C Amending the Corporate Charter for Oneida Enterprise Development Authority

01-26-11-D Amending the Corporate Charter for Oneida Golf Enterprise Corporation

01-26-11-E Amending the Corporate Charter for Oneida Nation Electronic, Inc

01-26-11-F Amending the Articles of Organization for Oneida Total Integrated Enterprises, LLC

01-26-11-G Early Return to Work Amendments

01-26-11-H Approve Restatement of Tribal Retirement Plans and Authorize IRS Determination Letter Applications

02-09-11-A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds and Related Matters

02-09-11-B Endorsement of Ernie Stevens, Jr. as NIGA Chairman

02-09-11-C Regarding pardon of Sheila Shawanokasic

02-23-11- A First Steps toward Developing Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency on Tribal Lands U.S. Department of Energy

02-23-11-B Support the 2011 Indigenous NAIG in WI

02-23-11-C Resolution Designating the Oneida Life Insurance Plan Plus as a General Welfare Program

02-23-11-D Extention of Emergency Amendments to the Personnel Policies and Procedures on Trade-Back for Cash of Personal and Vacation Time

02-23-11-E Emergency Amendments to Address Guardians Ad Litem Appointments and Conflicts of Interest

02-23-11-F Thomas Doxtator pardon

03-09-11-A Environmental Regulatroy Enhancement Grant Administration for Native Americans US Dept of HHS

03-09-11-B Comprehensive Anti-gang Strategies and Programs Grant US Dept of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program

03-09-11-C Approval to Transfer Funds from the Self-Governance Emergency Reserve Account to cover program shortfalls as a result of the Economic Downturn

03-09-11-D Energy Efficiency Development and Development in Indian Country US Dept of Energy

03-09-11-E Regarding Pardon of Robert Bloedorn

03-09-11-F Regarding Pardon of Tamar Cornelius

03-09-11-G Regarding Pardon of Tanya Hernandez

03-09-11-H Regarding Pardon of Brian Ninham

03-09-11-I Regarding Pardon of Dustin Teller

03-23-11-B Administration for Native Americans – Social and Economic Development Strategies

03-23-11-A Voluntary Severance Law Emergency Adoption

03-23-11-C Renewable Energy Topic Area 3 – Development of a Renewable Energy Project for Power Production by Oneida Seven Generation

03-23-11-D Extension of Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Pardon Ordinance to Change the Composition of the Pardon Screening Committee

03-23-11-E Adoption of Building Code

03-28-11-A Appointing Reliance Trust Company to act as Trustee for the Oneida Tribe of Indians of WI Enterprise 401 (k) Plan

03-28-11-B Appointing Reliance Trust Company to act as Trustee for the Oneida Tribe of Indians of WI Governmental 401 (k) Plan

04-01-11-A Supporting Ernie Stevens, Jr., as Chairman of the National Indian Gaming Association

04-05-11-A Appointment of Representatives to the National Indian Gaming Associaion (NIGA)

04-13-11-A Oneida Tribe of Indians of WI 2012-2014 Transportation Improvement Plan

04-13-11-B Supporting Ernie Stevens Jr. as Chairman of the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA)

04-13-11-C Appointment of Representatives to the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA)

04-13-11-D Emergency Amendments to the Child Custody, Placement and Visitation Law to Adress Moving and Extended Removal of a Child

04-13-11-E Amendments to Zoning and Shoreland Protection Law

04-13-11-F Reinstating the Personal Day Accumulation Rate under the Personnel Policies and Procedures

04-27-11-A FY2011 Inter-Tribal Buffalo Council Herd Development Grant

05-11-11-A Establish Tuberculosis Control Program

05-11-11-B Reservation of Chapters – Oneida Code; Education Code

05-25-11-A-Pardon and Forgiveness Law Adoption

05-25-11-B- Emergency Adoption Vendor Licensing and Permitting Regulations, OGC R#1

05-25-11-C Authorization of Temporary Exception Probationary Period Requirement Personnel Policies Oneida School Teacher

06-08-11-A Henry Road Elder Village Infrastructure

06-08-11-B Revenue Allocation Plan FY2011

06-08-11-C Adoption of the social media policy

06-08-11-D Per capita ordinance emergency amendments

06-08-11-E Quality of Life standing committee creation and adoption of charter

06-22-11-A Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Epidemiology Center

06-22-11-B Indian Reservation Road Program Transfer of Road Right-of-way Green Valley Subdivision

06-22-11-C Tribal Energy and Mineral Development Program (EMDP) Grant

06-22-11-D Endorsing the Reclassificaiton of United States Highway 41 (USH 41) To Interstate Highway 55 (I-55)

06-22-11-E Recognize Oneida Private Sector as a chamber of commerce for businesses owned by member of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin

06-22-11-F Supporting the Initiatives of the United League of Indigenous Nations

06-22-11-G Oneida Tribal Regulation of Domestic Animals Ordinance Amendments

06-22-11-H Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Law Emergency Amendments

06-22-11-I Amendments to Child Custody, Placement, and Visitation Law to Address Guardians Ad Litem Appointments and Conflicts of Interest

06-22-11-J Amendments to Paternity Law to Address Guardians Ad Litem Appointments and Conflicts of Interest

06-22-11-K Amendments to Child Support Enforcement Law to Address Guardians Ad Litem Appointments and Conflicts of Interest

06-22-11-L Regarding Pardon of Michelle Foote Four Souls

07-13-11-A Supporting the Brown County Kids Count 54218 Program and Kids Count Task Force initiatives for healthy kids

07-13-11-B Approving limited waiver of sovereign immunity for pledge agreement between Oneida Trust Committee and Northern Trust Company

07-13-11-C Judiciary Law

07-13-11-D Amendments to the child custody, placement and visitation law to address moving and extended removal of a child

07-13-11-E Zoning and Shoreland protection law amendments-Nuisance provisions

07-27-11-A Continuing to operate in FY 2012

07-27-11-B Regarding pardon of Jeffery Silas

07-27-11C Regarding pardon of Amanda Owens

07-27-11-D Regarding pardon of Robintina Dickenson

07-27-11-E Regarding pardon of Patrick Mencheski Sr.

08-10-11-A Affordable Care Act Tribal Personal Responsibility Education Program for Teen Pregnancy Prevention

08-10-11-B Tribal Wildlife Grant U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

08-10-11-C Regarding Pardon of Patrick Mencheski Jr.

08-10-11-D Regarding pardon of Douglas Schmidt

08-10-11-E Regarding pardon of Donald Metoxen Jr.

08-10-11-F Oneida retail enterprise selling alcohol beverages in accordance with the Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

09-14-11-A Fee to Trust former Robert L. Peterson aka Robert C. Peterson and Sharon Peterson property

09-14-11-B Resolution designating representatives for the EPA Regional Tribal Operations Committee

09-14-11-C Delegate(s) to the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)

09-14-11-D Appointment of the representatives to the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA)

09-28-11-A NRDA Trustee Council Representatives

09-28-11-B Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin’s resolution in support of the Tribal Clean Energy Resource Center Proposal

09-28-11-C Designate Oneida Social Services Child Care for Self-Sufficiency Program as Lead Agency

09-28-11-D Rescinding resolution BC-8-2-00-B

09-28-11-E Interim removal of the position of General Manager and the permanent removal of the position of Assistant General Manager

09-28-11-F Exchange of banked hours for oneida gift cards

10-04-11-A Emergency Amendments to Grievance Process

10-04-11-B Setting Interim Division Director Authority

10-12-11-A Endorsement of a Community-Employee Wellness Initiative

10-12-11-B Rescinding and replacing BC resolution 2-20-08-C regarding government to government relations with the Village of Hobart

10-26-11-A U.S. Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistance Grant

10-26-11-B Reaffirming BC-9-14-94-B, Prohibiting Severance Payments

10-26-11-C Prohibiting weapons on Tribal Public Property

10-26-11-D Regarding pardon of Kenton King

10-26-11-E Regarding pardon of Shane Skenandore

10-26-11-F Regarding pardon of William Jourdan

10-26-11-G Regarding pardon of Glenn Biddell

10-26-11-H Regarding pardon of Randall Denny

10-26-11-I Regarding pardon of Carlos Cantu

10-26-11-J Regarding pardon of Tyler Torres

10-26-11-K Fifth Amendment to Credit Agreement

11-09-11-A Fee to Trust Former PRSD Corporation Property

11-09-11-B Fee to Trust Former Maple Leaf Builders and Development, LLC, Property

11-09-11-C Regarding Ownership and Maintenance of Certain Tribal Roads

11-09-11-D Extension of Emergency Adoption of the Vendor Licensing and Permitting Regulations, OGC R#1

11-09-11-E Per Capita ordinance emergency amendments extension

12-14-11-A Uskah Village Infrastructure Project

12-14-11-B Office of Special Trustee – Sign Off Authority

12-14-11-C CY 2012 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Brown County State of Wisconsin-Department of Justice

12-14-11-D CY 2012 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Outagamie County State of Wisconsin-Department of Justice

12-14-11-E Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Law Amendments

12-21-11-A The sixth amendment to credit agreement with bank of america


01-27-10-A ARRA Oneida Indian Reservation Rd Projects Rolling Hills Subdivision Reconstruction PL 93-638 Contract

01-27-10-B Amendments to the Alcohol Beverage Licensing law

02-10-10-A Independent Living Council of Wisconsin

02-10-10-B Adoption of Children’s Burial Fund Policy

02-24-10-A Pilot Initiative to Establish Executive Session Discussion Meeting April through June 2010

02-24-10-B Former CONOPCO, Inc., a New York corp. (successor by merger of the Gold Bond Ice Cream, Inc. Good Humor Corp. a Delaware corp. Property)

02-24-10-C Approval to Transfer Funds from the Self-Governance Emergency Reserve Account to Cover Program Shorfalls as a Result of the Economic Downturn

02-24-10-D FY2010 Second Chance Act Adult and Juvenile Offender Reentry Demonstration Project Grant

02-24-10-E Oneida Tribal Secretary and Web Site Governance

02-24-10-F Amendments to the Paternity Law

02-24-10-G Amendments to the Child Support Law

02-24-10-H Amendments to the Child Custody, Placement, and Visitation Law

02-24-10-I Clean Air Policy Amendments

02-24-10-J Regarding Pardon of Roderick Sommers-Grant

02-24-10-K Regarding Pardon of Douglas A. Schmidt-Deny

02-24-10-L Regarding Pardon of Theresa Gutierrez-Grant

02-24-10-M Ninth Amendment to the Oneida Tribe of WI Retirement Savings and 401(k) Plan

03-10-10-A ARRA Oneida Indian Reservation Rd Maintenance Projects PL 93-638 Contract

03-10-10-B Dept. of Justice Office of Violence Against Women Enhanced Traing and Services to End Violoence Against and Abuse of Women Later in Life Program FY2010

03-10-10-C Business Committee Spending Control for FY 2010

03-24-10-A Dept of Health and Human Services Admin for Children and Families Language Preservation

03-24-10-B Affirming Guaranty Commitment for OTIE

03-24-10-C Support for First Lady Michelle Obama’s Raising Healthy Families Philosophy and the Let’s Move Campaign

03-26-10-A Continuing Resolution Extending Spending Restrictions and Cost Containment For the Second Half of FY2010

04-14-10-A LZ Lambeau-Viet Nam Veterans Tribute and Welcome Home

04-14-10-B Emg Amendment to the Personnel Policies and Procedures to Strengthen Indian Preference in Hiring

04-14-10-C Ext of Amendments to the Parent Policy Leave and Reguiring Use of Personal, Vacation, or Flex Time

04-28-10-A FY2010 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation U.S. Dept. of Justice

04-28-10-B Oneida Youth Council

04-28-10-C Extension of Emergency Adoption of the Local Land Use Regulation Reimbursement Policy

04-28-10-D Delegation of Authority Over Certain Tribal Properties in NY to the Land Commission

04-28-10-E Amendments to the Real Property Law

04-28-10-F Adoption of the Marriage Law

04-28-10-G Adoption of the Divorce, Annulment, Legal Separtation Law

04-28-10-H Extension of the Emergency Amendments to the Pesonnel Policies and Procedures Relating to Vacation and Personnal Day Accumulation

05-12-10-A Oneida Gang Prevention Task Force

05-12-10-B Injury Prevention Program Grant US Dept of HHS IHS

05-12-10-C Fee to Trust for the Former Harold M and Arlyn M Erickson Property

05-12-10-D Fee to Trust for the Former Reuel J and Faye P Robertson and Randall L and Jean A Robertson Property

05-12-10-E Fee to Trust for the Former Frank Sausen Property

05-12-10-F Fee to Trust for the Former Lois M. Metoxen Property

05-12-10-G Fee to Trust for the Former Bruce E and Gene Gonnering Property

05-12-10-H Fee to Trust for the Former Peter H and Toni R Baumann Property

05-12-10-I Extension of Emergency Amendments to the Comprehensive Policy Governeing Boards, Committees, Commissions to Disallow Stipend Increases, Conferences-Training

05-12-10-J Regarding Pardon of Joseph Arce-Granted

05-12-10-K Regarding Pardon of Faron Beilke-Granted

05-12-10-L Regarding Pardon of Gilbert Blaker-Granted

05-12-10-M Regarding Pardon of Eugene Cleveland-Granted

05-12-10-N Regarding Pardon of Donna Galvan-Granted

05-12-10-O Regarding Pardon of Victoria Matson-Granted

05-12-10-P Regarding Pardon of Joseph Metoxen-Granted

05-12-10-Q Regarding Pardon of Lillian Wheelock-Granted

05-12-10-R Proclamation of Appreciation 05-12-10-S Proclamation of Appreciation

05-26-10-A DHHS IHS Office of Clinical and Preventive Services Elder Care Initiative

05-26-10-B NRDA Trustee resolution

05-26-10-C Oneida Tribe of WI Emergency Response Plan

05-26-10-D Oneida Tribe of WI Multi-Hazards Mitigation Plan 2010-2015

05-26-10-E Fireworks Display for Taste of Oneida, 2010

06-09-10-A Oneida Tribe 2010-2011 Transportation Improvement Plan

06-09-10-B Regarding Pardon of Lorenzo Funmaker

06-09-10-C Regarding Pardon of Joshua Matson

06-23-10-A Authorization to Sign-Off on Children’s Burial Fund Payments

06-23-10-B Dept of Int BIA Energey Mineral Dev Program Office of Indian Energy and Economic Dev

06-23-10-C Revenue Allocation Play FY 2010

06-23-10-D Request for Waiver for OGMICR 6-13 (d)

06-23-10-E Executive Session Discussion Meeting

06-23-10-F Amendments to the Back Pay Policy

06-23-10-G Emergency Amendments to the Zoning and Shoreland and Protection Law

07-14-10-A Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Agreement

07-28-10-A Resolution Opposing the Use of Race-Based Mascot Images

07-28-10-B Preliminary Limited Offering Memorandum

08-11-10-A Resolution in Support of the Seminary Rd and Hwy 54 Roundabout

08-26-10-A Tribal Wildlife Grant U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

08-26-10-B FY2010 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative BIA

08-26-10-C Fee to Trust Application for the Former Peter H. Bauman and Toni R. Bauman Property

08-26-10-D Fee to Trust Application for the Former Bruce E. Gonnering and Gene Gonnering Property

08-26-10-E Feet to Trust Application for the Former Frank J. Sausen Property

08-26-10-F Approval to Transfer Funds from the Self-Governance Emergency Reserve Account

08-26-10-G Adoption of Rules of Play; Blackjack, Minibaccarat, Three Card Poker, Four Card Poker, Craps, Let it Ride and Roulette

08-26-10-H Annual Funding Agreement Negotiated w the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Indian Affairs for CY 2011 and CY 2012

08-26-10-I Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Law Amendments

09-08-10-A Resident Centered Care Community – Project Implementation Team Stipends

09-08-10-B Adoption of the Local Land Use Regulation Reimbursement Policy

09-08-10-C Emergency Amendments to the Personnel Policies and Procedures on Trade-Back for Cash of Personal and Vacation Time

09-08-10-D Suspension of Anytime and Emergency Trade-Back for Cash and Limiting Annual Trade-Back for Cash of Personal and Vacation Time

09-22-10-A Adopting the East Central WI Mutual Aid Compact fro County Tribal Emergency Management Assistance

09-22-10-B Title VI Grants for Native Americans Part A C US Dept of HHS, Administration on Aging

09-22-10-C Comprehensive Policy Governing Boards, Committees and Commissions Amendments

09-22-10-D Extension of Emergency Amendment to the Personnel Policies and Procedures to Strenghten Indian Preference in Hiring

09-29-10-A Temporary Membership Change of the Pardon Screening Committee

09-29-10-B Voluntary Severance Pay Law Emergency Adoption

09-29-10-C Resolution Designating Representatives for the EPA Regional Tribal Operations Committee

10-13-10-A Support Ron Tehassi Hill Jr. Serving on the WI Bioenergy Council

10-13-10-B Encouraging Tribal Employees to Particpate in Political Process

10-13-10-C Resume Employer Matching Contributions to the Tribal Retirement Plans

11-4-10-A National Congress of American Indians E-Poll

11-10-10-A Bike Hub Community Building Grant Application

11-10-10-C Emergency Management Homeland Security Agency Deputation Agreement

11-10-10-D Amendments to the Personnel Policies ans Procedures Relating to Vacation and Personal Day Accumulation

11-10-10-E Authorizing Engagement Letter and PLOM Regarding Bonding

11-10-10-F Request to Call Secretarial Election for Five Constitutional Amendments Approved by the GTC on Aug 21, 2010

11-24-10-A CY 2011 Cty Tribal Law Enforcement – Outagamie County State of WI Dept of Justice

11-24-10-B CY 2011 Cty Tribal Law Enforcement – Brown County State of WI Dept of Justice

11-24-10-C Sole Source Contracting for Oneida and Indian-owned Businesses

11-24-10-D Regarding Pardon of Rafael Alicea – grant

11-24-10-E Regarding Pardon of Kristin P. Kramer – deny

11-24-10-F Regarding Pardon of Klinton Krenzke – deny

11-24-10-G Regarding Pardon of Jennifer McVey – grant

11-24-10-H Regarding Pardon of William J. Melchert – grant

11-24-10-I Regarding Pardon of Scott A. Morgan – grant

11-24-10-J Regarding Pardon of Clyde J. Ninham – grant

11-24-10-K Regarding Pardon of Santia Ninham – deny

11-24-10-L Regarding Pardon of Becky Stevens – grant

12-08-10-A Extension of Emergency Amendments to the Zoning and Shoreland Protection Law

12-08-10-B Supporting Oneida Seven Generations and Oneida Energy in the Development of the Waste-to-Energy Project

12-29-10-A Authorizing Engagement Letter and Revised PLOM Regardning Bonding

12-29-10-B Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds and Related Matters


01-14-09-A Resolution in Support of Councliman Brandon Stevens appointment to Board of Regents Haskell Indian Nations University

01-14-09-B Oneida Child Protective Board Appointment of Lois Strong, Beverly Anderson and Shirley Barber

01-14-09-C Authorizing Moving the BDU Reporting of the CFO

01-14-09-D Definition of Oversight

01-14-09-E Adoption of Amendments to the Burial Law

01-14-09-F Motor vehicle fuel tax exemption for all Oneida Tribal members

01-14-09-G Reservation of Chapters Oneida Code Employment Relations

01-14-09-H Adopting the Corporate Charter of Oneida Golf Enterprise

01-14-09-I Approval to enter into term note B re TCGC (Thornberry) and prop

01-28-09-A To move Law Office as a Direct Report to OBC

01-28-09-B Encourage Tribal employees to Participate in Political Process

01-28-09-C Pardon of Todd Metoxen Granting

01-28-09-D Grant Pardon of Gerald L. Skenandore

01-28-09-E Pardon of Lola Skenandore Granting

01-28-09-F Pardon of Shane Skenandore Granting

01-28-09-G Pardon of Aga Webster Granting

01-28-09-H Deny pardon for Elizabeth L. Denny

01-28-09-I Deny pardon for Bruce Dickenson

01-28-09-J Approving a Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity for Northern Trust Company Master Custody Agreement

02-11-09-A Natural Resource Damage Assessment Trustee (NRDA)

02-11-09-B Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prev

02-25-09-A Intergrated Resource Mgmt Plan U.S. Dept. of Int BIA

02-25-09-B Eviron Reg. Enhancement Grant Adm for Native Amer

02-25-09-C Appr of 2009 Financial Srvcs Engagement Letter Dev Agreement Pwr Plnt Ent LLC

02-25-09-D Appr Oneida Tribe as Guarantor for OGE and Bay Bank

03-11-09-A Endorsement of Ernie Stevens Jr NIGA chair

03-25-09-A Former Dwayne Dian Schneekloth Property

03-25-09-B Fed recogn support for Lumbee Tribe of NC

03-25-09-C Amending Corp. Charter of OGE Corp

04-08-09-A Take an Elder to Lunch Week

04-08-09-B Fireworks Display for the 2009 Family Carnival

04-08-09-C Energy Efficient Development of Tribal Lands US

04-08-09-D White Bison Wellbriety Journey for Forgiveness

04-22-09-A Amendments to the Per Capita Ordinance

04-30-09-A Emergency Adoption of Amendments to the Emergency Management Law

05-13-09-A Former Donald and Donna Geise Property

05-13-09-B Support for the Codification of the ICWA into Wis Law

05-13-09-C Supporting the New Duck Creek Bridge

05-13-09-D U.S. Dept of the Interior BIA Office of Facilities Magnmet and Construction

05-13-09-E Repeal of the Oneida Boxing Ordinance

05-13-09-F Adoption of Amendments to the Emer Management Law

05-13-09-G Identifying Quarantinable Diseases

05-13-09-H Authorizing a Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity for a Hardware and Software Purchase and License Agreement with Bally Gaming

05-15-09-A Regarding Pardon of Robintina Dickenson-Deny

05-15-09-B Regarding Pardon of Suzette Beau-Granting

05-15-09-C Regarding Pardon of Richard Laes-Granting

05-15-09-D Regarding Pardon of Edward Pero-Granting

05-15-09-E Regarding Pardon of Peril Huff-Granting

05-15-09-F Regarding Pardon of Samuel Kolosso-Granting

05-15-09-G Regarding Pardon of Russell Stevens-Deny

05-27-09-A Former Reuel J, Faye, Randall, Jean A. Robertson Property

05-27-09-B American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Oneida Indian Res Road Projects

05-27-09-C U.S. States National Archives and Records Admin Digitizing Historical Records

05-27-09-D Reaffirming Approval the Guaranty and Subordination Agreement with M and I Bank on behalf OTIE

06-10-09-A Energy Efficiency

06-10-09-B Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative Grant

06-10-09-C Office of Juvenile and Delinquency Prevention FY2009-2012 Gang Prevention Youth Mentoring Program

06-10-09-D Dept. of Health and Human Services Indian Health

06-10-09-E School Board Candidate NISBA

06-10-09-F Feasibility Study for Development of Wind, Solar, Biomass Resources

06-10-09-G Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity for a Major Account Sales Agreement between Oneida Tribe and Micros Systems, Inc

06-10-09-H Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity for a Non Disclosure Agreement between Oneida Tribe and Micros Systems, Inc

06-10-09-I 2009 Revenue Allocation Plan

06-24-09-A Approving a Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity for A Premium Stabilization Fund Agreement

06-24-09-B Adoption of the Child Support Law and Accompanying Rules

06-24-09-C Adoption of the Paternity Law

06-24-09-D Adoption of the Child Custody, Placement, and Visitation Law

06-24-09-E Amendments to the Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Law

06-24-09-F Authorizing a Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity for a Guarantee of the First Ground Lease Ext

07-01-09-A Objection to Village of Hobart’s Requirement that the VFW Obtain a Building Permit for the VFW Project

07-08-09-A Dept of Health and Human Services Indian Health Services Health Promotion and Diesease Prevention

07-08-09-B Resolution to Declare Official Intent Under Reimbursement Bond Regulations

07-08-09-C Emergency Amendment to the Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-22-09-A WI Office of Justice Assitance Juvenile Disproportionate Minority Contact 2009-12

07-22-09-B ONVAC Paid Time for Selected Color Guard Members Who Are Employees

08-12-09-A Oneida Tribe of Indians of WI Tribal Transportation Improvement Plan

08-12-09-B Authorizing a Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity Specifying Governing Law

08-12-09-C Addendum to Oneida Tribal FY 2009 Funding Agreement ARRA Funds

08-12-09-D Annual Funding Agreement Negotiated w the Dept. of the Interior’s BIA for Calender Yr 2010

08-12-09-E Self-Governance Multi-Year Funding Agreement

08-12-09-F Authorize Oneida Appeals Commission to Order Delayed Filing of Marriage Certificates Issued by the Oneida Tribe of Indians of WI

08-12-09-G First Amendment to Letter of Credit and Reimbursement Agreement Bank of America

08-12-09-H Third Amendment to Loan Agreement for Tax Exempt Notes Bank of America

08-12-09-I Fourth Amendment to Credit Agreement Bank of America

08-26-09-A Tribal Wildlife Grant U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

08-26-09-B Authorizing Moving Emergency Management, Self Governance, and Ombudsman Reporting to the GM

08-26-09-C Resolution to Declare Official Intent Under Reimbursement Bond Regulations infrastructure improvment Radisson

09-09-09-A Appointment of Jeanette Ninham and Carol Silva to the Oneida Child Protective Board

09-09-09-B Reserving Chapters under the Oneida Code of Laws for the New York Lands

09-09-09-C Amending BC Resolution 11-26-08-C Financing OTIE LLC Acquisition of TN Assoc, Inc

09-23-09-a Resolution to Declare Official Intent Under Reimbursement Bond Regulations Oneida Resident Care Community

09-23-09-B Continuing to operate in FY 2010-2012

09-23-09-C Emergency Resolution Implementing Spending Restrictions and Cost Containment For the First Six Months of FY 2010 (FY 2010-2012 Budget Cycle)

09-23-09-D Adoption of Oneida Nation Gaming Ordinance (ONGO) Amendments

09-23-09-E Repeal of the Burial Endowment Fund Policy

09-23-09-F Emergency Adoption of Children’s Burial Fund Policy

10-06-09-A National Congress of American Indians

10-14-09-A American Indian Alaska Native Health Research Advisory Council

10-14-09-B Open Records and Open Meetings Law Amendments

10-14-09-C Regarding Pardon of Tammy Rosa-grant

10-14-09-D Regarding Pardon of Cody Cornelius-deny

10-14-09-E Regarding Pardon of Lila M. Denny – Granted

10-14-09-F Regarding Pardon of Ricky Storzer Jr.-deny

10-14-09-G Regarding Pardon of Georgina Funmaker-grant

10-14-09-H Regarding Pardon of Michael Smith-deny

10-14-09-I Regarding Pardon of Lianne Dennis-deny

10-14-09-J Regarding Pardon of Terry Pamanet-deny

10-14-09-K Regarding Pardon of Lee R. Skenandore – Denied

10-14-09-L Regarding Pardon of Diana Brabbs-deny

10-14-09-M Regarding Pardon of Lyn Lucas-grant

10-28-09-A Amendment to Emergency Resolution Implementing Spending Restrictions and Cost Containment for the First Six Months of FY 2010

10-28-09-B US Dept. of Health and Human Services Indian Health Services Spec Diabetes Programs

10-28-09-C Emergency Adoption of Local Land Use Regulations Reimbursement Policy

10-28-09-D Emergency Amendment to the Paternity Law

10-28-09-E Emergency Amendment to the Child Support Law

10-28-09-F Emergency Amendment to the Child Custody, Placement, and Visitation Law

10-28-09-G Memorandum of Understanding between the Oneida Tribe and BIA Midwest Regional Office, Division of Fee to Trust

11-12-09-A Emergency Amendment to the Personnel Policies and Procedures Relating to Vacation and Personal Day Accumulation

11-12-09-B Parental Leave and Requiring Use of Personal or Vacation Time

11-12-09-C Emergency Amendment to the Comprehensive Policy Governing Boards, Committees and Commission to Address Stipends

11-12-09-D Appointed Boards, Committee and Commission and a Maximum of $50 Stipends for Remainder of Fiscal Year 2010

11-12-09-E Suspension of Trade-Back for Cash for Fiscal Year 2010

11-12-09-F Resolution to Suspend Employer Matching Contributions to the Tribal Retirement Plans

11-25-09-A Amendment to resolution 11-12-09-D Boards,Committees, and Comissions stipends for FY10

11-25-09-B BC 3 percent Cost Containtment temporary wage reduction

11-25-09-C Disconitnuation of Evening Reports

11-25-09-D Office of Special Trustee Sign off Authority

11-25-09-E CY2010 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant Outagamie County

11-25-09-F CY2010 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant – Brown County

11-25-09-G Litigation defending continued existence of the Oneida reservation

12-23-09-A Oneida Housing Authority Admissions and Occupancy Policy

12-30-09-A Amendments to the Trust Scholarship Fund Policy

12-30-09-B Eight & Fourth amendment to Trib’es retirement savings 401(k) plan


01-09-08-A Title VI Grants for Native Americans, Part A & C

01-09-08-B Extension of Adoption of Emergency Amendments to Oneida Housing Ordinance

01-09-08-C Authorization to Enter into NEW PSPC Agreement regarding State Grant Funding

01-23-08-A Emergency Amendments to Policy & Procedures for DPW Snow & Ice Removal

02-06-08-A Tribal Courts Assistance Program Grant-Enhancing the Operation of Tribal Courts

02-06-08-B Fee to Trust former H. H. DeCaster, Lloyd Meacham, et al

02-20-08-A Fireworks Display for Family Carnival 2008

02-20-08-B U.S. DOI, BIA Integrated Resource Management Plan

02-20-08-C Government-to-Government Relations with the Village of Hobart

02-20-08-D Pardon of Sandra Gonzales

02-20-08-E Pardon of Debbie Bautista

02-20-08-F Pardon of James Vaughn

02-20-08-G Authorizing Entering into Subordination Agreement Re Hotel Corp

03-05-08-A DHHS Category II Native Language Project Planning Grant

03-19-08-A Take an Elder to Lunch Week-June 2-6, 2008

03-19-08-B Pardon of Juanita Powless

03-19-08-C Pardon of Michelle Jordan

03-26-08-A Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity, Governing Law & Forum for Resolution of Disputes

04-02-08-A Emergency Amendments to Travel & Expense Policy

04-02-08-B Participation in the Indian Crime Awareness & Research Evaluation Project

04-02-08-C Town of Oneida Road Transfer

04-02-08-D Pardon of Paulette Leishig

04-02-08-E Pardon of Estelle Moncota

04-02-08-F Permanent adoption of amendments to Zoning and Shoreland Protection Law

04-16-08-A Vocational Rehabilitation Service Projects for American Indians FY 2008-2013

04-16-08-B DHHS-SAMHSA Circles of Care IV FY 2008

04-16-08-C Supplemental Youth Services Grant FY 2008-FY 2010

04-16-08-D Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative Grant FY09

04-30-08-A Wisconsin Tribal Conservation Advisory Council Representatives

05-14-08-A Fee to Trust former Jerry D. Karau & Bayco properties

05-14-08-B Fee to Trust former Robert L. & Sharon Peterson property

05-14-08-C Fee to Trust former PRSD Corporation property

05-14-08-D Fee to Trust former Daniel A. & Barbara A. Peterson property

05-14-08-E Fee to Trust former Armin A. Schultz, Johnson, DeCaster, et al

05-14-08-F Former Lynn Johansen, Laurie DeBaker, et al

05-14-08-G Emergency-Recalculate Tenant Payments to OHA to Eliminate One-Time Per Special Capita

05-14-08-H Using Tradtional Foods and Sustainable Ecological Approaches for Health Promotions and Disease Prevention

05-28-08-A Amendment to Rules of Play-Roulette

05-28-08-B HUD Grant for HOME Program Funds

05-28-08-C Extension of Emergency GTC Meeting Stipend Payment Policy

06-11-08-A Corrected Fee to Trust former Golden Pond II, LLC property

06-11-08-B Support for the American Indian Center of the Fox Valley-26650

06-11-08-C Self-Governance Agreement for FY 2009

06-25-08-A Annual Funding Agreement Negotiated with the Dept. of the Interiors Bureau of Indian Affairs for Calendar Year 2009 

06-25-08-B Repeal of the Policy and Procedures for Dept. of Public Works Snow and Ice Removal

06-30-08-A Repeal of Oneida Housing Ordinance

06-30-08-B Designation the Tribe as the Tribally Designated Housing Entity

06-30-08-C Emergency Adoption of Child Support Law

06-30-08-D Emergency Adoption of Paternity Law

07-09-08-A Resolution to approve Wesley Martin to Oneida Child Protective

07-09-08-B Application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

07-09-08-C Extension emergency amendment to Drug policy ect

07-29-08-A IHS PHN Community Based Model of PHIN Case Management Services

08-06-08-A.Community Food Projects, Traditional Gardening in Indian Communities Project

08-06-08-B Amendments to the Travel and Expense Policy

08-20-08-A Dissolution of Miss Oneida Committee and Transfer of Responsibilities to the Tourism Department

08-20-08-B Former Robert M. Webb and Lorelei A. Hochschild Property

08-20-08-C Pardon of Michael L. Hill

08-20-08-D Pardon of Shawn T. Danforth

08-20-08-E Former Gerald P. and Janice M. Van Groll Property

09-03-08-A Waiving Sovereign Immunity for Law Enforcement Purposes

09-03-08-B Request to the Wisconsin Department ofCorrections and the Governor ofWisconsin for the

09-03-08-C Former Gary Fischer, aka Gary F. Fischer and Linda Fischer,

09-03-08-D Former Lillian C. Goffard Property

09-17-08-A Appointment of Representatives to the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA)

09-17-08-B National Congress of American Indians

09-17-08-C Continuing to operate in FY 2009

10-01-08-A OBC & Trust Committee Joint Resoluiton OLIPP Life Insurance Plan Plus

10-01-08-B Amended & Restated Oneida Tribe of WI Elder, Education & General Welfare Trust of Jan. 22, 08

10-01-08-C Regarding Pardon of Joey Powless

10-08-08-A Adopting Expenditure Authortzation and Reporting Requirements

10-29-08-A Adoption of Official Tribal Zoning Map

10-30-08-A Resolution adopting Consent Agreement Regarding Zoning Authority and Zoning Jurisdication for Thornberry Creek Golf Course

11-12-08-A Redesign of the BIA Welfare Assistance Program for CY 2008 and Subsequent Years.pdf

11-12-08-B State of Wis Dept of Justice CY 2009 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant Outagamie.pdf

11-12-08-C State of Wis Dept of Justice CY 2009 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant Brown.pdf

11-12-08-D Approving a Limited waiver of sovereighn immunity for the Northern Trust Co Master Custody Agreement with the Oneida Trust Committee 11-

12-08-E Emergency Adoption of Tattoing and Body Piercing Law

11-26-08-A Third Amendment to the Credit Agreement for the Bank of America

11-26-08-B Second Amendment to Loan Agreement on Tax-Exempt Notes

11-26-08-C Financing Oneida Total Integrated Enterprises Acquisition of TN & Associates

12-10-08-A OBC Meetings Every Second and Fourth Wednesday Each Month

12-10-08-B Designating Representatives for the EPA Regional Tribal Operations Committee

12-10-08-C Resolution to adopt the Seventh Amendment to the Oneida Tribe of Indians retirement and 401 k plan

12-10-08-D Resolution to adopt the amended and restated Oneida Tribe of Indians of WI Deferred Compensation Plan

12-10-08-E Resolution to Document Benefit Package for BC Members

12-10-08-F Former Gary F. Ver Voort Property

12-10-08-G Former Tillman Landscape Nursery Inc a Wis Corp Property

12-10-08-H Extension of the emergency adoption of the Child Support Law

12-10-08-I Extension of the emergency adoption of the Paternity Law

12-10-08-J Adopting the Promissory Note in the amount 132,215.00 for the OTIE

12-10-08-K Adoption of GTC Meeting Stipend Payment Policy

12-23-08-A Amending OTIE Operarting Agreement to Expand from 3-5 Members

12-24-08-A Approval to enter into security agreement Term Loan agreement mortgage term Note A re Thornberry Creek Golf Course


01-31-07-A Request To Be A TAAMS Pilot Project For The BIA

01-31-07-B Fee To Trust Corrected Resolution and Warranty Deed of Russel L and Cynthia Belongia

01-31-07-C Fee To Trust Corrected Resolution and Warranty Deed of Former Thomas M. and Sandra K. Calaway

01-31-07-D Fee To Trust Corrected Resolution of Former Anthony F and Thomas F Chambers Property

01-31-07-E Fee To Trust Corrected Resolution of Former H.H. DeCaster, Lloyd & June Meacham, Karen Siebert, Amy Decaster

01-31-07-F Amend the Public Safety Officer Pension Plan to Add Code 415(m) Arrangement

02-28-07-A Public Lands Highways Discretionary Program

03-14-07-A National Incident Management System

03-14-07-B Pardon of Barbara Lightfoot and Adopting Corrective Resolution

03-14-07-C Pardon of Christopher McGee and Adoping Corrective Resolution

03-14-07-D Pardon of Michael L. Hill and Adopting Corrective Resolution

03-14-07-E Pardon of Wyman Skenandore and Adopting Corrective Resolution

03-14-07-F Native Language Preservation and Maintenance-Category II Planning Grant 2007-2009

03-28-07-A Indian Reservation Road Program Inventory Update

03-28-07-B MOU Between Midwest Fee to Trust Consortium Tribes and the BIA

04-11-07-A Fireworks Display for Family Carnival

04-11-07-B Fee to Trust Former Little Chief and Marina Solo Property and Warranty Deed

04-11-07-C Intergovernmental Agreement for Recycling Education Efforts WI DNR 2008 Recycling Efficiency Incentive Grants

04-11-07-D Amendments to Zoning and Shoreland Protection Law

04-11-07-E Pardon of Gary F. Hill

04-11-07-F Pardon of Cynthia Smith

04-11-07-G Pardon of Phillip Jordan

04-11-07-H Pardon of Ronald D. Skenandore

04-11-07-I Pardon of June M. Czechan

04-11-07-J Oneida Total Integrated Enterprises, LLC

04-25-07-A Education Requirements for Employees Age 50+

04-25-07-B Support of College of Menominee Nation Proposal to the U.S. Dept of Education


05-09-07-A National Tribal Environmental Council Participation

05-23-07-A Emergency Exception for CFO Position

05-23-07-B Accept Transfer of Short Road in the Town of Lawrence

05-23-07-C Accepting Transfer of all Town Roads from Town of Oneida to Oneida Tribe

05-23-07-C-MOA Town of Oneida for resolution

05-23-07-D Pardon of Francine Valentino

05-23-07-E Pardon of Scott Skenandore

05-23-07-F Consent to Tax-Exempt Financing Letter

05-30-07-A Wastewater Treatment Facility Financing

06-06-07-A O’Hare Blvd. Construction Contract CTF55T43357

06-20-07-A Elder Survey-Identifying Our Needs

06-20-07-B Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2007

07-03-07-A Amendments to the Hall of Fame Ordinance

07-18-07-A FY08 Funding Agreement with DHHS-IHS

07-18-07-A SPC Emergency Amendments to the Oneida Housing Ordinance

07-18-07-B Fee to Trust Former J & G Olson Farms LLC Property

08-01-07-A Fee to Trust Former Darwin R. and Alice M. Kamke

08-01-07-B Fee to Trust Former Mark E. Soderlund and Michael P. Fleming

08-01-07-C Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative Grant FY08

08-01-07-D Fee To Trust Former Steven W. and Paula-Rae M. Van Boxtel

08-01-07-E 2% Transportation Planning Funds

08-01-07-F Resident Opportunity & Self-Sufficient Elderly-Persons with Disabilities Program U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development

08-01-07-G Adoption of the Non-Metallic Mine Reclamation Law

08-01-7 A John and Karen Binkowski Property Warranty Deed

08-29-07-A Amendments to the Oneida Airport Hotel Corporation Charter

08-29-07-B Dissolving Child Care Parent Advisory Board & Designate Responsibility to Review Tuition Costs

08-29-07-C Corrected Resolution former Martin & Annette Bargabos property-NY

08-29-07-D Annual Funding BIA CY08 & MOU with DOI Special Trustee

08-29-07-E Conforming the 8-11-2007 Per Capita Motion to the Requirements of the Per Capita Ordinance

08-29-07-F Amendments to the Hunting Fishing and Trapping Law

09-12-07-A Per Capita Ordinance & the $5,000 & $10,000 Per Capita Payments

09-26-07-A 2008 Recycling Grant to Responsible Units-Wisconsin DNR

09-26-07-B Support of the 2011 North American Indigenous Games in WI

09-26-07-C Continuing to Operate in FY 2008

10-08-07-A Revenue Allocation Plan FY2008

10-10-07-A Amendments to the Tobacco Ordinance

10-10-07-B Extension of Emergency Amendments to Zoning and Shoreland Protection law

10-24-07-A US Dept. of Health & Human Services Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Improving Health & Educational Outcomes of Young People FY 2008-2013 x

10-24-07-B Correction-former DeCaster, Meacham, Siebert Hanson, Zeise Property

10-24-07-C Corrected Resolution 10-24-07-C Former Russell L. & Cynthia J. Belongia Property for correct legal description

10-24-07-D National Congress of American Indians

10-24-07-E Adoption of Military Service Employee Protection Act

10-24-07-F Pardon of Tonya Bonifus

10-24-07-G Pardon of Thomas Espinosa

10-24-07-H Pardon of Harvey Gomeyosh

10-24-07-I Pardon of Eric Jorgenson

10-24-07-J Pardon of Debra Richmond

10-24-07-K Pardon of Brandon Stevens

11-21-07-A Wisconsin Dept. of Justice CY 2008 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Brown County

11-21-07-B Wisconsin Dept. of Justice CY 2008 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Outagamie County

11-21-07-C Fee to Trust Resolution Former Golden Park Pond II, LLC Property

11-21-07-D Appointment of Delegates to the National Alliance of Tribal TANF

12-05-07-A Appointing Associated Trust Company, NA as Successor Trustee to the Deferred Compensation Plan Irrevocable Trust Agreement

12-05-07-B Amendments to the Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace Policy

12-05-07-C Emergency Amendments to the Personnel Policies & Procedures to Comply with the Amended Drug & Alcohol Free Workplace Policy

12-05-07-D Second Amendment to Credit Agreement with Bank of America

12-12-07-A Emergency Adoption of GTC Meeting Stipend Payment Policy

12-19-07-A Support for Flambeau Indian School Grant School Stays

12-19-07-B First Amendment to Loan Agreement (Tax-Exempt Notes)


01-04-06-A Fee to Trust Former Daniel J. and Diane M. VandeVoort Property

01-04-06-B Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization

01-04-06-C FY 2006 S.T.O.P. Violence Against Indian Women

02-01-06-A Gaming Minimum Internal Control Regulations Amendments

 02-01-06-B Child Protective Board Member

 02-01-06-C Fee to Trust for Former Reul J. and Faye P. Robertson, Randall L. and Jean A Robertson Property 

02-01-06-D 2006 Recycling Grant 

02-15-06-A U.S. Department of Justice FY 2006 Tribal Youth Program 2006-2010 

02-15-06-B Resolution to Adopt the Fifth Amendment to the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin Retirement Savings & 401 (k) Plan 

03-01-06-A Fireworks Display for Family Carnival 2006 

03-01-06-B Children and Families Admin for Native Americans 2006-2007 

03-01-06-C Repeal the Annual Half Fair Rental Fees 

03-01-06-D Oneida Land Commission as Elected Positions

 03-15-06-A Fee to Trust former Albert Baird and Carolyn Skenandore Property 

03-15-06-AA Fee to Trust Former Andrew Schuyler Property 

03-15-06-B Fee to Trust Former Steven and Carol Ambrosius Property 

03-15-06-BB Fee to Trust Former Professional Guardianship, Inc as Guardian of Ernest Stevens Property 

03-15-06-C Fee to Trust Former Duane and Carol Ambrosius Property 

03-15-06-CC Fee To Trust Former Tillmann Landscape Nursery, Inc. Property 

03-15-06-D Fee to Trust Former Donald and Carole Berglin Property 

03-15-06-DD Fee to Trust Former Albert F. and Vicki M. Manders Property

03-15-06-E Fee to Trust Former Louis Clark Property

 03-15-06-EE Fee to Trust Former Gary Decaster Property

 03-15-06-F Fee to Trust Former Neil and Darlene Mishleau Property

 03-15-06-FF FY2006 Tribal Juvenile Grant Program 

03-15-06-G Fee to Trust Former Lee Ann Cornelius Property 

03-15-06-GG Native American Social and Economic Development Strategies 2006-09

03-15-06-H Fee to Trust Former Kelley J. Denny Property

 03-15-06-I Fee to Trust Former John R. and Charlene S. Everett Property

 03-15-06-J Fee to Trust Former Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Property 

03-15-06-K Fee to Trust Former Gary and Linda Fischer Property 

03-15-06-L Fee to Trust Former Thomas R. Gerlach Property

 03-15-06-M Fee to Trust Former Lillian C. Goffard Property

 03-15-06-N Fee to Trust Former Walter and Elizabeth Guntlisbergen Property

 03-15-06-O Fee to Trust Former Gerald and Shirley Mae Jordan Property 

03-15-06-P Fee to Trust Former Pamela King Property 

03-15-06-Q Fee to Trust Former Neil I. and Darlene J. Mishleau Property 

03-15-06-R Fee to Trust Former Neil I. and Darlene J. Mishleau Property

03-15-06-S Fee to Trust Former Barbara J. O’Connor Schevers Property

03-15-06-T Fee to Trust Former Opportunities Industrialization Center of Greater Milwaukee, Inc

03-15-06-U Fee to Trust Former Outagamie County Property

03-15-06-V Fee to Trust Former Randall C. and Geraldine C. Parker Property

03-15-06-W Fee to Trust Former Edmund A. and Lorraine R. Pasowicz Property

03-15-06-X Fee to Trust Former John and Geraldine Philipsen Property

03-15-06-Y Fee to Trust Former Vernon C. and Marcella M. Sachs Property

03-15-06-Z Fee to Trust Former Schaumann Structures & Supply, Inc. Property

04-12-06-A Fee to Trust Former Van Boxtel Limited Partnership Property

04-12-06-AA Fee to Trust Former Gregory S. Gray and Annette M. Cleven-Gray Property

04-12-06-B Fee to Trust Former Robert and Nancy Van Boxtel Property

04-12-06-BB Fee to Trust Former Frank M. and Patricia A. Hock Property

04-12-06-C Fee to Trust Former William and Rosella Van Boxtel Property

04-12-06-CC Fee to Trust Former Richard N. and Germaine A. Hock Property

04-12-06-D Fee to Trust Former Gerald P. and Janice M. Van Groll Property 

 04-12-06-DD Fee to Trust Former Installation Services, LLC Property 

04-12-06-E Fee to Trust Former Peter and George Van Wychen Property 

04-12-06-EE Fee to Trust Former Frank A. and Cindy M. Kocken Property 

04-12-06-F Fee to Trust Former Gary F. and Karen Ver Voort Property 

04-12-06-FF Fee to Trust Former Gerald L. and Donna J. Lahay Property 

04-12-06-G Fee to Trust Former Wintergreen II Property 

04-12-06-GG Fee to Trust Former Bernard J. and Madeline E. Le Mere Property 

04-12-06-H Fee to Trust Former American General Finance Property 

04-12-06-HH Fee to Trust Former Guy C. and Denise M. Mc Farlin Property 

04-12-06-I Fee to Trust Former Sharon A. Barchacky Property 

04-12-06-II Revenue Allocation Plan FY 2006 

04-12-06-J Fee to Trust Former Bayco I Property 

04-12-06-JJ Termination of Appointment Amendments 

04-12-06-K Fee to Trust Former Bayco II Property

 04-12-06-KK Amendments to Open Records and Open Meetings Law 

04-12-06-L Fee to Trust Former Bayridge Investments LLC Property 

04-12-06-M Fee to Trust Former Russell L. and Cynthia J. Belongia Property 

04-12-06-N Fee to Trust Former James F. and Arlene C. Boyea Property

04-12-06-O Fee to Trust Former Lawrence J. and Sandra A. Brenwall Property

 04-12-06-P Fee to Trust Former Brown County Sheriff Deed, William and Florence Lancelle Property 

04-12-06-Q Fee to Trust Former Lloyd A. and Marie L. Buck Property

 04-12-06-R Fee to Trust Former Thomas M. and Sandra K. Calaway Property

 04-12-06-S Fee to Trust Former Charlotte Z. Catlin Property

 04-12-06-T Fee to Trust Former Anthony F. and Thomas F. Chambers Property 

04-12-06-U Fee to Trust Former Joseph H. and Nancy A. Cornish Property 

04-12-06-V Fee to Trust Former Paul F. and Cristina Danforth Property 

04-12-06-W Fee to Trust Former David C. and Tracy M. Darnutzer Property 

04-12-06-X Fee to Trust Former Stephen H. and Vicky L. Daul Property 

04-12-06-Y Fee to Trust Former De Ruyter Family Limited Partnership Property 

04-12-06-Z Fee to Trust Former AASL, LLC, Robert B. and Betty J. Gerbers Property 

04-26-06-A Fee to Trust Former De Caster, Meacham, Siebert, Rand, and Hansen Property 

04-26-06-B Fee to Trust Former John E. and Elaine A. Meert Property 

04-26-06-C Fee to Trust Former Edmund A. and Lorraine R. Pasowicz Property 

04-26-06-D Fee to Trust Former Ronald and Linda M. Peterson Property

 04-26-06-E Fee to Trust Former Norbert and Evelyn Rentmeester Property

 04-26-06-F Fee to Trust Former Thomas R. and Julie A. Rentmeester Property

 04-26-06-G Fee to Trust Former Richard F. and Mary Rottier Property 

04-26-06-H Fee to Trust Former Kenneth K. Schuyler Property

 04-26-06-I Fee to Trust Former Paul S. Sefcik Property

 04-26-06-J Fee to Trust Former Francis R. Skenandore Property

04-26-06-K Fee to Trust Former Mark E. Soderland and Michael P. Fleming Property

04-26-06-L Fee to Trust Former Michael A. Renee C. Staszak Property

04-26-06-M Fee to Trust Former Timothy M. and Cheryl L. Stephani Property

04-26-06-N Fee to Trust Former Lori A. Tatar Property

04-26-06-O Fee to Trust Former Samuel J. Vainisi Property

04-26-06-P U.S. Dept of Labor, Employment Training Native American Programs FY 2006-08

04-26-06-Q Children and Youth Projects Grant Application

04-26-06-R Declaration of Intent to Reimburse Certain Expenditures

05-10-06-A Fee to Trust Former Henry P. Smits Property

05-10-06-B Fee to Trust Former Samuel J. Vainisi Property

05-10-06-C Fee to Trust Former Van Rite Properties, LLC Property

05-10-06-D Fee to Trust Former Peter N. and Barbara B. Van Wychen Property

05-10-06-E Fee to Trust Former Vande Hei Property

05-10-06-F Fee to Trust Former Margaret D. Vannieuwenhoven Property

05-10-06-G Fee to Trust Former Kenneth J. and Sally A. Verheyen Property

05-10-06-H Fee to Trust Former Richard J. Geisler, William C. Bain, Lewis H. Krueger Property

05-10-06-I Fee to Trust Former Richard J. Giesler, William C. Bain, Lewis H. Krueger Property

05-10-06-J Fee to Trust Former Nancy Jean Anderson Property

05-10-06-K Fee to Trust Former Associated Bank Green Bay National Association

05-10-06-L Fee to Trust Former Todd S. and Loretta A. Bardouche Property

05-10-06-M Fee to Trust Former Richard M. Connor Jr. Property

05-10-06-N Fee to Trust Former Construction Resources I, LLC Property

05-10-06-O Fee to Trust Former Construction Resources II, LLC Property

05-10-06-P Fee to Trust Former Michael T. Curren Property

05-10-06-Q Fee to Trust Former Todd M. and Mary D. Daanen Property

05-10-06-R Fee to Trust Former Thomas M. and Susanne M. Delebreau Property

05-10-06-S Fee to Trust Former Thomas F. Deuster Property

05-10-06-T Fee to Trust Former Terry R. and Melody A. Hansen Property

05-10-06-U D.H.H.S. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 2006-2009

05-24-06-A Fee to Trust Former Robert A. and Mary Jo Hardy Property

05-24-06-AA Fee to Trust Former Carol J. Baumgart Property

05-24-06-B Fee to Trust Former William S. and Carole J. Hoskin Property

05-24-06-BB Fee to Trust Former Kathryn E. Black Property

05-24-06-C Fee to Trust Former Robert S. and Bonnie L. Huntley Property

05-24-06-CC Fee to Trust Former Michael L. and Bonnie M. Bohn Property

05-24-06-D Fee to Trust Former West Mason Associates Property

05-24-06-DD Fee to Trust Former Ronald L. and Patti S. Bruss Property

05-24-06-E Fee to Trust Former Dennis L. and Sharon M. Jacobson Property

05-24-06-EE Fee to Trust Former Allen James and Nancy T. Busse Property

05-24-06-F Fee To Trust Former Richard M. and Gail E. Jauron Property

05-24-06-FF Fee to Trust Former Matthew and Penny Cornelius Property

05-24-06-G Fee to Trust Former Kevin W. and Kathy S. Mc Crary Property

05-24-06-GG Fee to Trust Former Larry J. and Michele J. LeSage Property

05-24-06-H Fee to Trust Former Theodore L. and Martha Mc Cullick Property

05-24-06-HH Fee to Trust Former Steven D. and Lynn A. Livermore Property

05-24-06-I Fee to Trust Former Freeman R. and Barbara A. Monfort Property

05-24-06-II Fee to Trust Former Jed R. and Lori L. Rudeen-Marohl Property

05-24-06-J Fee to Trust Former Jeffrey R. and Michelle R. Mulloy Property

05-24-06-JJ Fee to Trust Former Margaret V. Nelson Property

05-24-06-K Fee to Trust Former POJO Enterprises Property

05-24-06-KK Fee to Trust Former Robert P. and Kristine A. O’Connell Property

05-24-06-L Fee to Trust Former Kristine M. Rabitoy Property

05-24-06-LL Fee to Trust Diane L. Orlando Property

05-24-06-M Fee to Trust Former Kevin S. and Fraunzeta Y. Rentmeester Property

05-24-06-MM Fee to Trust Former Douglas J. and Mary S. Petraszak Property

05-24-06-N Fee to Trust Former Thomas R. and Cyndie L. Russell Property

05-24-06-NN Fee to Trust Former William B. and Lynn M. Sigfred Property

05-24-06-O Fee to Trust Former Gary A. and Jackie Smith Property

05-24-06-OO Fee to Trust Former Robert L. and Joan Ellen Steen Property

05-24-06-P Fee to Trust Former Stephen J. and Teresa L. Soderlund Property

05-24-06-PP Adoption of Back Pay Policy

05-24-06-Q Fee to Trust Former R.M. Mark and Mary J. Stevenson Property

05-24-06-R Fee to Trust Former Troy J. and Amy J. Theis Property

05-24-06-S Fee to Trust Former Gary C. and Ricky L. True Property

05-24-06-T Fee to Trust Former William A. and Mary A. Utecht Property

05-24-06-U Fee to Trust Former Timothy J. and Cynthia R. Van Effen Property

05-24-06-V Fee to Trust Former Gerald G. and Sandra L. Vander Heyden Property

05-24-06-W Fee to Trust Former Shad L. Webster Property

05-24-06-X Fee to Trust Former West Mason Investors, Inc. Property

05-24-06-Y Fee to Trust Former Ann M. Anderson Property

05-24-06-Z Fee to Trust Former Louis R. and Mary A. Bahrke Property

06-15-06-A Department of Health and Human Services, IHS, OCPS Long Term Care Grant Program

06-21-06-A Fee to Trust Former Karl C. and Joji V. Berglin Property

06-21-06-B Fee to Trust Former Janet A. Beyer-Riley Property

06-21-06-C Fee to Trust Former Joseph E. Brusky and Mary M. Biship

06-21-06-D Fee to Trust Former Oak Ridge Plaza Fain Property

06-21-06-E Fee to Trust Former Michael J. and Judy A. Fietz Property

06-21-06-F Fee to Trust Former Gary Goral and Cynthia Allard Property

06-21-06-G Fee to Trust Former Randal S. and Denise M. Gruber Property

06-21-06-H Fee to Trust Former Pamela Morgan Representative of Laurence J. Carter Property

06-21-06-I Fee to Trust Former Karau Development Property

06-21-06-J Fee to Trust Former Robert J. and Gillian M. Bourdelais Property

06-21-06-K Fee to Trust Former Geri A. and Debra S. Gilles Property

06-21-06-L Fee to Trust Former Steven Doyen, Carol Mullen and William Doyen Property

06-21-06-M Fee to Trust Former James R. and Madelyn A. Fischer and Daniel Burbey Property

06-21-06-N Fee to Trust Former James P. and Cathleen P. DePetro Property

06-21-06-O Fee to Trust for the Former Richard P. Nachreiner Property

06-21-06-P Amendment to the Oneida Small Business Project 2000

06-21-06-Q Amendments to Oneida Trust Scholarship Fund Policy and Procedures

07-05-06-A Fee to Trust Former Marc A. Hammer Property

07-05-06-AA Fee to Trust Former Querin J. and Kathleen M. Frelich Property

07-05-06-AAA Fee to Trust Former Ronald C. and Gail J. Yunke Property

07-05-06-B Fee to Trust Former Kenneth G. and Carla J. Heim Property

07-05-06-BB Fee to Trust Former Patricia J. Fusco Property

07-05-06-BBB Fee to Trust Former Robert J. and Beckie L. Apfel Property

07-05-06-C Fee to Trust Former William Hopf Property

07-05-06-CC Fee to Trust Former Gary W. and Sandra L. Smith Property

07-05-06-CCC Fee to Trust Former Timothy J. Besaw Property

07-05-06-D Fee to Trust Former Christopher K. and Teri L. Howey Property

07-05-06-DD Fee to Trust Former John R. and Charlene S. Everett Property

07-05-06-DDD Central Oneida Pathway Project – Smit Farm

07-05-06-E Fee to Trust Former Ronald J. and Valerie J. Janowski Property

07-05-06-EE Fee to Trust Former Gary and Linda Fischer Property

07-05-06-EEE Wolf Path Pathway Project

07-05-06-F Fee to Trust Former Clark J. Johnson Property

07-05-06-FF Fee to Trust Former Thomas R. Gerlach Property

07-05-06-FFF General Assistance Program Grant U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

07-05-06-G Fee to Trust Former Craig A. and Jane A. Kahoun Property

07-05-06-GG Fee to Trust Former Walter P. and Elizabeth M. Guntlisbergen Property

07-05-06-H Fee to Trust Former Craig A. and Jane A. Kahoun Property

07-05-06-HH Fee to Trust Former Pamela A. King Property 

07-05-06-I Fee to Trust Former Jean E. Kasel Property

 07-05-06-II Fee to Trust Former Albert F. and Vicki M. Manders Property 

07-05-06-J Fee to Trust Former Lance C. and Jennifer D. Hill-Kelley Property 

07-05-06-JJ Fee to Trust Former Outagamie County, WI Municipal Corp Property 

07-05-06-K Fee to Trust Former Craig J. and Meg M. Kolb Property 

07-05-06-KK Fee to Trust Former Edmund A. and Lorraine R. Pasowicz Property 

07-05-06-L Fee to Trust Former Shawn D. and Julie A. Krueger Property 

07-05-06-LL Fee to Trust Former Peter and George Van Wychen Property 

07-05-06-M Fee to Trust Former Douglas J. and Lori A. Kuffel Property 

07-05-06-MM Fee to Trust Former Gary F. and Karen Ver Voort Property 

07-05-06-N Fee to Trust Former Edmund A. and Sally M. Kwaterski Property 

07-05-06-NN Fee to Trust Former Richard J. Geisler, William C. Bain and Lewis H. Krueger-Wintergreen II Property 

07-05-06-O Fee to Trust Former Patrick M. Laes and Jana M. Anderson-Laes Property 

07-05-06-OO Fee to Trust Former John and Karen Binkowski Property 

07-05-06-P Fee to Trust Former Michael R. Lalande Property 

07-05-06-PP Fee to Trust Former Gary E. and Sharon R. House Property

 07-05-06-Q Fee to Trust Former Lawrence and Linda La Mere Property

 07-05-06-QQ Fee to Trust Former Roger F. and Mary J. Heyrman Property 

07-05-06-R Fee to Trust Former Cindy J. Leiterman Property 

07-05-06-RR Fee to Trust Former Frank and Emerdine Linsmeyer Charitable Unitrust Property 

07-05-06-S Fee to Trust Former Edward C. and Linda K. Lemmen Property 

07-05-06-SS Fee to Trust Former Little Chief, LTD and Marina Solo New Construction, LLC Property 

07-05-06-T Fee to Trust Former Donald and Donna Giese Property 

07-05-06-TT Fee to Trust Former Sylvester and Audrey Manders Property 

07-05-06-U Fee to Trust Former Dwayne and Diane Schneekloth Property

07-05-06-UU Fee to Trust Former Sacred Heart Seminary Property

07-05-06-V Fee to Trust Former Daniel J. and Diane M. Vande Voort Property

07-05-06-VV Fee to Trust Former Sanger B. Powers Property

07-05-06-W Fee to Trust Former Marla A. Blake Property

07-05-06-WW Fee to Trust Former St. Joseph Congregation Property

07-05-06-X Fee to Trust Former George and Peter Van Wychen Property

07-05-06-XX Fee to Trust Former Brad and Carol A. Brittain Property

07-05-06-Y Fee to Trust Former Peter N. and George N. Van Wychen Property

07-05-06-YY Fee to Trust Former Karen L. Siebert Property

07-05-06-Z Fee to Trust Former Stanley R. and Loretta R. Webster Property

07-05-06-ZZ Fee to Trust Former Mickey C. and Karen Lee Siebert Property

07-19-06-A IHS Funding Agreement FY 2007

07-19-06-B ITMA on Indian Trust Funds

08-02-06-A Fee to Trust Former Tadd K. and Keri S. Davis Property

08-02-06-B Fee to Trust Former Harold M. and Arlyn M. Erickson Property

08-02-06-C Fee to Trust Former Francis L. and Jeannette D. Gingle Property

08-02-06-D Fee to Trust Former Michael J. and Patti J. Gonnering Property

08-02-06-E Fee to Trust Former Sherry L. Leeman Property

08-02-06-F Fee to Trust Former Terry J. and Kristine J. Liebergen Property

08-02-06-G Fee to Trust Former Oneida Sportsman’s Club, Inc. Property

08-02-06-H Fee to Trust Former Stephanie L. Skenandore Property

08-02-06-I Fee to Trust Former David F. and Mary Ann Sobieck Property

08-02-06-J Fee to Trust Former United Meadows Dairy, LLC Property

08-02-06-K Fee to Trust Former Scott G. and Renee D. Vandenberg Property

08-02-06-L Fee to Trust Former James and Dorothy Vanden Langenberg Property 

08-02-06-M Fee to Trust Former Donald H. and Alvira M. Wishart Property 

08-02-06-N Pardon of Leah Cornelius 

08-02-06-O Pardon of Kelly J. Danforth 

08-02-06-P Pardon of Dana McLester 

08-02-06-Q Pardon of Maria Padron

 08-02-06-R Pardon Robert Y. Thomas

 08-02-06-S Pardon of Michael L. Hill 

08-02-06-T Pardon of Barbara Lightfoot 

08-02-06-U Pardon of Christopher McGee 

08-02-06-V Pardon of Wyman Skenandore

08-16-06-A Fee to Trust Former Malia A. Aerts Property 

08-16-06-AA Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative Grant FY 07 

08-16-06-B Fee to Trust Former Associated Bank, N.A. Property 

08-16-06-C Fee to Trust Former Jeffrey and Linda A. Beining Property 

08-16-06-D Fee to Trust Former John A. and Julie A. Brunette Property 

08-16-06-E Fee to Trust Former William G. Ciha Property 

08-16-06-F Fee to Trust Former Donald C. and Donna Mae Dantoin Property 

08-16-06-G Fee to Trust Former Jane D. DeChamps Property 

08-16-06-H Fee to Trust Former Richard J. and Carma L. Duquaine Property 

08-16-06-I Fee to Trust Former Tim J. Halbrook and John Ver Boort Property 

08-16-06-J Fee to Trust Former Sean P. and Judith F. Harte Property 

08-16-06-K Fee to Trust Former James A. and Mary C. Kestell Property 

08-16-06-L Fee to Trust Former Randy J. and Suzanne M. Keuntjes Property 

08-16-06-M Fee to Trust Former David L. and Arnoldeen L. Krueger Property 

08-16-06-N Fee to Trust Former Daren L. Krueger Property

 08-16-06-O Fee to Trust Former Charles M. and Lyda E. Lemay Property

 08-16-06-P Fee to Trust Former Chris A. and Ruth A. Luttrell Property 

08-16-06-Q Fee to Trust Former Jeffrey J. and Tricia Miller Property 

08-16-06-R Fee to Trust Former Sarah J. Andersen Property 

08-16-06-S Fee to Trust Former Karen K. and Josephine Nolan Property 

08-16-06-T Fee to Trust Former Steven J. and Rose M. Overly Property 

08-16-06-U Fee to Trust Former Keith R. and Roxanne G. Selissen Property 

08-16-06-V Fee to Trust Former Richard R. and Darlene M. Stedl Property 

08-16-06-W Fee to Trust Former Jon J. and Barbara A. Syndergaard Property 

08-16-06-X Fee to Trust Former John Vue Property 

08-16-06-Y Funding Agreement and MOU with Department of Interior BIA fy07 

08-16-06-Z FY 2007-2010 National Science Foundation-Documenting Endangered Languages

08-30-06-A Fee to Trust Former Brown County Sheriff Deed Property 

08-30-06-B Fee to Trust Former Arnold J. and Charlotte A. Des Jardins Property 

08-30-06-C Fee to Trust Former Harold M. and Arlyn M. Erickson Property 

08-30-06-D Fee to Trust Former HCF Investments, LLC Property 

08-30-06-E Fee to Trust Former Orville C. and Evelyn M Hendricks 

08-30-06-F Fee to Trust Former Victoria J. John and Alma Webster 

08-30-06-G Fee to Trust Former Roy K. and Lida H. Metoxen Property

08-30-06-H Fee to Trust Former Clarence G. and Sharon D. Novotny Property

08-30-06-I Fee to Trust Former Amy Rand and Betty Lou Von Culin Property

08-30-06-J Fee to Trust Former Silver Creek Development

08-30-06-K Fee to Trust Former Gerald E. Skenandore Property

08-30-06-L Fee to Trust Former Phillip D. and Connie R. Skenandore Property

08-30-06-M Oneida Gaming Minimum Internal Control Regulations Amendments

 08-30-06-N Amendments to Rules of Play

 09-27-06-A Non-Point Pollution Management Plan and Application from U.S. EPA 

09-27-06-B National Congress of American Indians 

09-27-06-C 2007 Recycling Grant 

09-27-06-D Amendment to the Oneida Small Business Project 2000

 09-27-06-E Termination of Appointment Amendments

09-27-06-F First Amendment to the Public Safety Officer Pension Plan

09-27-06-G Fair Elections 2006

09-27-06-H Amend Corporate Charter of the Seven Generations Corporation

10-25-06-A Fee to Trust Former Daren L. Krueger Property

10-25-06-B Oneida Police Commission Stipend Increase

10-25-06-C SEOTS Board Stipends

10-25-06-D Oneida Nation School Board Stipend

11-22-06-A Tribal Membership within the ITMA on Indian Trust Funds

12-06-06-A CY 2007 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant for Brown County

12-06-06-B CY 2007 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant for Outagamie County

12-20-06-A Oneida Child Protective Board Member Beverly A. Skenandore

12-20-06-B Endorsement of Ernie Stevens, Jr. as NIGA Chairman

12-20-06-C Fee to Trust Former John and Karen Binkowski Property

12-20-06-D Fee to Trust Former Gary E. and Sharon R. House Property

12-20-06-E Fee to Trust Former Linsmeyer Property

12-20-06-F Fee to Trust Former Gordon J. Roffers Property

12-20-06-G Amendments to the Emergency Services Ordinance

12-20-06-H Sixth Amendment to the Retirement Savings & 401(k) and Deferred Compensation Plan

12-20-06-I Pension Protection Act Compliance Amendment to the Employee Welfare Benefits Plans

12-20-06-J No Tribal Participation in OAC Docket #06-TC-029 Claim for Damages

12-29-06-A Financial Services Engagement Letter and Development (Power Plant) Agreement 



01-12-05-A Open Records and Open Meetings Law

01-26-05-A Higher Education Scholarship and Self Governance Reserve Account

01-26-05-B Title VI Grants for Elderly

01-26-05-C 2005 Road Construction Schedule-IRR Road System

02-23-05-A NIGA Delegate and Endorsement of Ernie Stevens, Jr

02-23-05-B Appointment of Representatives to the NIGA

02-23-05-C FY06 Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative Grant

02-23-05-D 2005 Fireworks Display for Family Carnival

02-23-05-E NCAI Delegates

02-23-05-F Emergency Adoption of Amendments to Burial Ordinance

02-23-05-G Endowment Law

03-23-05-A FY05 Language Preservation and Maintenance Grant

03-23-05-B Opposition to Roundabouts at 172 and Pine Tree Road

03-23-05-C ONGO Amendments

04-06-05-A Investment Policy Statement

04-06-05-B Reallocation of Self Governance Housing Dev Funds to Senior Citizens Program

04-20-05-A Host a VISTA Volunteer

04-20-05-B Revenue Allocation Plan for FY 2005

04-20-05-C Honor the Elder Luncheon Week

05-04-05-A Made by American Indians Trademark

05-04-05-AA Fee to Trust-Former Robert Vander Perren Property

05-04-05-B Fee to Trust-Abel Property

05-04-05-BB Electronic Health Information Policies for Oneida Health Care Benefit Plan

05-04-05-C Fee to Trust-Former Associated Bank N.A. Property

05-04-05-CC Barring Stipend Payments for Employee Functions

05-04-05-D Fee to Trust-Former William Bain Property

05-04-05-E Fee to Trust-Former Bank of New York Property

05-04-05-F Fee to Trust-Former William and Marian Baugh Property

05-04-05-G Fee to Trust-Former Joseph D. and Sherri L. Beausoleil Property

05-04-05-H Fee to Trust-Former Nancy Budde Property

05-04-05-I Fee to Trust-Former Carol J. Cornelius Property

05-04-05-J Fee to Trust-Former Daniel and Katherine DeCaster Property

05-04-05-K Fee to Trust-Former Gary DeCaster Property

05-04-05-L Fee to Trust-Former Gary DeCaster Property

05-04-05-M Fee to Trust-Former John Eckert Property

05-04-05-N Fee to Trust-Former Donald and Margaret Deneys Property

05-04-05-O Fee to Trust-Former James and Carol Dillenburg Property

05-04-05-P Fee to Trust-Former Jerry Karau Property

05-04-05-Q Fee to Trust-Former Steven and Rebecca McGuire Property

05-04-05-R Fee to Trust-Former Nachreiner Property

05-04-05-S Fee to Trust-Former Robert Patrick and Carol Parker-Patrick Property

05-04-05-T Fee to Trust-Former Jeanette Puyleart Property

05-04-05-U Fee to Trust-Former Perry and Beth Rondou Property

05-04-05-V Fee to Trust-Former Sacred Heart Seminary

05-04-05-W Fee to Trust-Former Marie Scott Property

05-04-05-X Fee to Trust-Former Siebert Property

05-04-05-Y Fee to Trust-Former Delores Smits Property

05-04-05-Z Fee to Trust-Former Ricky and Carrie Uhlig Property

05-19-05-A Injury Prevention Program for Indian Health Services

05-19-05-B Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention FY 2005 Grant

06-01-05-A Child Protective Board Member

06-01-05-B Gaming Minimum Internal Control Regulations Amendments

06-01-05-C Statement of Effect Requirement for Resolutions

06-10-05-A Indian Community Development Block Grant

06-14-05-A National Congress of American Indians

06-29-05-A Oneida Burial Ordinance

06-29-05-B Tribal Enviromental Quality Review Act (TEQR)

07-13-05-A Section 184 Housing Loan

07-13-05-B Emergency Adoption of Building Code

07-13-05-C Emergency Adoption of Plumbing Code

07-13-05-D Oneida Retail Division Selling Alcohol Beverages in Accordance-Oneida Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

07-13-05-E Amendments to the Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Law

07-13-05-F FY 2006 Indian Health Services Annual Funding Agreement

07-13-05-G CY 2006 Dept of Interior BIA Anual Funding Agreement

07-13-05-H Amendments to the Format for Laws








07-13-05-P Adoption of Amendment to Seven Generations Corporate Charter

07-27-05-A Restricting Nonessential Water Usage until Sept. 15, 2005

08-10-05-A Emergency Adoption of Back Pay Policy

08-10-05-A FY 2006 Budget

08-31-05-A Short Road Construction Contract CTF55T43350

08-31-05-B National Congress of American Indians

09-28-05-A Tribal Membership within the Intertribal Monitoring Association on Indian Trust Funds (ITMA)

09-28-05-B State of Wisconsin-Department of Natural Resources

09-28-05-C Water Circle Place Secondary Access Construction Contract CTF55T43351

09-28-05-D Appointment of Representatives to the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA)

11-09-05-A Oneida Youth Day

11-09-05-B Emergency Repeal of Half Fair Rental Fees

11-23-05-A Child Protective Board Member

11-23-05-B non-oneida spouses Community Health Center

11-23-05-C 2006 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Brown County

11-23-05-D 2006 Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Outagamie

11-28-05-A First Amendment to Bank of America Credit Agreement

12-07-05-A Office of Special Trustee-Sign Off Authority

12-07-05-AA Fee to Trust-Lois Metoxen Property

12-07-05-B Fee to Trust-Peter and Toni Baumann Property

12-07-05-BB Fee to Trust-Cora and Cletus Vanderperren Property

12-07-05-C Fee to Trust-Carl Brocker Property

12-07-05-CC Fee to Trust-Richard Nachreiner Property

12-07-05-D Fee to Trust-Walter Cornelius Property

12-07-05-DD Fee to Trust-Martin and Annette Bargabos Property

12-07-05-E Fee to Trust-Larry and Carol Dixon Property

12-07-05-G Fee to Trust-Bruce E Gene Gonnering Property

12-07-05-H Fee to Trust-Richard and Geraldine Hallam Property

12-07-05-I Fee to Trust-Nicholas and Mary Heisdorf Property

12-07-05-J Fee to Trust-J-G Olson Farms LLC Property

12-07-05-K Fee to Trust-Karwin and Alice Kamke Property

12-07-05-L Fee to Trust-Patrick and Janet Krohlow Property

12-07-05-M Fee to Trust-Darvin and Edith Nagel Property

12-07-05-N Fee to Trust-Glen Olson Property

12-07-05-O Fee to Trust-James and Mary Olson Property

12-07-05-P Fee to Trust-Seifred and Betty Peters Property

12-07-05-Q Fee to Trust-Thomas Peters Property

12-07-05-R Fee to Trust-Reuel and Faye Robertson and Randall and Jean Robertson Property

12-07-05-S Fee to Trust-Gordon Roffers Property

12-07-05-T Fee to Trust-Frank Sausen Property

12-07-05-U Fee to Trust-Dwayne and Diane Schneckloth Property

12-07-05-V Fee to Trust-William Stephani Property

12-07-05-W Fee to Trust-Lawrence and Beverly Storzer Property

12-07-05-X Fee to Trust-Steven and Paula Rae Van Boxtel Property

12-07-05-Y Fee to Trust-Daniel and Diane VandeVoort Property

12-07-05-Z Fee to Trust-Marie Van De Bruggen and Karl Muenster Property

12-21-05-A National Resource Damage Assessment Trustee

12-21-05-B Public Safety Officer Pension Plan

12-21-05-C Extension of Emergency Adoption of Plumbing Code

12-21-05-D Adoption of the Tribal Environmental Quality Review Act

12-21-05-E Extension of the Emergency Adoption of Building Code

12-21-05-F Second Amendment to the BC 401(k) Plan

12-21-05-G Fourth Amendment to Nation’s 401(k) Plan


01-14-04-A Grant Application Process

01-21-04-A FY2004 Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program

01-28-04-A Unallocated per capita funds to Language Revitalization Program

02-11-04-A BC Bi-weekly meetings

02-11-04-B Rules of Play for Minibaccarat and Parimutuel Wagering

02-18-04-A Corporate Management Structure

02-18-04-B Farm grant to acquire mature bulls

02-18-04-C FY2004 Stop Violence Against Women Grant Program

02-25-04-A Family Carnival fireworks display for 2004

03-10-04-A General Assistance Program Grant

03-10-04-B Designating Representatives for National Tribal Environmental Council

03-17-04-A NIGA Endorsement 2004

03-24-04-A Computer Resource Ordinance

03-31-04-A Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative Grant FY2005

03-31-04-B Economic Development Strategies 2004-2007

03-31-04-C All-Terrain Vehicle Law

04-14-04-A Adopting HIPPA

04-14-04-B Nomination of Tana Archiquette to State-Tribal Relations 2004-2006

04-21-04-A Authorization to participate in nation wide elder survey

04-21-04-B Rules of Play for Sic Bo and Blackjack

04-21-04-C Amendments to Rules of Play

04-28-04-A Gaming Minimum Internal Control Regulations

05-05-04-A Membership with Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative

05-05-04-B Rules of Play for Four Card Poker and Poker

05-05-04-C FY2004 Revenue Allocation Plan

05-05-04-D Emergency Adoption of Sovereign Immunity Ordinance

05-19-04-A Bond Responsibilities Between Utilities and Tribe

05-19-04-B Airport Hotel Corporation Charter Amendment

05-19-04-C Objection to use of Squaw in ski resort name

06-02-04-A Paul Ninham Appointed to WTCAC

06-16-04-A Long Range Transportation Plan

06-16-04-B All-Terrain Vehicle Law

06-16-04-C Amendment to Per Capita Ordinance

06-16-04-D Hall of Fame Ordinance

06-30-04-A MOA with Ashwaubenon regarding Short Road

06-30-04-B IHS Self Governance Compact

06-30-04-C IHS 2005 Annual Funding Agreement

06-30-04-D FY2004 Tribal Juvenile Accountability Discretionary Grant

06-30-04-E IHS Primary Prevention of Diabetes Grant

06-30-04-F IHS Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction Grant

06-30-04-G GBMET Agreement with Utilities

06-30-04-H Amendments to Sanitary District Ordinance

06-30-04-I Amendments to Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Law

06-30-04-J Amendment to Employee Protection Policy

07-14-04-A Amendments to ONGO

07-28-04-A Computer Ordinance Implementation Plan

07-28-04-B Repeal of Housing Development Policy






08-11-04-A Child Support Enforcement Program

08-25-04-A Calender Year 2005 BIA Oneida Funding Agreement

08-25-04-B Child Protective Board Members

09-08-04-A Tina Danfoth as National Congress of American Indians Delegate

09-29-04-A 2005 Recycling Grant

09-29-04-B Vince Dela Rosa for State-Tribal Relations for 2004-2006

09-29-04-C Continuing Budget FY2005

09-29-04-D Computer Resources Ordinance

10-06-04-A Bonding Requirements

10-06-04-B Land to Trust Pilot Program

10-06-04-C Amendments to Small Business Project 2000

10-06-04-D Amendments to ONGO

10-20-04-A Special BC meeting FY 2005 Budget

10-20-04-A Participation in Political Process

10-20-04-B Sanitary District Ordinance

10-20-04-C Sovereign Immunity Ordinance

11-03-04-A Amendments to ONGO

11-03-04-B DHHS IHS FY 2005 Funding Agreement

11-03-04-C EPA Tribal Operations Committee

11-17-04-A 1979 Annuity Payment

11-17-04-B 2005 Outagamie County Enforcement Grant

11-17-04-C 2005 Brown County Enforcement Grant

11-17-04-D Alcohol Sales West Mason Casino

11-17-04-E Division of Land Management and the transfer of ownership of Replacement Homes

12-01-04-A Alcohol Sales Hotel Corporation

12-29-04-A NIGA Membership Fee






2003-01-02-A National Resource Damage Assessment Trustee 

2003-01-02-B Purcy Powless Court 

2003-01-02-C Youth Offender Reentry Program 

2003-01-02-D Amended Burial Fund Sign-Off Authorization 

2003-01-08-A FY 2003 Historic Preservation Grant

2003-01-08-B Haskell Indian Nations University

2003-01-08-C Intertribal Monitoring Association Membership

2003-01-15-A Amendment to Resolution #02-09-25-A 2003 Recycling Grant

2003-01-22-A Replacement of Resolution #02-09-04-B Land Claim

2003-02-12-A 2003 Asset Building Mini-Grant





2003-02-12-F Rescinding of Resolution #95-05-31-A

2003-02-19-A Dr. Scholl foundation Grant-Dental Clinic

2003-02-19-B Dental Well Child Clinic-Early Childhood Caries Prevention

2003-02-26-A Cornerstone Foundation-Suicide Prevention-Intervention

2003-02-26-B IHS FY2003 Dental Clinic-Early Childhood Caries Prevention Program

2003-02-26-C Oneida Pantry Emergency Network (OPEN) Emergency Food and Shelter Program

2003-02-26-D WI Arts Board FY 2004 Challenge Grant-Arts Program 

2003-02-26-E 2003 Basic Library Services Grant

 2003-03-05-A NIGA Appointed Representatives

2003-03-05-B Family Carnival 2003 Fireworks Display

2003-03-05-C 2003 Road Inventory-Right of Way

2003-03-05-D 2003 BIA Road Construction Priority Project

2003-03-19-A Training Grant for Stop Abuse and Sexual Assault of Older or Disabled Individuals

2003-03-19-B 2003 Vocational Rehabilitation for Indians with Disabilities

2003-03-19-C Amended Grant Application FY 2003 Historic Preservation Fund

2003-03-26-A Amendment to Indian Preference Law Addendum

2003-04-02-A Support Armed Forces in Operation Iraqi Freedom

2003-04-02-B Women’s Health Week

2003-04-02-C Endorsement of Ernie Stevens Jr for re-election to NIGA

2003-04-02-D Emergency Rescinding of Law Enforcement Ordinance

2003-04-16-A Adoption of HIPAA


2003-04-16-B Endangered Language Fund-School System Grant

2003-04-16-C Enhancement Library Services-School System Grant

2003-04-16-D WK Kellogg Foundation Pre Grant Application-School System Mobile Computer Lab

2003-04-16-E SBC Excelerator Grant-School System Mobile Computer Lab 

2003-04-23-A Learn and Serve America Project-Elementary School Grant 

2003-04-23-A Second Amendment to State of WI Gaming Compact of 1991 (04-28-03 SPC MTG) 

2003-04-23-B Paul Ninham Appointment to Haskell Board of Regents 

2003-04-30-A Access to Care Grant-Dental Clinic-Diabetic Elders 

2003-05-14-A Tides Foundation-Honor the Earth Fund

 2003-05-14-B Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative-Emergency Grant Assistance FY2003

2003-05-14-C WI Summer Food Program for Children FY 2003

2003-05-14-D Dental Well Child Clinic-WI Dental Foundation, Inc

2003-05-28-A Youth Program-Mental Health Services FY 2003

2003-05-28-B Head Start COLA and Quality Improvement Fund

2003-06-04-A Amendments to Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Law

2003-06-11-A IHS Tribal Injury Prevention Program

2003-06-25-A EPA Clean Water Act Section 106 Grant FY 2003

2003-06-25-B Tribal Courts Assistance Program Grant

2003-06-25-C Indian Education 2003 Title VII Grant

2003-06-25-D Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative Grant FY 2004

2003-06-25-E BIA Reprogramming Request and Annual Funding Agreement 2004

2003-06-25-F Administration on Aging-Caregiver Support Program Grant

2003-06-25-G Amendment to Per Capita Ordinance

2003-07-02-A Health and Human Services-Child Care Development Fund FY 2004

2003-07-02-B BIA-Fee to Trust-Robertson Farm 

2003-07-02-C BIA-Fee to Trust-VandeBruggen Property 

2003-07-02-D BIA-Fee to Trust-Harrison Property 

2003-07-02-E Gaming Minimum Internal Control Regulations 

2003-07-09-A IHS Mental Health-Community Safety Initiative for Children-Youth Grant FY 2003 

2003-07-16-A Amendments to Alcoholic Beverage Licensing Law

 2003-07-16-B Parental Involvement and Resource Center Grant

2003-07-23-A IHS Elder Health Care Initiative Grant

2003-07-23-B Vince DelaRosa to Special Committee on State Tribal Relations

2003-07-30-A Amended Corporate Charter of Airport Hotel Corporation

2003-07-30-B Membership with Intertribal Monitoring Association on Indian Trust Funds (ITMA)

2003-07-30-C Otto Bremer Foundation Grant-Dental Clinic

2003-07-30-D Oneida Pantry Emergency Network (OPEN) Gifts-In-Kind- International

2003-07-30-E Healthy Smiles for WI Seal-a-Smile Program-Dental Clinic

2003-07-30-F Community Education-Growing Healthy Families Project

2003-07-30-G EPA-General Assistance Program Grant

2003-08-06-A Health and Human Services-Compassion Capital Fund Building Program

2003-08-06-B Adoption of Rules of Play

2003-08-13-A Community Child Care Initiatives Grant

2003-08-13-B IHS-FY 2004 Annual Funding Agreement

2003-08-13-C Van De Walle Phase II(Cornelius Circle) bituminous surfacing








2003-08-20-A Child and Adult Care Food Program

2003-08-20-B Tribal Law Enforcement Grant 

2003-08-20-C NCAI-National Congress of American Indians Delegates 

2003-08-20-D Head Start Bureau 2003-2004 Head Start Base Funding 

2003-08-27-A Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy Grant Proposal 

2003-08-27-B Land Management Inventory Report as part of Trust Evaluation Report 

2003-08-27-C West Wind One Stop Licensed to Sell Alcohol 

2003-09-10-A Emergency adoption of amendments to the Oneida Personnel Policies and Procedures 

2003-09-17-A 2004 Recycling Grant 

2003-09-17-B Alcohol Sale at E & EE One Stop Granted 

2003-09-17-C Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative Surplus Bison Project FY2003 

2003-09-24-A Adoption of All-Terrain Vehicle Law 

2003-09-24-B Bank of America-Fifth Amendment to Credit Agreement 

2003-10-08-A FY 2003 GLITC Domestic Preparedness Grant 

2003-10-08-B Head Start State Supplement Grant 

2003-10-08-C Section 5311 Operating Assistance Grant 

2003-10-08-D Section 5311 Operating Capital Assistance Grant 

2003-10-15-A Carl Artman alternate appointment to Haskell Board of Regents 

2003-10-15-B Membership with Intertribal Monitoring Association on Indian Trust Funds (ITMA) 

2003-11-05-A Endorsement of Tex Hall for re-election as President of National Congress of American Indians

2003-11-12-A Cemetery Road Project Construction Contract

2003-11-12-B Designation of National Congress of American Indians Delegates

2003-11-25-A Creative Space-Open Place Grant Application

2003-11-25-B Creative Space-Open Place Greater Green Bay Community Foundation

2003-11-25-C County Highway H-Subdivision Construction Contract

2003-11-25-D 2004 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Brown County

2003-11-25-E 2004 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Outagamie County

2003-12-01-A Bank of America Credit Agreement

2003-12-10-A Oneida Child Protective Board Stipends

2003-12-17-A NIGA Membership Fee

2003-12-31-A First Nations Development Institute-Native American Hunger Program (NAHP)

2003-12-31-B First Nation’s Eagle Staff Fund-Native Nonprofit Capacity Building Initiative

2003-12-31-C IHS Fy 2004 Dental Clinic-School Based Sealant Program






2002-01-02-A Farm Soil Conservation

2002-01-17-A Native Americans Administration on Aging Grant

2002-01-17-B Right of Way to County H and Ranch Rd Housing

2002-01-17-C Right of Way to Reuden Property (Cemetery Rd)

2002-01-17-D Row Priority List for transportation construction funding

2002-01-17-E Toyota Tapestry Grant

2002-01-17-F IHS FY02 Dental Well Child Clinic

2002-01-23-A Tobacco Abuse Prevention Program with DHFS

2002-01-23-B First Amendment to 401(k) plan

2002-01-30-A Faith in Action Program Grant

2002-01-30-B Revenue Allocation Plan for FY2002-2003

2002-02-06-A Family Violence Prevention Grant

2002-02-06-B Land-Use Conservation Plan 2002-2007

2002-02-13-A Children’s Trust Fund

2002-02-27-A Technology Zone for Northeast WI

2002-02-27-B Social Services Adolescent Pregnancy prevention and services FY 2002-2008

2002-02-27-C Children’s Dental Health Dentistry Grant Program FY2002-2003

2002-02-27-D 2002 Professional Library Services Grant

2002-02-27-E 2002 Basic Library Services Grant

2002-02-27-F Coca Cola Foundation Grant for technological teachers training

2002-02-27-G Honor the Elder Luncheon

2002-03-06-A Administrative Capacity Building Funds

2002-03-13-A Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant

2002-03-13-B Juvenile Mentoring Program Grant (JUMP)

2002-03-13-C 2002 Enhancement Library Services Grant












2002-03-13-O Milwaukee Polling Site

2002-03-13-P Bay Bank authorization to sign off for loans under Small Business Project 2000

2002-03-20-A Technology Opportunities Program (TOP)

2002-03-20-B Oneida-WI Food Safe School Program

2002-03-20-C IHS Special Injury Prevention Project Grant

2002-03-27-A Sections 9-14 to Indian Preference Law

2002-03-27-B Third Amendment to Bank of America Letter of Credit

2002-04-03-A Family Carnival Fireworks Display 2002

2002-04-03-B Language and Culture Grant Application

2002-04-03-C Oneida Language and Culture Family project 2002-2004

2002-04-10-A WI ADA Partnership Mini-Grant for Elderly Program

2002-04-10-B Small Business Project Policies and Procedures 2000

2002-04-17-A Amendments to Small Business Project Policies and Procedures 2000

2002-04-17-B Innovations in American Government Grant

2002-04-17-C Termination of Grisanti, Galef and Goldress Agreement

2002-05-01-A MOA Business Committee and Trust Committee

2002-05-01-B Renewable Energy Development on Tribal Lands Grant

2002-05-01-C Arts Program Grant Application

2002-05-01-D Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 2002-2005

2002-05-01-E Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Mental Health Services 2002-2005

2002-05-08-A Victims of Elder Financial Exploitation Services

2002-05-08-B Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative Grant FY 2003

2002-05-08-C Employment and Training Administration for Prgrams FY 2002-2004

2002-05-08-D Summer Food Service Program for Children FY 2002

2002-05-08-E Early Head Start Grant Program

2002-05-22-A Purcy Powless Court Environmental and Archaeology Study

2002-05-22-B Bank of America-Third Amendment to Credit Agreement

2002-05-29-A Tribal Historic Preservation Office Application

2002-05-29-B Head Start COLA and Quality Improvement funds

2002-05-29-C Kevin Baird Pardon Denied

2002-05-29-D Marlene Hollis Pardon Granted

2002-05-29-E Randall E Jourdan Pardon Denied

2002-05-29-F Jason King Pardon Denied

2002-05-29-G Jeff Kurowski Pardon Granted

2002-05-29-H Thomas Lassila Pardon Denied

2002-05-29-I Shawn Moore Pardon Denied

2002-05-29-J Pamela Nohr Pardon Denied

2002-05-29-K Terry Pamanet Pardon Granted

2002-05-29-L Robert Parker Pardon Denied

2002-05-29-M Matthew Powless Pardon Denied

2002-05-29-N Garon Smith Pardon Denied

2002-05-31-A Unemployment Insurance

2002-06-05-A Child Care Initiatives Grant

2002-06-05-B Community Development Block Grant

2002-06-13-A Headstart Fatherhood Project

2002-06-19-A Jourdan Fundamentals Grant Program

2002-06-19-B Family and Child Education Program Grant

2002-06-19-C Consolidated School Reform Plan Grant

2002-06-19-D Safe Schools Healthy Students Grant Program

2002-06-19-E Native Agriculture and Food Systems Initiative

2002-06-19-F Oneida Food Distribution Program FY 2002

2002-06-19-G IHS funding from Health and Human services for FY 2003

2002-07-03-A Fund for Improvement of education (FIE) Grant

2002-07-03-B Indian Education Title VII Grant

2002-07-03-C Amendment to Travel and Expense Policy

2002-07-10-A Health and Human Services ACF-CCDF Funds

2002-07-10-B Mental Health and Safety Initiative 2002 Grant

2002-07-10-C BC Retirement Trust-BenePlan, Inc appointed record keeper

2002-07-24-A BIA Reprogramming Request and Annual Funding Agreement for 2003

2002-07-24-A Special BC Amendment to Education Resolution 96-08-12-A

2002-07-24-B Opposition of Development on Spirit Mountain

2002-07-24-C Tribal Management Grant for HIPPAA

2002-07-29-A Four Fires LLC Transfer for Operating Expenses

2002-07-31-A New Pardon Ordinance

2002-08-01-A Tribal Law Enforcement Grant

2002-08-21-A FY2002 Budget Modifications

2002-08-21-B Child and Adult Care Food Program

2002-08-21-C 2003 Head Start Base Funding

2002-08-21-D Language and Culture Curriculum Project-Demonstration Grant

2002-08-21-E Domain Registration

2002-08-28-A Health Center Road Construction Contract

2002-09-04-A Amendments to Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Law

2002-09-04-B Amendment to Resolution 96-09-11-A- Land Claims

2002-09-11-A Sexual Assault Victim Services Grant

2002-09-11-B ATODA Prevention State Incentive Grant

2002-09-11-C Community Response Fund Grant

2002-09-25-A 2003 Recycling Grant with WI Natural Resources

2002-09-25-A Special BC FY2003 Budget

2002-09-25-B Julie Barton appointed to ITMA

2002-09-25-C 4th Amendment to Credit Agreement with Bank of America

2002-10-02-A Child Protective Board Member

2002-10-02-B Bank of America 4th Amendment Credit Agreement

2002-10-09-A National Congress of American Indians

2002-10-16-A Native Youth and Culture Fund

2002-10-23-A Financial Services Engagement Letter and Development Agreement and Other Matters in Connection Therewith

2002-10-23-A Section 5311 Operating Assistance Grant

2002-10-23-B Section 5311 Capital Assistance Grant

2002-11-06-A Amendment to Per Capita Ordinance 

2002-11-13-A 2003 Perinatal-Early Childhood Caries Prevention Clinic 

2002-11-13-B Dental Elder Clinic Grant 

2002-11-13-C Natural Resource Restoration for Appleton Papers and NCR 

2002-11-20-A Amendment to Oneida Small Business Project 2000 Policies and Procedures 

2002-11-20-B Intertribal Bison Cooperative Grant-Surplus Proposal 2002 

2002-11-27-A 2003 Law Enforcement Grant-Brown County 

2002-11-27-B Section 103 Air Quality Grant 

2002-11-27-C 2003 Law Enforcement Grant-Outagamie County 

2002-11-27-D BC Sign-off Authorization 

2002-12-11-A Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council Grant Application 

2002-12-11-B Center For self-sufficiency implementation of TANF Program 

2002-12-11-C IHS-Womens Health Demonstration Program FY2003-2008


01-03-01-A 2001 Highway Safety Protection Project

01-03-01-B Amendments to Per Capita Ordinance

01-16-01-A Joint Effort Marketing Grant-WI Tourism

01-16-01-B Arts Program-Oneida Concert Series

01-31-01-A Rescheduling GTC Meetings

01-31-01-A School Board MOA

01-31-01-B Domestic Abuse Program FY 2001 Violence Against Women Discretionary Grant








02-14-01-A Great Lakes Inter Tribal Council-Native American Research Center for Health

02-21-01-A Right of Way Construction for Health Center

02-21-01-B Support of InterTribal GIS Council Efforts

02-21-01-C Fighting Hunger in WI Grant

02-21-01-D Health and Human Services-Oneida Language and Culture Family Project

02-28-01-A TEA21 Administrative Capacity Building Funds

02-28-01-B Right of Way Access to Purcey Powless Housing Development

02-28-01-C IHS-Indian Health Care Improvement Act

02-28-01-D Child Protective Board Member

02-28-01-E Amendments to Section 4-6b of Per Capita Ordinance

03-06-01-A Rescinding Sections of Comprehensive Policy Governing BCC

03-06-01-B Rescinding Delegated Authority to the Personnel Commission

03-07-01-A BIA Parcels in Trust-Callaway Property

03-07-01-B Honor the Elder Luncheon

03-07-01-C Representatives to NIGA

03-21-01-A Grant Application to 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program

03-21-01-B Adopting Code Of Laws

03-21-01-C Adoption of Oneida Trust Scholarship Fund Policy and Procedures

03-28-01-A Child Protective Board Member

03-28-01-B COPS MORE 2001 Grant

04-04-01-A Head Start COLA-Quality Improvement Training and Technical Assistance

04-04-01-B Ernie Stevens Jr for Chairman of NIGA

04-18-01-A Health and Human Services-Social and Economic Strategies Grant Application

04-18-01-B Dept of Workforce Development-Division of Economic Support-Child Care Grant Application

04-18-01-C NRCS Environmental Education Outreach Grant

04-18-01-D Family Carnival 2001-Firework Display

04-18-01-E Tribal Resources Grant Program-Police Department

04-25-01-A Equipment Lease Agreement with Lehigh Municipal Leasing

05-02-01-A United Way of Brown County Grant Application

05-02-01-B Amendments to 2001 Revenue Allocation Plan







05-09-01-A Amendments to Burial Endowment Fund

05-09-01-B Amending GTC Education Resolution

05-23-01-A Head Start-Expansion 2001

05-23-01-B Head Start-Additional Expansion 2001

05-23-01-C United States Dept. of Health & Human Services Adm for Children & Families Head Start

05-23-01-D Tribal Court Planning Grant

05-23-01-E EPA-Underground Storage Tank Grant

05-23-01-F Reservation Road Construction Program

05-23-01-G Community Development Block Grant


06-06-01-A Small Business Project 2000 Policies and Procedures

06-13-01-A Family Strengthening Literacy Project

06-13-01-B Adoption of Federal Food Service Code

06-27-01-A Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative Grant

06-27-01-B Delinquency Prevention-Tribal Youth Program

06-27-01-C USDA of Agriculture 2501 Grant Program

06-27-01-D Delinquency Prevention-Tribal Youth-Mental Health Program

06-27-01-E Child Care Development Fund

06-27-01-F EPA-National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program Grant

06-27-01-G EPA-Clean Water Act Section 106 Grant FY 2002

06-27-01-H Domestic Violence-State and County Cooperation

06-29-01-A Naming Nori Damrow Food Distribution Center

07-11-01-A Head Start Supplement Grant 2001-2002

07-11-01-B Community Education Center-Technology Center Program Grant

07-11-01-C IHS Self Governance Funding Agreement 2002

07-11-01-D Health Facilities Revenue Bond

07-11-01-E Back Pay Award Standards

07-18-01-A Tobacco Abuse Prevention Program

07-25-01-A At-Risk Children and Youth Funds

07-25-01-B Tribal Law Enforcement Grant

07-25-01-C Native American Caregiver Support Program Grant Application

08-01-01-A Domestic Abuse Children’s Services FY 2001-2004

08-01-01-B Domestic Abuse Children’s Support Services Fy 2001-2004

08-01-01-C Fee to Trust-Vandenlangenberg Property

08-01-01-D Fee to Trust-Liebergen Property

08-01-01-E Fee to Trust-Babcock I & II Property

08-01-01-F Fee to Trust-Peterson Property Hwy 29 & 32

08-01-01-G Fee to Trust-Sugar Maple Lane Property

08-01-01-H Fee to Trust-Karau Property

08-08-01-A Head Start and Child Care Food Program

08-08-01-B Amendment to Travel and Expense Policy

08-29-01-A Amendment to Corporate Charter-Airport Hotel Corp

08-29-01-B EPA-Environmental Justice Pollution Prevention Grant

08-29-01-C Annual Funding Agreement FY 2002

08-29-01-D United Way-Community Response Grant Application

08-29-01-E Head Start 2002 Base Funding

08-29-01-F Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative-Surplus Proposal

09-05-01-A Oneida Concert Series-Endowment of the Arts

09-05-01-B PL 93-638 Contract for Health Center Road

09-05-01-C FY 2002 Continuing Budget

09-19-01-A BIA-Roads Inventory List

09-19-01-B Endorsement of Presidents Declaration of War against Terrorism

09-26-01-A EPA-Section 103 Air Quality

09-26-01-B 2002 Recycling Grant

10-03-01-A Section 5311 Operating Assistance Grant-Transportation

10-03-01-B Section 5311 Capital Assistance Grant-Transportation

10-03-01-C Amendments to TB Screening Policy and Procedures

10-03-01-D Adoption of Federal Food Service Code

10-03-01-E Veterans Memorial Fund

10-10-01-A National Congress of American Indians Delegates

10-10-01-B Conservation Project Support Grant-Museum and Library Services

10-10-01-C Law Enforcement Ordinance

10-10-01-D BC-Social Security Alternative

10-22-01-A Replacement School Construction Grant Application











10-24-01-K Amendment to GTC Education Resolution

10-24-01-L Reactivating Political Conduit and Creating Governing Board

11-07-01-A Sign off Authorization-Office of Special Trustee

11-14-01-A Women’s Sport Council for Tampax Grants for Girls

11-28-01-A Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Outagamie County

11-28-01-B Tribal Law Enforcement Grant-Brown County

11-28-01-C Rescinding BC Resolution 10-18-00-A

12-05-01-A Third Amendement to Bank of America Letter of Credit

12-12-01-A Moratorium Development Along STH 29 Between CTH-FF and Shawano County

12-12-01-B EPA-Wetland Program Development


12-19-01-A Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grant

12-19-01-B Domestic Abuse in Later Life Programming Grant

12-19-01-C Utilities Commission Responsibility Transfer to Oneida Nation


01-03-00-A FY 2000 Law Enforcement Grant-Brown County

01-05-00-A Sign-Off on Burial Funds Payment

01-12-00-A Tsyunhehkw^ Traditional Practices and Community Gardens

01-12-00-B Lila Wallace-Performing Arts Audience Development Project Grant

01-12-00-C Arts Program-Heartland Arts Fund Grant

01-12-00-D Arts Program-WI Arts Board Grant-Oneida Concert Series

01-12-00-E Children’s Trust Fund- Fatherhood Initiative Grant

01-19-00-A Emergency Appointment of Land Claims Commissioners

02-02-00-A Membership Withdrawal in Central Brown County Water Authority

02-02-00-B Environmental Protection Agency Grant for Section 103 Air Quality

02-02-00-C Health and Family Services for Support Services for Victims of Domestic Abuse Grant

02-09-00-A ORCOA-Commission on Aging Charter Revocation

02-16-00-A Children’s Trust Fund Grant-Healthy Safe Environment

03-01-00-A Long Term Employment Opportunities on the Reservation

03-08-00-A Kids for Composting Program-Corporation For National Service Grant

03-08-00-B Support of Cross Lake Cree Resolution

03-16-00-A Youth Council Join UNITY Network-United National Indian Trial Youth Inc

03-16-00-B Substance Abuse Treatment Grants











03-23-00-A Adoption of Gaming Minimum Internal Control Regulations

03-29-00-A Head Start COLA-Quality Improvement Grant

04-12-00-A Milwaukee Indian Council-Elderly Population

04-26-00-A Community Wide Language and Culture Family Project

04-26-00-B National Endowment of Humanities-Preservation Assistance Grant

04-26-00-C HUD Rural Housing Program for FY 2000

04-26-00-D Environmental Protection Agency-Solid Waste Management Assistance

04-26-00-E WisconSUN for Solar Energy System and Training Grant

04-26-00-F Tribal Law Enforcement Services Grant

04-26-00-G Environmental Protection Agency for General Assistance Grant

04-26-00-H Violence Against Women Discretionary Grant-Domestic Violence Program

05-03-00-A JTPA Prgram Grant FY 2000-2002

05-03-00-B Fireworks Display 2000

05-10-00-A Tribal Resource Grant-Law Enforcement Training

05-10-00-B Protection of the Great Lakes

05-10-00-C Representative Appointed to the WI Inter-Tribal Repatriation Committee

05-10-00-D Tribal Treasurer-Authorization to Sell, Assign and Endorse

05-17-00-A BC Dissolves Business Development Review Committee

05-17-00-B FY 2000 Hazardous Material Training Program

05-31-00-A Parenting and Family Strengthening Grant

05-31-00-B IHS Agreement for Sanitation Facilities

05-31-00-C IHS FY2001 Annual Funding Agreement













06-14-00-B BIA Reprogramming Request and Annual Funding Agreement FY 2001

06-21-00-A Community Integrated food SYstem Grant Application

06-21-00-B BIA-Right of Way Language House Secondary Access Road

06-28-00-A BIA-Environmental Assessment of Language Center Road

07-12-00-A Acknowledgement of Gore-Bradley Day

07-12-00-B Adoption of Per Capita Ordinance

07-19-00-A Amendments to Gaming Minimum Internal Control Regulations Title 31-Bank Secrecy Act

07-26-00-A Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement

07-26-00-B Restrictions for Employment as an Assistant BC Member

07-31-00-A Termination of MOA with WI Regarding Natural Resources on Reservation

08-02-00-A Amendments to GTC Ten Day Notice Policy

08-02-00-A BC Interpretation of GTC Action Regarding Per Capita Motion

08-02-00-B BC Interpretation of GTC Council Action Regarding Restructure Plan B

08-02-00-B Gaming Expansion

08-02-00-C Oneida Language Restoration and Preservation

08-09-00-A Community Development Block Grant-Community Facility

08-09-00-B Appointment of NIGA Representatives

08-23-00-A Child and Adult Care Food Program Grant

08-23-00-B Oneida Head Start Program

08-23-00-C WI Humanities Council Mini-Grant

08-23-00-D Bank of America Credit Agreement

08-23-00-E Charter for Airport Hotel Corporation

09-06-00-A Child Care Services Grant-Division of Economic Support

09-06-00-B BIA-Housing Improvement Program

09-06-00-C AODA Residential-Transitional Treatment Program

09-06-00-D Environmental Protection Agency Section 404G State Lead Grant









09-13-00-A BIA-Transportation Planning Contract

09-13-00-B BIA-Language House Road

09-13-00-C Adoption of Arts Program-Dollars for Arts Policies

09-13-00-E Amendment to Gaming Minimum Internal Control Regulations-Coinless-Cashless Machine

09-27-00-A Rural Business Enterprise Grants

09-27-00-B National Congress Of American Indians Delegates

09-27-00-C Kmart Family Foundation-Tae Kwon Do Tournament

10-04-00-A Right of Way for Central Oneida Pathway System

10-04-00-B Environmental Protection Agency-Wetlands Exotic Species Program

10-18-00-A Constitutional Review Committee-Secretarial Election

10-18-00-B WI Department of Transportation Section 5311 Fy 2001 Operating Assistance Grant

10-18-00-C Sign-Off on Burial Fund Payment

10-18-00-D Environmental Protection Agency Clean Water Act Section 106

10-18-00-E WI DNR Financial Assistance Application

11-08-00-A Opposition to an Off Reservation Gaming operation within 50 Miles of Oneida

11-08-00-B Dioxin and Persistent Organic Pollutants

11-18-00-E WI DNR Financial Assistance Application

11-29-00-A WI Focus on Energy Grant

11-29-00-B Local Housing Organization Grant Program

11-29-00-C 2001 County Tribal Law Enforcement Grant














11-29-00-Q Tribal Revenue Allocation Plan for FY 2001



11-29-00-T Implementation of SARMS Project

12-06-00-A WI Coalition Against Sexual Assualt Grant

12-06-00-B Division of Family Services Grant-Domestic Abuse Program

12-06-00-C Native American Research Centers for Health Grant-Substance Abuse Treatment


01-06-99-A Child Protection Board Members

01-13-99-A Elderly and Disabled Transportation Capital Assistance

01-13-99-B Older Americans Act Title VI Grant

01-20-99-A Amendments to Early Return to Work Policy

01-20-99-B Amendments to Employee Protection Policy

01-27-99-A Sustainable Agriculture Research Education Grant

01-27-99-B 1999 Historic Preservation Fund Grant

01-27-99-D Motor Vehicle License Fees for 1999

01-27-99-E Amendment to Motor Vehicle Ordinance

01-27-99-F ONE Amended and Restated Corporation Charter

02-03-99-A Hwy 172 & GE Signal Lights

02-10-99-A Administration for Native Americans-Language Immersion Project

02-17-99-A Wisconsin Arts Board-Oneida Concert Series

02-24-99-A Name Change Committee-Cass Lake Bena High Name Change

02-24-99-B Retro-Approval for FY 1999 Violence Against Indian Women Discretionary Grant

03-03-99-A Computer Resources Acceptable Use Policy

03-03-99-A General Tribal Council Meeting Policy special meeting

03-03-99-B Dollars for Arts Project Policies

03-12-99-A HUD Emergency Shelter Grant

03-12-99-B WHEDA 1999 Grant

03-12-99-C USDA Rural Development Housing Preservation Grant

03-12-99-D M&I bank

03-12-99-E Emergency Adoption of Wild Turkey Season Regulations

03-24-99-A Governmental Facilities Lease Revenue Bonds

03-24-99-B Fireworks Display 1999

03-24-99-C Room Tax-Oneida Promotion and Tourism Department

04-07-99-A Investigative Leave Policy

04-07-99-B Travel and Expense Policy

04-07-99-C Half Fair Rental

04-07-99-D Workplace Violence Policy

04-17-99-A Disclaimer regarding GTC resolution 4-17-99-A Per Capita

04-21-99-A HUD Rural Housing and Economic Development

04-21-99-B Appointment of NIGA Representatives

04-21-99-C Library Enhancement Grant

04-28-99-A Sex Offender Management Grant

04-28-99-B Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative Grant

04-28-99-C FY99 Budget Modification

05-12-99-A Renewable Energy Technologies Grant

05-12-99-B WI Energy Bureau Grant

05-12-99-C Amendments to Oneida Audit Law

05-12-99-D Justification of Litigation Funding Request

05-19-99-A Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative-Yellowstone Bison

05-26-99-A America Creates from the Millennium Grant

05-26-99-B US Community Integrated Food Systems

05-26-99-C Community Oriented Policing Services Grant

05-26-99-D Annual Funding Agreement FY 2000

06-02-99-A BIA-Hi-Tech-lifetime easement

06-09-99-A Global Healing

06-09-99-B Chlorine Free

06-09-99-C Amendments to Audit Law

06-09-99-D Amendments to Early Return to Work Policy

06-09-99-E Recycling and Refuse Collections

06-09-99-F Unemployment Compensation Coverage for OBC

06-10-99-A Allocation Plan FY 99

06-16-99-A Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Tribal Youth Program

06-16-99-B Community Technology Centers Program Grant



















06-16-99-U Small Business Development Center Law and Regulations

06-28-99-A IHS 2000 Annual Funding Agreement

06-30-99-A Clean Water Act Section 106 Grant FY 99

07-07-99-A Second Glory Road Project

07-07-99-B Oneida Workers Compensation Law

07-14-99-A Naming of Elderly Services Complex-Lee Gordan McLester II Complex

07-23-99-A Housing Operations Fresh Start Grant

07-23-99-B Smith Farm Development Project

08-11-99-A Community Integrated Food Systems

08-11-99-B Law Affecting Per Capita Payments

08-25-99-A Retirement Savings and 401(k) Plan

09-01-99-A Children, Youth and Families Grant-Head Start Program

09-01-99-B Children, Youth and Families Grant-Head Start Program

09-01-99-C WI Arts Board- Arts Midwest Foundaton Grant

09-01-99-D Tobacco Litigation

09-08-99-A Third Amendment to Agreement for Wastewater Treatment Services

09-15-99-A Children of Domestic Violence Grant Program

09-15-99-B Kmart Family Foundation-Healthworks Program

09-15-99-C National Congress of American Indian Delagates

09-15-99-D Appointement of NIGA Representatives

09-15-99-E Continuing Budget

09-22-99-A Oneida Safety Law

09-22-99-B Amended Gaming Minimum Internal Control Standards

09-29-99-A Forest Management Budget

09-29-99-B Amendment to BC Benefits Package

10-07-99-A Section 5311 FY 2000 Operating Assistance from Department of Transportation

10-07-99-B Dissolution of Oneida Airport Business Development Corporation

10-20-99-A Amended Drug and Alcohol Work Place Policy

11-10-99-A Community Integrated Food System-Nutrition Program

11-10-99-B Local Housing Organization Grant Program

12-01-99-A Justice 2000 County-Tribal Law Enforcement

12-01-99-B Priority List-Transportation Construction

12-15-99-A Womens Alcohol and other Drug use Residential Transitional Treatment Program

12-15-99-B Brown County United Way-Food Distribution

12-15-99-C Native American Hunger Program

12-15-99-D Ford Foundation-Long Distance Learning Program


01-07-98-A ONET Project Grant Application

01-07-98-B Harry and Evelyn Baird Residential Lease

01-07-98-C Todd Kulow Residential Lease

01-07-98-D Leroy and Dorothy Skenandore Residential Lease

01-07-98-E Housing Authority-4182 Merrimac Purchase

01-07-98-F Housing Authority-1145 Shepherds Path GB Purchase

01-07-98-G Housing Authority-3032 Ferndale Dr GB Purchase

01-07-98-H Housing Authority-1205 Shepards Path GB Purchase

01-07-98-I Housing Authority-1374 Concord Way Purchase

01-07-98-J Housing Authority- 2081 Sugar Maple Court GB Purchase

01-07-98-K Housing Authority-1700 Kalahari GB Purchase

01-07-98-L Housing Authority-1330 Mirage GB Purchase

01-07-98-M Housing Authority-1520 Dancing Dunes GB Purchase

01-07-98-N Housing Authority-3011 West Point Rd GB Purchase

01-07-98-O Housing Authority-3144 Day’s End GB Purchase

01-07-98-P Housing Authority-3097 Fernadate GB Purchase

01-07-98-Q Housing Authority-820 Green Ridge GB Purchase

01-07-98-R Housing Authority-4172 Hillcrest Dr Oneida Purchase

01-07-98-S Housing Authority-2924 Sandia GB Purchase

01-07-98-T Housing Authority-3140 Sunland Circle GB Purchase

01-07-98-U Housing Authority-3065 Summer Place GB Purchase

01-07-98-V Sherry Kulow Lease Modification

01-07-98-W Glenn and Delores Skenandore Lease Amendment

01-07-98-X Lola Smith Lease Amendment

01-07-98-Y Airadigm Lease Option Agreement

01-14-98-A Veterans Affairs Grant Application

01-14-98-B AVON Breast Health Access Fund Grant Application

01-14-98-C Central Brown County Water Commission

01-21-98-A BIA-Litigation Support

01-21-98-B Conservation Assessment Grant-Museum and Library Services

01-21-98-C General Operating Support Grant-Museum and Library Services

01-21-98-D Welfare to Work Grant

02-04-98-A Dissolving Oneida Construction Corporation

02-04-98-B First Nations Development Institute-Eagle Staff Fund Grant Application

02-04-98-C Joyce and WPS Foundation Grant Application

02-04-98-D Green Bay Community Foundation Grant Application

02-04-98-E Housing Preservation Grant Application

02-11-98-A EPA Grant Application Land Use Initiative Project

02-11-98-B WI Coastal Management Program Grant Application

02-11-98-C Housing Authority Ordinance Amendment

02-18-98-A Repatriated Human Remains-Burial Ordinance

02-18-98-B Fireworks Display

02-25-98-A 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Application

02-25-98-B McDonalds Foundation Grant Application

02-25-98-C Coca-Cola Grant Application

02-25-98-D UPS Grant Application

02-25-98-E IHS-Tribal Management Grant Application

03-04-98-A Tribal Joint Venture for Health Facilities

03-04-98-B Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Services Board Grant Application

03-04-98-C WI Arts Board-Performing Arts Network Grant Application

03-04-98-D Wi Arts Board-Community Development Grant Application

03-04-98-E Clifford Cornelius and Leanne Doxtator Residential Lease

03-04-98-F Lisa Smith-Behringer Residential Lease

03-04-98-G Linda and Salomon Delgado Barajas Residential Lease

03-04-98-H Jack Mehojah and Deborah Reiter Residential Lease

03-11-98-A WI Public Service Grant Application

03-11-98-B WI Arts Board-Community Development Grant Application











03-11-98-M Support of Ho-Chunk’s Decision

03-11-98-N Opposition to Disturbance-Removal of Human Burials

03-11-98-O NAGPRA Representatives on Intertribal Repatriation Committee

03-18-98-A Releasing Three Percent Room Tax Revenue

03-18-98-B Environmental Regulatory Enchancement Grant Application

03-25-98-A NIGA Membership Fee

03-26-98-A Designation of Housing Authority as Housing Entity

04-08-98-A JTPA Title II-B Summer Youth Funds Grant

04-08-98-B JTPA Title IV-A Grant

04-08-98-C United Way Grant-Food Pantry Service

04-08-98-D WK Kellog Foundation Grant

04-08-98-E Housing Authority-2484-86 Hazelwood GB Purchase

04-08-98-F Housing Authority- 540 Rolling Green GB Purchase

04-08-98-G Housing Authority-3068 Ferndale GB Purchase

04-08-98-H Housing Authority-3020 West Point Rd GB Purchase

04-08-98-I Housing Authority-3072 Sundance GB Purchase

04-08-98-J Housing Authority-1956 Candle Way GB Purchase

04-08-98-K Housing Authority-1206 Shepherds Path GB Purchase

04-08-98-L Housing Authority-2046 Packerland Dr GB Purchase

04-08-98-M Housng Authority-1340 Mirage GB Purchase

04-08-98-N Housing Authority-1340 Mirage GB Purchase

04-08-98-O Housing Authority-1327 Brocoin Way GB Purchase

04-08-98-P Housing Authority-2567-69 Trojan Dr GB Purchase

04-08-98-Q Housing Authority-1008-1010 Square Terrace GB Purchase

04-08-98-R Housing Authority-1315 Concord Way GB Purchase

04-08-98-S Housing Authority-1335 Baumgart GB Purchase

04-08-98-T Housing Authority-1197 Shepherds Path GB Purchase

04-08-98-U Todd Kulow Residential Lease

04-08-98-V Brian Denny and Twylite Moore Residential Lease

04-08-98-W Yvonne Jourdan Residential Lease

04-08-98-X Raeanne Skenandore Residential Lease

04-08-98-Y Geneview and Jose Zayas Residential Lease

04-08-98-Z Leroy and Dorothy Skenandore Residential Lease

04-22-98-A IHS-Special Diabetes Initiative Grant

04-29-98-A WI Natural Resources Grant

04-29-98-B Vocational Rehabilitation Service Project

04-29-98-C 1998 Community Food and Nutrition Program

04-29-98-D Name Change Committee-Elimination of Squaw in naming of geographic locations

05-08-98-A MOA with Tribe and State Regarding WI Natural Resources

05-08-98-B Renewal of State Gaming Compact

05-13-98-A Residential Lease Project 10-12

05-13-98-B Glenn and Dolores Skenandore Residential Lease

05-13-98-C Interim Five Year Recreation Plan

05-20-98-A IHS Funding Agreement

05-27-98-A WI Humanities Council Grant Application

05-27-98-B Child and Adult Good Care Program Grant Application

05-27-98-C Administration for Children One-Time Grant Application

05-27-98-D Headstart Bureau Grant Application

05-27-98-E Mary Jo Nash Child Protective Board Member

06-03-98-A BadgerCare Endorsement

06-03-98-B BIA Annual Funding Agreement FY 1999

06-03-98-C BIA Natural Resource Damage Assessment Grant Application

06-03-98-D Cleveland Doxtator and Mae Baxter Residential Lease

06-03-98-E Sandra Ninham cancellation of Residential Lease

06-03-98-F Marlin and Sharon Mousseau Cancellation of Residential Lease

06-03-98-G Residential Lease OHA RL-2884

06-03-98-H Noel Cleven and Maurice Parmely Correction of Residential Lease

06-03-98-I Transportation Improvement Project

06-10-98-A Protection and Management of Archeological, Cultural and Historic Resources


06-10-98-C Amended Conflict of Interest Policy

06-10-98-D Amendment to Resolution #96-05-22-A

06-24-98-A IHS Periodontal Disease and Diabetes Model Programs

06-24-98-B Attorney Contract Policy

07-01-98-A Interim Lead Program

07-01-98-B BIA Standing Stone Drive Right of Way

07-08-98-A Tribal Allocation Plan FY 1998

07-08-98-B MOA with Land Claims and Thames Bank Council

07-15-98-A Emergency Service Ordinance

07-15-98-B Trust Funds Issues 07-15-98-C Audit Committee-Audit Law

07-22-98-A Hunting-Fishing and Trapping Law

07-22-98-B Granting of Fireworks Permit to Prism Fireworks & Pyrotechnics Inc

07-22-98-C Emergency Adoption of Housing Policies


07-29-98-B Indian Preference Law

07-29-98-C Reciprocal Agreement with WI Transportation Department

08-05-98-A Replacement for Resolution #97-03-19-G

08-05-98-B Support for Consideration of Superfund Designation of the Fox River

08-05-98-C Debra Cornelius Residential Lease

08-05-98-D Emroy and Alice Skenandore Residential Lease

08-05-98-E Claudia Skenandore Residential Lease

08-05-98-F Virginia Swamp Residential Lease

08-19-98-A David and Lucile Packard Foundation

08-19-98-B WI Arts Board-Re-Granting Program

08-19-98-C Coca-Cola Foundation Grant Application

08-19-98-D Community Based Hunger Prevention Program

08-19-98-E Wl Kellogg Grant Application

08-26-98-A Oneida Nation School Grant

08-26-98-B Enterprise Development Authority

09-02-98-A Emergency Amendment to Tribal Sanitary District Ordinance

09-02-98-B WI Arts Board Performing Arts Network Program Grant

09-02-98-C Health Center-Domestic Abuse Program Grant

09-02-98-D Sears Foundation Grant Application

09-02-98-E Nabisco Foundation Grant Application

09-02-98-F Protest of Indian Gaming Regulatory Act Task Force












09-09-98-A Amended Vehicle Driver Certification Policy

09-09-98-B Proposition 5

09-09-98-C DNR Financial Assistance Application

09-16-98-A Rescinding of Resolution #98-03-18-A

09-16-98-B Transportation Planning Funding

09-16-98-C VanWalle Phase II

09-23-98-A Historical Publication and Records Commission

09-23-98-B Hwy 172 reduction of speed limit

09-23-98-C Standing Stone Drive Contract CTF55T43339

09-23-98-D Permanent Adoption of Lay Off Policy

09-30-98-A FY98 Budget Plan

10-07-98-A National Congress of American Indians Delegates

10-07-98-B Green Bay Packer Foundation

10-07-98-C EPA-Sustainable Development Challenge Grant

10-07-98-D USDA-Sustainable Agriculture and Research Education Program

10-07-98-E K-Mart Foundations Grant

10-07-98-F USDA-Rural Development Program

10-07-98-G Proclaiming October 11 Silent Witness Day-Domestic Violence Awareness

10-07-98-H Emergency Pow Wow Committee

10-14-98-A Section 5311 Operating Assistance

10-14-98-B Section 5311 Capital Assistance

10-14-98-C Supporting MAST ANA Application

10-21-98-A Tiger Woods Foundation

10-21-98-B NIGA Membership Dues

10-28-98-A Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council

11-04-98-A Overtime Pay for Holiday Exempt Employees


11-19-98-A NAGPRA Grant

11-19-98-AA Emergency Amendments to Recycling and Solid Waste Disposal Law

11-25-98-A Probation and Parole Regulations

11-25-98-B Tribal Law Enforcement Agreement-Brown County

11-25-98-C Tribal Law Enforcement Agreement-Outagamie County

11-25-98-D Native American Hunger Program Grant

12-09-98-A Brown County Water Autority Agreement

12-16-98-A Children’s Justice Act Discretionary Grant

12-30-98-A Permanent Housing Development Policy-Pilot Project Replacement Homes

12-30-98-B Intertribal Monitoring Association Appointed Representatives


01-08-97-A Oneida Native American Artists Grant

01-08-97-B Avon Breast Health Access Fund

01-08-97-C Airdigm Communication Lease Option Agreement

01-08-97-D Airdigm Communication Lease Option Agreement

01-08-97-E Airdigm Communication Lease Option Agreement Site Y

01-08-97-F Airdigm Communication Lease Option Agreement Site Z

01-08-97-G Amending the Community Support Policy

01-29-97-A Cornerstone Foundation Grant

01-29-97-B Diocese of GB-Campaign for Human Development Grant

01-29-97-C Historic Preservation Fund Grant

01-29-97-D Governance & SEDS Project Grant

01-29-97-E Isaac & June Cornelius Residential Lease Modification

01-29-97-F Fee to Trust Gerald & Sandra Vanderheyden Parcel

01-29-97-G Fee to Trust Kevin & Kathy McCrary Parcel

01-29-97-H Grant of Amended Corporate Charter-Seven Generations Corp

02-05-97-A OEDA Credit Agreement with Airdigm-request to extend credit

02-05-97-B BIA-Request for Bank of America Credit Agreement Wireless Com Approval

02-05-97-C Depository Account with Bank of America

02-05-97-D Native American Contemporary Artist Concert Series

02-05-97-E Community Theater Program Grant

02-19-97-A George & Shirley Reed Residential Lease Modification

02-19-97-B Fee to Trust Robert & Gillian Bourdelais Parcel

02-19-97-C Fee to Trust Nancy & Joseph Cornish Parcel

02-19-97-D Fee to Trust Greg & Annette Grey Parcel

02-19-97-E Fee to Trust Dr Damual J Vainisi Parcel

02-19-97-F Fee to Trust Green Bay Airport Centre Parcel

02-19-97-G Fee to Trust Jerry & Dixie Karau Parcel

02-19-97-H Fee to Trust Diane Orlando Parcel

02-19-97-I Fee to Trust Norbert Rentmeester Parcel

02-19-97-J Fee to Trust Jeffrey Mulloy Parcel

02-19-97-K Fee to Trust Thomas Deuster Parcel

02-19-97-L Emergency-Early Return to Work Policy

02-26-97-A Basic Library Grant

03-05-97-A Water Quality Monitoring and Management Plan Grant

03-05-97-B FY 97 Transportation Planning Funding

03-05-97-C Disposition of Excess Tribal Property Funding

03-05-97-D Alcohol Beverage Licensing Law

03-05-97-E Vendor’s Licensing Ordinance

03-07-97-A MECCA Tax Rate

03-12-97-A Oneida Gang Task Force-Healthworks Grant

03-12-97-B Lila Wallace-Readers Digest Arts Partner Program Grant

03-12-97-C WHEA Grant

03-12-97-D Authorization of Amendments of Financing Documents with Bank of America

03-12-97-E Short Term Asset Mangement Account with Bank of America

03-19-97-B Duck Creek Stream Gaging Station

03-19-97-C OBC Designates Rick Hill to NIGA

03-19-97-D NIGA Membership Fee

03-19-97-F Dale & Deborah Doxtator Residential Lease Modification

03-19-97-G Divison of Land Management at same level as other Divisions

03-19-97-H Pardon of Wayne Hensberger

03-19-97-I Pardon of Willie Adams, III

03-19-97-J Pardon of Cary Danforth. pdf

03-19-97-K Pardon of Tyrone Wilber

03-19-97-L Pardon of Tim Danforth

03-19-97-M Pardon of Christopher Dickenson

03-19-97-N Pardon of Tony McNaughtan, Sr

03-19-97-O Pardon of Rene Skenandore-Korth

03-19-97-P Pardon of Gerald W. Powless

03-19-97-Q Pardon of Robin Dickenson

03-19-97-R Pardon of Kenneth C. Elm

03-19-97-s Pardon of Michael D. Hopp

03-19-97-T Pardon of Leon White, Jr

03-19-97-U Pardon of Beverly A. Allen

03-19-97-V Pardon of George W. Webster, Jr

03-19-97-W Pardon of Benjamin Doxtator

03-26-97-A National Nursing Home Week

04-02-97-A Rural Development Program Grant

04-02-97-B Imposing a Three Percent Room Tax

04-02-97-C Contract with Schematic Design-Survey and Archeological Services

04-02-97-D Motor Vehicle Ordinance

04-02-97-E Amendments to Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Policy

04-02-97-F Travel and Expense Policy

04-02-97-G Garnishment Ordinance

04-07-97-A Emergency-Modification of FY1997 Budget

04-16-97-A Trust Committee Law

04-16-97-B Summer Lunch Program Grant

04-16-97-C Planning Grant for Community Based, Supported Demonstration Projects

04-16-97-D Membership in National Tribal Environmental Council

04-16-97-E Rescind 95-03-01-C-Airport Hotel Corporation

04-16-97-F NRDA Litigation Support Funds from BIA

04-23-97-A Children Trust Fund Grant

04-23-97-B Audit Committee

04-23-97-C Support National Tribal Assocation of Solid Waste and Emergency Response

04-30-97-A Designating Representatives for National Tribal Environmental Council

05-07-97-A US Department of Education-Assessment Development Grant

05-14-97-A Ronald & Cheryl Free Residential Lease Modification

05-14-97-B Audit Committee Delegates

05-14-97-C Lila Wallace-Readers Digest Community Folklife Program Grant

05-14-97-D Food Distribution Warehouse Project Grant

05-14-97-E Clifford Cornelius & Leanne Doxtater Residential Lease

05-14-97-F Amendments to Comprehensive Policy Governing Boards, Committees and Commissions

05-14-97-G Chapter 10-Oneida Code

05-14-97-H Second Amendment to Agreement for Wastewater Treatment Services

05-14-97-I Dennis & Nancy Powless Residential Lease Modification

05-21-97-A Indian Child Protection and Child Abuse Prevention Demonstration Project Grant

05-21-97-B Spielbauer Fireworks Inc

05-21-97-C Take an Elder to Lunch Week

05-28-97-A Community Integrated Food System Grant

05-28-97-B Community Library Grant

05-28-97-C Duck-Apple Ashwaubenon Creeks Priority Watershed Project

05-28-97-D Martin & Eva Doxtator Residential Lease

05-28-97-E Sherry Kulo (Moore) Residential Lease

05-28-97-F Scott Murry Residential Lease

05-28-97-G Nancy & Ruie Osborne Residential Lease

05-28-97-H Lonnie & Kathy Parker Residential Lease

05-28-97-I Jeffrey & Jacy Rasmussen Residential Lease

05-28-97-J Jeffrey Webster & Carol Mashl Residential Lease

05-28-97-K Oneida Personnel Commission Stipend

06-11-97-A IHS-Transfer of Funds

06-11-97-B Annual Funding Agreement for Dept of Health and Human Services

06-11-97-C Annual Funding Agreement with Dept of Interior BIA for FY 98

06-18-97-A HUD Home Grant Program

06-27-97-A 1998 Housing Improvement Program

06-27-97-B Intertribal Bison Cooperative Grant

07-01-97-A Hunger Prevention Project Grant

07-01-97-B Elder Health Care Initiative Grant

07-01-97-C EPA Grant Section 106 Clean Water Act

07-01-97-D Community Prevention Project Grant

07-01-97-E Ronald & Joyce Christjohn Residential Lease

07-01-97-F Randall & Kathleen Cornelius Residential Lease

07-01-97-G Nori Damrow Residential Lease

07-01-97-H Troy Hill & Tammy House Residential Lease

07-01-97-I Kenneth Metoxen Residential Lease

07-09-97-A Special meeting on FY97 Budget Modification

07-09-97-A Wounded Knee Massacre Removal From any active flag and archived

07-09-97-B Second Amended Corporate Charter-Seven Generations Corp

07-16-97-A Master Lease-Oneida Business park

07-16-97-B Funding of Social Services- Victims of Crime

07-16-97-C Family Preservation Oneida Allocation

07-16-97-D Corporate and Foundation Giving Program Grant

07-16-97-E Community Development Block Grant

07-23-97-A 1997 Overall Economic Development Plan

07-30-97-A Condominium Ordinance

07-30-97-B Early Return to Work Policy

08-06-97-A National Congress of American Indians Delegates

08-13-97-A Support of Senator Campbell and Inouye

08-13-97-B ONE Guaranty

08-20-97-A Gary Cornelius Residential Lease

08-20-97-B Rick & Bridget Cornelius Residential Lease

08-20-97-C Bruce & Mercie Danforth Residential Lease

08-20-97-D Dennis & Margaret Danforth Residential Lease

08-20-97-E Allen & Elaine Doxtator Residential Lease

08-20-97-F Norbert Elm Residential Lease

08-20-97-G Barbara Hill-Hawkins Residential Lease

08-20-97-H Marvin & Janice Jourdan Residential Lease

08-20-97-I Barbara Lindemann Residential Lease

08-20-97-J Richard & Darlene Longcore Residential Lease

08-20-97-K Todd J Mendolla Residential Lease

08-20-97-L Nicholas & Shelly Sablich Residential Lease

08-20-97-M Glenn & Dolores SKenandore Residential Lease

08-20-97-N WIlliam & Sara Skenandore Residential Lease

08-20-97-O Glenn & Moniques Smett Residential Lease

08-20-97-P Linda Torres & Richard Ackley Residential Lease

08-20-97-Q James & Carolyn Vanenkenvoort Residential Lease

08-20-97-R Louis & Amy Williams Residential Lease

08-20-97-S Kenneth & Dolores Hill Residential Lease Cancellation

08-20-97-T Steve & Juie Hill Residential Lease Cancellation

09-03-97-A Public Law 93-638, Construction Funding for Phase One of Vandewalle Project

09-03-97-B Toni & David Denson Residential Lease

09-03-97-C Bryan & Margaret Fancour Residential Lease

09-03-97-D Rosa & Kevin John Residential Lease

09-03-97-E Carol & Russel Cornelius Residential Lease Modification

09-03-97-F Gerald & Cynthial Hill Residential Lease

09-03-97-G Pardon of Jean Carter

09-03-97-H Pardon of Calaway Christjohn

09-03-97-I Pardon of John Christjohn

09-03-97-J Pardon of Kay Christjohn

09-03-97-K Pardon of Kathy Crocker

09-03-97-L Pardon of Stephen Danforth

09-03-97-M Pardon Mark Dickenson

09-03-97-N Pardon of Diane L. Hebb

09-03-97-O Pardon of Jennifer House

09-03-97-P Pardon of Phillip D. Jordan

09-03-97-Q Pardon of Dennis King

09-03-97-R Pardon of Clyde Ninham

09-03-97-S Pardon of Hartman Skenandore

09-03-97-T Pardon of Robert Skenandore

09-03-97-U Pardon of Earl W. Smith

09-03-97-V Pardon of Edward Tecumseh

09-03-97-W Pardon of Eldon W. Wheelock

09-17-97-A Historical Perspective Grant

09-17-97-B Cornerstone Foundation Grant

09-17-97-C Appointment of Sandra Ninham to Central Brown County Water Commission

09-17-97-D Recognizing National Payroll Week

09-17-97-E Oneida Room Tax Law

09-24-97-A SEDS Program Grant-Sustainable Bison Project

09-24-97-B Continuing Budget

09-24-97-C BIA Transportation Construction Funding

09-24-97-D Pardon of Mark A. Powless

09-24-97-E Vehicle Fleet Management Policy

10-01-97-A Leon & Tonya Boucher Residential Lease

10-01-97-B Darlene Denny & Carmelita Escamea Residential Lease

10-01-97-C Teresa Dobratz Residential Lease

10-01-97-D Lyle Hill Residential Lease

10-01-97-E Robert & Charlene Sanders Residential Lease

10-01-97-F Benjamin & Barbara Skenandore Residential Lease

10-01-97-G Residential lease Roger A. Yealey and Monica Schindler

10-08-97-A Lay-Off Policy

10-15-97-A Carl Melchert Jr to Oneida Protective Board

10-15-97-B Green Bay Packer Foundation

10-15-97-C Drug Free Wisconsin-CHOICES Grant

10-15-97-D National Association of Food Distribution Programs Grant

10-15-97-E Approval of Interim Board for Natural Resources Conservation District

10-29-97-A First Amendment to Infrastructure Development Agreement with Ashwaubenon

10-29-97-B Cary & Karen Adams Residential Lease

10-29-97-C Weston & Debra Cornelius Residential Lease

10-29-97-D Cathy Creapeau Residential Lease

10-29-97-E Erma Danforth Residential Lease

10-29-97-F Victrietta & Harvey Hensley Residential Lease

10-29-97-G Tina & Daniel Jourdan Residential Lease

10-29-97-H Michael Lee Jourdan Residential Lease

10-29-97-I Dakota King & Joan La Rock Residential Lease

10-29-97-J Tammy Kurowski Residential Lease

10-29-97-K Rose Melchert Residential Lease

10-29-97-L Frank & Tonya Smith Residential Lease

10-29-97-M Lisa Smith-Behring Residential Lease

10-29-97-N Charise & Paul Thao Residential Lease

10-29-97-O Scott & Jona Thomas Residential Lease

10-29-97-P Francis & Jennifer Tyson Residential Lease

10-29-97-Q Stanley & Loretta Webster & Rae Schrap Residential Lease

10-29-97-Q Stanley and Loretta Webster & Rae Schrap Residential Lease

10-29-97-R Melinda Danforth Cancellation of Residential Lease

10-29-97-S Patricia Metoxen Harms Residential Lease Modification

10-29-97-T Michael & Joan King Residential Lease Modification

10-29-97-U Gary Melchert Residential Lease

10-29-97-V Diana Metoxen Residential Lease

10-29-97-W Genevieve E Zayas Residential Lease

10-29-97-X Amended Election Law

11-26-97-A Half Fair Rental Fees

11-26-97-B Forrest Brooks & Nicole Daniels Residential Lease-Long Term

11-26-97-C Noel Cleven & Maurice Parmely Residential Lease-Long Term

11-26-97-D Jack Mehojah & Deborah Reiter Residential Lease-Long Term

11-26-97-E Terry & Lisa Metoxen Residential Lease

11-26-97-F Sterling & Fran Nunies Residential Lease-Long Term

11-26-97-G Artley & Inez Skenandore Residential Lease-Long Term

11-26-97-H Jack Mehojah & Deborah A Reiter Residential Lease Modification-Long Term

12-10-97-A Tribal Law Enforcement Grant Jointly Submitted with Outagamie County

12-10-97-B Tribal Law Enforcement Grant Jointly Submitted with Brown County

12-17-97-A TANF-Employment Transporation Grant


01-03-96-A Oneida Boxing Ordinance

01-03-96-B Oneida Removal Law

01-03-96-C Amendment to Corporate Charter of ONE

01-10-96-A Head Start Program Grant

01-10-96-B Feasibility and Market Study Grant-WI Recycling

01-10-96-C Historic Preservation Fund Grant

01-10-96-D Pardon Shawn Lake

01-10-96-E Pardon Douglas Boyd

01-17-96-A Chambers Travel Group Inc Agreement

01-17-96-B FY 96 Budget-Divisional

01-17-96-C FY 96 Budget-Non-Divisional

01-17-96-D Fee to Trust-Blake Property

01-17-96-E Fee to Trust-William & Mary Utecht Property

01-17-96-F Fee to Trust-William & Marian Baugh Property

01-17-96-G Fee to Trust-James & Carol Dillenburg Property

01-17-96-H Feel to Trust-Donald & Margaret Deneys Property

01-17-96-I Fee to Trust-Storzer Property

01-17-96-J Fee to Trust-Vernon & Marcella Sachs Property

01-17-96-K Fee to Trust-Gerrits Property

01-17-96-L Fee to Trust-Andrew Schuyler Property

01-17-96-M Fee to Trust-Robert & Carol Patrick Property

01-17-96-N Fee to Trust-Kenneth Schuyler Property

01-17-96-O Fee to Trust-William Bain Property

01-17-96-P BIA-Lifetime Easement for Turtle Where it Ends Division

01-17-96-Q BIA-Lifetime Easement for Standing Stone Drive

01-31-96-A Special Nutrition Education Fund Grant

01-31-96-B Brown County Easement Agreement

01-10-96-D Pardon Shawn Lake

01-10-96-E Pardon Douglas Boyd

02-07-96-A Special meeting Trust-Enrollment Separation

02-07-96-A Environmental Protection-Multi-Media Grant

02-07-96-B Support of Using Lake Michigan as Long-term Potable Water Source

02-07-96-C Child Protective Board Appointed Members

02-14-96-A Children’s Trust Fund Grant

02-14-96-B Amendments to Oneida Small Business Development Law

02-14-96-C Arlinda Locklear Special Services Attorney Contract

02-28-96-A Catholic Social Services Grant for Women and Children Shelter

02-28-96-B Independent Living Program Grant

02-28-96-C Environmental Regulatory Enhancement Grant

02-28-96-D Environmental Justice Grant

02-28-96-E Northern Initiative Grant

02-28-96-F Fee to Trust-Rentmeester Property

02-28-96-G Fee to Trust-Boyea Property

02-28-96-H FY 96 Budget Modification

02-28-96-I 1997 Budget

03-06-96-A Readjustment Counseling to Vietnam and Post-Vietnam Veterans

03-06-96-B ASQC Research Advisory Committee, Reearch Fellowship Grant

03-06-96-C NIGA Membership and Appointment of Delegate

03-06-96-D Total Quality Management Grant

03-06-96-E Grant of Easement to City of Green Bay Public Works on Frontage RD

03-13-96-A Gaming Mininmum Internal Control Standards

03-13-96-B Tribal Regulation of Domestic Animals Ordinance

03-13-96-C Authorization for Enforcement of State Law

03-13-96-D Clean paper Making Techniques for 21st Century Conference

03-13-96-E National Public Health Week April 1-7 1996

03-20-96-A Greater Green Bay Community Foundation Grant

03-27-96-A Policy on Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

03-27-96-B Reciprocal Agreement and Oneida Motor Vehicle Registration Ordinance

03-27-96-C Wisconsin Telecommunications Foundation

03-27-96-D Public Law 93-638 Road Maintenance Funding

04-03-96-A Indian Preference Policy Rider I

04-03-96-B MOA between WI Tribes

04-10-96-A Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) Grant

04-12-96-A Cabazon Decision

04-24-96 J Pardon of Michael Redhail

04-24-96 K Pardon of Gerald Cornelius

04-24-96 L Pardon of Desdnona Arlequin

04-24-96 M PardonScott Cornelius

04-24-96 N Pardon Ellen Maske

04-24-96 O Pardon Michael Guyette

04-24-96 P Pardon Mary Denny

04-24-96 Q Pardon Kelly Metoxen

04-24-96-A Amended Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Law

04-24-96-AA Pardon Alvin Lopez

04-24-96-B Clement & Mary Metoxen Lease

04-24-96-BB Pardon Delores Denny

04-24-96-C Donald & Bridget Charnon Lease

04-24-96-CC Pardon Phillip Jordan

04-24-96-D Clement & Mary Metoxen Lease Cancellation

04-24-96-DD Pardon Faith Hautomaki-Hajenga

04-24-96-E Raymond & Connie Cox Lease Cancellation

04-24-96-EE Pardon Charlotte Melchert

04-24-96-F Debra Summers & Keith Moore Lease Modification

04-24-96-FF Pardon Karen Smith

04-24-96-G Terrance & Cheryl Smith Lease

04-24-96-GG Pardon Gerald Sexton

04-24-96-H Ellsworth Webster Lease

04-24-96-HH Pardon Daniel Skenandore

04-24-96-I Pardon of Shannon Metoxen

04-24-96-II Pardon Shawn Moore

04-24-96-JJ Pardon Larry Jordan

04-24-96-KK Pardon Douglas Skenandore

04-24-96-LL Pardon Victoria McQuillin

04-24-96-MM Pardon Michael Jubert-King

04-24-96-NN Pardon Kathleen Mauritz

04-24-96-OO Pardon Cara Matchapaton

04-24-96-PP Pardon Lorleen Smith

04-24-96-QQ Pardon Gerald Doxtator

04-24-96-R Pardon Patrick Donley

04-24-96-RR Pardon Bruce Dickenson

04-24-96-S Pardon Hartman Skenandore

04-24-96-SS Pardon Cheyenne Blackowl

04-24-96-T Pardon Wayne Cornelius

04-24-96-U Pardon Ed tecumseh

04-24-96-V Pardon Florence Skenandore

04-24-96-W Pardon Mary Whitewing

04-24-96-X Pardon Patricia Benson

04-24-96-Y Pardon Stefanie Fazier

04-24-96-Z Pardon Patricia Harms

05-01-96-A Violence Against Women Act Grant

05-01-96-B Fireworks Display

05-08-96-A NAFOA Delagates and Membership

05-08-96-B Water Resources Ordinance

05-08-96-C Agriculture, Rural Technology and Cooperative Development Grant

05-08-96-D Assistance and Support of 25 Unit Low Rent Housing Project

05-08-96-E Assistance and Support of 5 Unit Mutual Help Housing Project

05-08-96-F Assistance and Support of 25 Unit Mutual Help Housing Project

05-08-96-G Permanent Limited Easement over Tribal Property

05-15-96-A Community Support Services Fund Policy

05-15-96-B National Tribal Gaming Commissioners Regulators Association

05-15-96-C Cooperative Agreement with Department of Health in Self-Governance Demonstration Project

05-15-96-D Clean Paper Making Techniques for 21st Century Conference

05-15-96-E Social and Economic Development Grant

05-15-96-F Proclamation for Carol M. Robelia

05-22-96-A Technical Amendments to Rider I Policy

05-22-96-B Indian Home Grant Program

05-22-96-C Appointment of Shirley Barber to Oneida Child Protective Board

05-22-96-D Appointment of Larry Jordan to Oneida Child Protective Board

05-22-96-E Appointment of Beverly Anderson to Oneida Child Protective Board

05-22-96-F Appointment of Sandra Skenandore to Oneida Child Protective Board

05-29-96-A Real Property Law

05-29-96-B Proclamation-Stand for Children Day

05-31-96-A First Amendment to Service Agreement with Village of Ashwaubenon

06-05-96-A Joint Funding Agreement with US Geological Survey-Department of Interior

06-05-96-B Amendment to 96-05-01 -B Fireworks Display

06-05-96-C Oneida Nation Electronics Lease

06-05-96-D Proclamation-Women’s Health Awareness Week

06-12-96-A Sector-based Multi-Media Grant

06-12-96-B Support of Haskell’s Board of Regents

06-12-96-C Annual Funding Agreement with BIA FY 97

06-12-96-D Refinance of Westwind & Carlton Properties

06-12-96-E Permanent Limited Easement over Tribal Property-Town of Hobart

06-12-96-F Permanent Limited Easement over Tribal Property Brown County

06-12-96-G Permanent Limited Easement over Tribal PropertyHWY 54

06-12-96-H Temporary Limited Easement HWY 54

06-12-96-I Nellis Seafood no 42, LC Easement

06-19-96-A ONE Agreement with Plexus Corporation

06-19-96-B Wintergreen Investment Lease Agreement

06-19-96-C Airport Lease Agreement

06-19-96-D Gary & Karen Adams Lease

06-19-96-E Tanya Skenandore Lease

06-19-96-F Linda Nockideneh Lease

06-19-96-G Wayne Cornelius Lease

06-19-96-I Fee to Trust-Frelich Property

06-19-96-J Fee to Trust-Rabitory Property

06-19-96-K Fee to Trust-Fietz Property

06-19-96-L Fee to Trust-Lesage Property

06-19-96-M Fee to Trust-Peterson Property

06-19-96-N Fee to Trust-Beyer-Riley Property

06-19-96-O Fee to Trust-Siebert Property

06-19-96-P Fee to Trust-Siebert ET AL Property (Christopherson Farm)

06-19-96-Q Fee to Trust-Syndergaard Property

06-19-96-R Fee to Trust-Berglin Property

06-19-96-S Fee to Trust-True Property

07-10-96-A Pardon Mark Dickenson

07-10-96AA Pardon Theodore A. Skenandore

07-10-96-B Pardon Mike Longcore

07-10-96-BB Pardon Becke L. Malone

07-10-96-C Pardon Laurie Metoxen

07-10-96-CC Pardon Franklin Klakowicz

07-10-96-D Pardon Michele Doxtator

07-10-96-DD Pardon Matt Antone

07-10-96-E Pardon Diane L. Hebb

07-10-96-EE Pardon Randall Jourdan Jr.

07-10-96-F Pardon Gregory H. Matson

07-10-96-FF Pardon Bernice Metoxen

07-10-96-G Pardon Patrick Madrid, Sr.

07-10-96-GG Pardon Clair Wilber

07-10-96-H Pardon John F. Doxtator

07-10-96-HH Phase III of National Road Inventory Update Program

07-10-96-I Pardon Debra Johnson

07-10-96-II Community Block Development Grant OFICS Warehouse

07-10-96-J Pardon Richard Dickenson

07-10-96-JJ FY 97 Indian Self-Determination Agreement Contract

07-10-96-K Pardon Rethmon John

07-10-96-L Pardon Kevin D. House

07-10-96-M Pardon Lisa Byrd

07-10-96-N Pardon Michelle L. Flores

07-10-96-O Pardon Jacob Denny

07-10-96-P Pardon Anthony Rubio

07-10-96-Q Pardon Peter Doxtator

07-10-96-R Pardon Gregory T. Elm

07-10-96-S Pardon Myron A. Smith, Jr.

07-10-96-T Pardon Rosalie M. Batiste

07-10-96-U Pardon Preston Lopez

07-10-96-V Pardon Ricky Granquist

07-10-96-W Pardon Carol Stevens

07-10-96-X Pardon Barbara King



07-17-96-A Pardon of Conrad King

07-17-96-B Water Quality Standards

07-17-96-C US Department of Education, Basic Library Grants

07-17-96-D Special Projects Grants-Community Library

07-17-96-E Indian Elders Program Grant

07-17-96-F Community Development Block Grant

07-24-96-A Pardon David Schuyler

07-24-96-B IHS-FY 96 Title I Area and Headquarters PFSA

07-24-96-C Nation Rotational Grazing Sites Proposal for Funding

07-24-96-D Environmental Justice Through Pollution Prevention Grant

07-24-96-E Coastal Environmental Management Grant

07-24-96-F Problems-Solving Partnership Grant

07-24-96-G Fee to Trust-Bahrke Property

07-24-96-H Fee to Trust-Kahoun Property-Dancing Dunes

07-24-96-I Fee to Trust-Darnutzer Property

07-24-96-J Fee to Trust-Theis Property

07-24-96-K Fee to Trust- Kahoun Property-Packerland DR

07-24-96-L Fee to Trust- Howey Property

07-24-96-M Fee to Trust- Kasel Property

07-24-96-N Emergency Adoption of Bingo Pass Policy

07-24-96-O Emergency BC Procedure to Acquisition Land

07-24-96-P Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement with Green Bay

07-31-96-A Indian Vocational Education Program Grant

07-31-96-B Pardon Paula Gutierrez

07-31-96-C Pardon Edwina Jorgenson

08-07-96-A Easement for Vandewalle Housing Project-Indian Claims

08-07-96-B Rights of way for Vandewalle Housing Project Section 4 & 5

08-07-96-C Rights of way For Vandewalle Housing Project Indian Claims 130 & 131

08-07-96-D Rights of way For Vandewalle Housing Project Indian Claims 18, 128 and 129

08-28-96-A Head Start Program Grant

08-28-96-B Identification of Educational Funding for FY 1997

08-28-96-C Fee to Trust-Bardouche Property

08-28-96-D Fee to Trust-Wintergreen Investment I Property

08-28-96-E Fee to Trust- Delebreau Property

08-28-96-F Fee to Trust Heim Property

09-04-96-A Environmentally Responsible Purchasing Policy Grant

09-04-96-B DNR Chapter NR 542 Recycling Grant

09-04-96-C EPA Applicaiton for Radon Testing

09-04-96-D Resource, Conservation and Development Grant

09-11-96-A Appointment of Land Claims Chief Negotiators

09-11-96-B FY 1996 Transportation Planning Fund

09-11-96-C Grant of Easement to John and Janet Hill

09-18-96-A Pardon Steve Webster

09-18-96-B Pardon Johnny Skenandore

09-18-96-C Continuing Operatation at Current Budget

09-18-96-D Julia McLester Lease

09-18-96-E Colin & Ann Jordan Lease

09-18-96-F Luther Laster Lease

09-18-96-G Penelope and Jesus Hernandez Lease

09-18-96-H Margaret and Larry Schroeder Lease

09-18-96-I Fee to Trust-Russell Property

09-18-96-J Fee to Trust- Anderson Property

09-18-96-K Fee to Trust- Kwaterski Property

09-18-96-L Fee to Trust-Black Property

09-18-96-M Fee to Trust- Huntley Property

09-18-96-N Fee to Trust-Hansen Property

10-02-96-A General Safety Guide Lines Standards Law

10-09-96-A First Amendment to Airport Agreement (Casino Road)

10-16-96-A Grant of Corporate Charter to Seven Generation Corporation

10-16-96-B Declaration of Indian Reservation a Nuclear Free Zone

10-16-96-C NCAI Membership Fees and Designated Delegates

10-16-96-D Public Transportation Federal Operating Assistance Program Grant

10-16-96-E Service Agreement with Green Bay

10-30-96-A Assignment of Mortgage Interest to GMAC Commercial Mortgage Securities for Westwind

10-30-96-B Second Amendment to Airport Agreement

10-30-96-C Daniel King Residential Lease Cancellation

10-30-96-D Gerald Cornelius Residential Lease Cancellation

10-30-96-E Patricia Metoxen Harms Residential Lease Modification

10-30-96-F Judith Jourdan Residential Lease

10-30-96-G Kristen Hubbard-Cornelius Residential Lease

10-30-96-H Lola Smith Residential Lease

10-30-96-I Luther & Anna Laster Residential Lease

10-30-96-J Diana Metoxen Residential Lease

10-30-96-K Fee to Trust Allen & Nancy Busse Parcel

10-30-96-L Fee to Trust Ronald & Valerie Janowski Parcel

10-30-96-M Fee to Trust William & Carole Hoskin Parcel

10-30-96-N Fee to Trust Stephan & Vicky Daul Parcel

11-06-96-A Babcock I LLC Lease

11-06-96-B King Dome INC Lease

11-13-96-A WI Division Of Housing, Local Housing Organization Grant

11-13-96-B Amendments to Oneida Pardon Ordinance

11-15-96-A Continuing Budget

11-20-96-A Amendment to Profit Sharing Plan

11-20-96-B Trust Request for OLC Parcel

11-27-96-A Kraft General Foods-Corporate Contributions Grant

11-27-96-B Planning Court Funds Grant

11-27-96-C Community Based Hunger Prevention Program

11-27-96-D Archeological Assistance-National Park Service Grant 1997

11-27-96-E County-Tribal Law Enforcement Grant

11-27-96-F Bernard Wilson Residential Lease Modification

11-27-96-G Beverly King Residential Lease

12-04-96-A Revocation of Corporate Charter to Seven Generations Corporation

12-04-96-B Grant of Corporate Charter to Seven Generations Coporation

12-11-96-A Share our Strength (SOS) Grant

12-18-96-A Endorsement of MOU between ITBC and National Wildlife Federation

12-18-96-B Donald & Sharon Doxtator Residential Lease

12-18-96-C Jose & Genevieve Zayas Residential Lease

12-18-96-D Dan & Barb Summers Residential Lease

12-18-96-E Trust Request for Vanderperren Property

12-18-96-F Appointment of Jeannette Fish to Child Protective Board

12-18-96-G Pardon Christina Lynn Charles

12-18-96-H Pardon Liane Faye Hill

12-18-96-I Pardon Patrick Joseph Metoxen

12-18-96-J Pardon Reginald R. Skenandore

12-23-96-A Self Governance Demonstration Project-Annual Funding Agreement


01-04-95-A Burial Endowment Fund Policy

01-18-95-B Food Distribution Program grant for hiring Nutrition Education Aide

01-18-95-C Transportation Planning

01-18-95-D Miller & Schroeder Investments Corporation of Minnesota

01-18-95-E CBS Foundation Grant

01-18-95-F Wisconsin Waste Reduction & Recycling Demonstration Grant

01-18-95-G Reservation Boundaries

01-18-95-H Haskell University

01-18-95-I Babcock I

01-18-95-J VanDeBruggen

01-18-95-K Hock

01-18-95-L Calaway Brothers

01-18-95-M McDonald

01-18-95-N Tillman

01-18-95-O LaFortune

01-18-95-P Bruce A. and Sherry L. King

01-18-95-Q DeCaster

01-18-95-R Our Lady of Charity

01-18-95-S McGlaughlin 01-18-95-T Minnie Hill

01-18-95-U Curt and Carla Danforth

01-18-95-V Isreal and Leah Dodge-Vasquez

01-18-95-W Norma Parker

01-18-95-X Valerie Dunlap

01-18-95-Y Appointment of Mark Stanchek to Appeals Commission

02-01-95-A Records Management Law

02-01-95-C Robert L. Peterson Property I

02-01-95-D Agreement for Investment Management Services

02-01-95-E HUD grant for Transitional Living

02-01-95-F WHEDA Grant for Rehab Transitional Housing

02-01-95-H Juvenile Intervention

02-01-95-I Grant Application to the National Park Service

02-01-95-J Museum Assessment Program Grant

02-01-95-K Social and Economic Development Strategies Project Grant

02-1-95-B Food Distribution Program SOS Grant Application

02-15-95-A Emergency Amendments to Independent Contractor’s Policy

02-15-95-B Intertribal Monitoring Association on Indian Trust Funds

02-15-95-C Development and Enhancing Tribal Environmental Infrastructure

02-15-95-D Regulating Environmental Standards of Tribal Lands

02-15-95-E 1995 Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act Grant Program

02-15-95-F Addendum to Easement Agreement of Road to Oneida Casino

02-15-95-G Wisconsin Federation of Museums Scholarship

02-15-95-H Community Based Hunger Prevention Project Grant

02-15-95-I Oneida Nation Reservation Signs

02-15-95-J Appointment of Council Members to WIGA

02-15-95-K Amendment to Recycling and Solid Waste Disposal Law

02-15-95-L General Counsel Attorney Contract for Francis Skenandore

03-01-95-A Extension of 94-09-07-A

03-01-95-AA Gary & Karen Adams Lease

03-01-95-B Capital Improvement Process

03-01-95-BB Jack Mehojah Lease

03-01-95-C Oneida Airport Corp Pay Down of Debt

03-01-95-D National White House Conference on Aging Recommended Priorities

03-01-95-DD Patricia Madrid Lease

03-01-95-E Authorization of Managed Investment Portfolios of Tribe

03-01-95-F Intertribal Transportation Association

03-01-95-FF Donald Quinn Doxtator Lease

03-01-95-G Statewide Multimodal Improvement Program (SMIP)

03-01-95-H Indian Child Protection and Child Abuse Prevention Demonstration Program

03-01-95-I Family Violence Prevention and Services Program Grant

03-01-95-J Senior Helping Grant

03-01-95-K Tribal Environmental Regulatory Program Grant

03-01-95-L Executive Bonus Life Insurance Plan

03-01-95-M Acknowledgement of American Indian Movement

03-01-95-N Fee to Trust for Parish Hall

03-01-95-O Fee to Trust for John Robert Peterson Property

03-01-95-P Fee to Trust for Robert L Peterson Property II

03-01-95-Q Fee to Trust Lucille L Powless Property

03-01-95-R Fee to Trust Larry Barton Property

03-01-95-S Carol Metoxen Lease

03-01-95-U Debra J Wisneski Lease Modification

03-01-95-X Louis E Webster Lease

03-01-95-Y Anthony & Judith Skenandore Lease

03-01-95-Z Hansen E Skenandore Jr & Charlotte M Melchert Lease

03-15-95-A European-Amerindian Business and Cultural Center

03-15-95-B SARA Title III-Training Monies for Disaster Team

03-15-95-C FY 1995 Environmental Justice Through Pollution Prevention Grant Program

03-15-95-D Oneida Language Preservation Project

03-15-95-E Proclaim April as Child Abuse Prevention Month

03-29-95-A Service Agreement with Village of Ashwaubenon

04-05-95-A Blood Drive

04-05-95-B COPS MORE Redeployment Grant 0

4-05-95-C Self governance compact

04-05-95-D Amended Comprehensive Gaming Ordinance

04-05-95-E Indian Home Program Grant Application

04-05-95-G Fee to Trust Denis Property

04-05-95-H Fee to Trust Witbro Property

04-19-95-A Withdrawal from NII WIN (Four Tribes)

04-19-95-B Withdrawal from Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council (GLITC)

04-19-95-C Withdrawal from WIGA- WI Indian Gaming Association

04-20-95-A Emergency Adoption of Investigating Complaints Policy for Early Childhood

04-20-95-B Emergency Adoption of Employee Protection Law

04-20-95-C Emergency Adoption of Revisions to Drug and Alcohol Free Work Place Policy

04-24-95-A Commitment Letters regarding Bay Bancorporation & Federal Banking Laws

05-03-95-A Gaming Mimimum Control standards

05-03-95-B Solid Waste Project Grant

05-03-95-C Telecommunication and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program

05-03-95-D Department of Education Grant for Addition to Community Library

05-03-95-E National Endowment for Arts Grant

05-03-95-F NCAI Membership and Delegates

05-03-95-G Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Demonstration Grant-High Risk Youth

05-03-95-H Commitment Letter for Bay Bank

05-03-95-I Frank and Linda Kropp Parcel





05-03-95-N Fee to Trust Carlton Property

05-03-95-O Fischer Property

05-10-95-A MOA with Gaming Commission

05-10-95-B Application for Financial Assistance for Development of Indian Energy Resources

05-10-95-C Community Development Block Grant Program

05-10-95-D Trust Department Monitoring the funds held in Trust by BIA

05-10-95-E Youthbuild Program

05-10-95-G Support of Amendments in Senate BIll 487

05-10-95-H Amendment to Option to Purchase Stock Agreement (Bay Bancorportion)






05-24-95-A Trust Acquisition of Individual Lands

05-24-95-B Oneida Head Start and Early Childhood Programs

05-24-95-C Fireworks Display on June 3, 1995

05-24-95-E Fee to Trust Verheyen Property


05-24-95-F Fee to Trust Kathy Wauters Property


05-24-95-H Fee to Trust Freemon Monford Property







05-31-95-A Policy on Naming of Buildings

05-31-95-B Amended Oneida Election Law

05-31-95-C Prohibitive Gaming Revenue Allocation Ordinance

05-31-95-D Youth Aid Grant

05-31-95-E Fox Valley Unites for Community Program (BABES)

05-31-95-F Temporary Limited Easement to Outagamie County on Highway H

06-07-95-A Robert Smith v Browner

06-07-95-B Support and Membership Application to Native American Fish and Wildlife Society

06-07-95-C FY 1996 Annual Funding Agreement with BIA

06-13-95-A Enterprise Development Authoritiy JOINT Venture with WI Wireless for FCC Licenses

06-14-95-A Oneida Head Start and Early Childhood Programs

06-14-95-B Vocational Rehabilitation Service Project for American Indians with Disabilities

06-28-95-A Anti-Drug Abuse Demonstration Project Grant

06-28-95-B WI Energy Bureau Department of Administration

06-28-95-C Licensing of Oneida Foster Homes for Placement of Foster Children

06-28-95-D Ellsworth Webster Lease

06-28-95-E Edmond J & Clarillia M Baumgart Lease

06-28-95-F Antone Melchert Lease Modification

06-28-95-G Christine J Stevens Lease Modification

07-05-95-A Delegation-Authority to Social Service Program for elderly Programs

07-05-95-B Amendments to Independent Contractor’s Policy

07-05-95-C Opposition of Elimination of Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion Program

07-05-95-D Welfare Assistance Grant Funding

07-05-95-E Fee to Trust Marie Van De Bruggen Property

07-05-95-F Fee to Trust John Nero Property

07-05-95-G Fee to Trust Robert Calaway Property

07-05-95-H Fee to Trust Perry Rondou Property

07-05-95-I Fee to Trust Todd Frank Property

07-05-95-J MOA between ONCOA and Governmental Services

07-05-95-K Amended Oneida Administrative Procedures Act

07-12-95-A Disabled and Elderly Services Demonstration Project

07-19-95-A Anonymous Letters Policy

07-19-95-B Authorization of Sign Master Customs Power of Attorney on Behalf of Tribe

07-19-95-C Mutual Understandings and Commitments in Application for Charter of Bay Bank

07-19-95-D Special Counsel Agreement with Altheimer & Gray

07-26-95-A Policy on Internal Investigation of Complaints

07-26-95-B Oneida Business Park Site Right of Way

07-26-95-C PL 93-638 Contract for Road Construction

07-26-95-D Victims of Crime Discretionary Grant Program

07-26-95-E Fee to Trust Sean & Judith Harte Property

07-26-95-F Fee to Trust Karl & Jodi Berglin Property

07-26-95-G Fee to Trust Ken Perez Property

07-26-95-H Fee to Trust Kohlman Property

07-26-95-I Fee to Trust Gutierrez Property

07-26-95-J Fee to Trust Sigfred Property

07-26-95-K Anthony & Lisa Benson Lease

07-26-95-L Leroy & Dorothy SKenandore Lease Cancellation

08-02-95-A Comprehensive Policy Governing BCC

08-02-95-B WI Intertribal Repatriation Committee Appointees

08-02-95-C NCAI Membership Dues and Delegates

08-09-95-A Women’s Health Awareness Week

08-16-95-A Resolution Process

08-16-95-B Service Agreement with City of De Pere

08-16-95-C Oneida Headstart Program

08-16-95-D Adult Education Funding

08-17-95-A Option to Purchase Stock Agreement-Bay Bancorporation

08-23-95-A Second Amendment to Easement Agreement for Road to Casino with Brown County

08-23-95-B Fee to Trust For Ridgeview Plaza

08-23-95-C Fee to Trust James & Christine Zimmerman Property

08-23-95-D Fee to Trust Steve & Rebecca McGuire Propety

08-23-95-E Fee to Trust Ronald & Gail Yunke Property

08-23-95-F Fee to Trust Bard & Carol Brittain Property

08-23-95-G Fee to Trust Freeman & Barbara Monfort Property

08-23-95-H Fee to Trust Terry & Diane DeBenedetto Property

08-23-95-I Fee to Trust Eugene & Cindy Kus Property

08-23-95-J Fee to Trust Lloyd & Marie Buck Property

08-23-95-K Fee to Trust Neil & Darlene Mishleau Property

08-23-95-L Fee to Trust Bayco II Properties

08-23-95-M Fee to Trust Craig & Meg Kolb Property

08-23-95-N Fee to Trust Steve and Carol Ambrosuis Property

08-23-95-O Fee to Trust Baylands Property

08-23-95-P Fee to Trust Fischer Property

08-23-95-Q Fee to Trust Timothy Besaw Westpoint Property

08-23-95-R Fee to Trust Timothy Besaw Beechtree Property

08-25-95-A Clean Water Act

08-30-95-A Minority Foster Care Recruitment & Licensing Project

08-30-95-B 24 hour Community Based Group Care and Professional Service at Group Homes

08-30-95-C Direct Grant Allotment FY 1995 Child Welfare Funding

08-30-95-D Records Management System Supervision

09-13-95-A Fox River-Green Bay NRDA and Designation of Deborah Doxtator

09-13-95-B Share Our Strength SOS Grant

09-13-95-C Geographic Data Services Cener-GIS

09-13-95-D Continuing to Operate at Current Budget

09-13-95-E Administration for Native American Funding (ANA)

09-13-95-F Fee to Trust Marie Van De Bruggen Property

09-13-95-G Fee to Trust Lois Metoxen Property

09-13-95-H Fee to Trust Lori Tatar Property

09-13-95-I Fee to Trust Stephan & Paticia Koch Property

09-13-95-J Fee to Trust Robert and Henrietta Christensen Property

09-13-95-K Fee to Trust West Mason Investors Inc

09-13-95-L Fee to Trust Richard & Gail Jauron Property

09-20-95-A MOA with Onyota’ aka of the Thames

09-20-95-B Carol & Rose Melchert Lease Cancellation

09-20-95-C Claudia Skenandore Lease Cancellation

09-27-95-A Continuing to Operate at Current Budget

10-06-95-A FY 1996 Indian Self Determination Agreement

10-06-95-B Elder Abuse Direct Services Grant

10-06-95-C Community Based Hunger Prevention Program

10-18-95-A Carol & Richard Robelia Lease Cancellation

10-18-95-B Robert J Schuyler Lease

10-18-95-C Fee to Trust Ambrosius Property

10-18-95-D Fee to Trust Steven & Lynn Livermore Property

10-25-95-A Drug and Alcohol Free Work Place Policy

10-25-95-B Educational Foundation of America Grant-Seven Generations Potential

11-08-95-A Law Enforcement Grant-Outagamie County

11-08-95-B Educational Foundation of America Grant

11-08-95-C Kraft General Foods Private Foundation Grant

11-08-95-D Community Development Block Grant

11-08-95-E Continuing Budget

11-08-95-F Litigation Support Funds from BIA Secure Rights Under Treaty 1838

11-08-95-G Local Housing Organizaiton Grant (LHOG)

11-08-95-H Ernie Stevens Jr & Barb Cornelius to Trust-Enrollment Committee

11-14-95-A Pardon Micheal R. Hill

11-14-95-AA Pardon Chad Wilson

11-14-95-B Pardon Lynn Schommer

11-14-95-BB Pardon Annette L. Smith

11-14-95-C Pardon James Skenandore

11-14-95-CC Pardon Tina D. Metoxen

11-14-95-D Pardon Carlos T. Cornelius

11-14-95-DD Pardon Donna Kurowski

11-14-95-E Pardon Jerelyn D. Cannon

11-14-95-EE Pardon Timothy Hughes

11-14-95-F Pardon Susan Christenson

11-14-95-FF Pardon Matthew W. Denny

11-14-95-G Pardon Kim Powless

11-14-95-GG Pardon Bobbie Jo Spice

11-14-95-H Pardon Rene C. Korth

11-14-95-HH Pardon Laurie L. Palet

11-14-95-I Pardon Robin Emmerton

11-14-95-II Pardon Rebecca E. Schuyler

11-14-95-J Pardon Shelly Schoen

11-14-95-JJ Pardon Laneva Hill

11-14-95-K Pardon Eric G. Jorgenson

11-14-95-KK Pardon Jason J. John

11-14-95-L Pardon Roger Allen Yealey

11-14-95-LL Pardon Franklin Cornelius

11-14-95-M Pardon Todd B. Wayer

11-14-95-MM Pardon Kevin Cornelius

11-14-95-N Pardon Elizabeth A. Johnson

11-14-95-NN Pardon Crete A. Smith

11-14-95-O Pardon Rita Reiter

11-14-95-OO Pardon James Vanenkenvoort

11-14-95-P Pardon Samantha Jordan

11-14-95-PP Pardon Joshua Bailey

11-14-95-Q Pardon Theresa Schuyler

11-14-95-QQ Pardon Cheryl Powless

11-14-95-R Pardon Lisa Madrid

11-14-95-RR Pardon Spence W. Cornelius

11-14-95-S Pardon Waunita Batiste

11-14-95-SS Pardon Dean Tubby Jr.

11-14-95-T Pardon Russell Metoxen Jr.

11-14-95-U Pardon Nicole Lassila

11-14-95-V Pardon Yvonne Jourdan

11-14-95-W Pardon Curtiss L. Jordan

11-14-95-X Pardon Roger Melchert

11-14-95-Y Pardon Elizabeth Matthews

11-14-95-Z Pardon Harry H. Baird

11-15-95-A Pardon Rick Denny

11-16-95-A Litigation Support Funds from BIA relating to Land Claims

11-16-95-B Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement with Ashwaubenon

11-29-95-A Title VI Part A-Grants for Native American Indian Programs

11-29-95-B Continuing Budget Resolution

11-29-95-C Lora & Theodore Waupekenay Lease

11-29-95-D Debra Cornelius Lease

11-29-95-E Peter King & Renee Hill Lease

11-29-95-F Jean Webster Lease

11-29-95-G Faye & Darryl Clevelang Lease

11-29-95-H Todd Metoxen Lease Modificaiton

11-29-95-I Ina Gail & Alvin Bain Lease Modification

11-29-95-J Anthony & Lisa Benson Lease Modification

11-29-95-K Debra Cornelius Lease

11-29-95-L Vickie Cornelius & Ronald Hill Lease

11-29-95-M Fee to Trust Douglas & Lori Kuffel Property

11-29-95-N Fee to Trust Van Effen Property

11-29-95-O Fee to Trust Uhlig Property

11-29-95-P Fee to Trust Beausoleil Property

11-29-95-Q Fee to Trust Nancy Budde Property

12-06-95-A AODA Block Grant Funds for AIDS-HIV Prevention

12-06-95-B Employee Protection Policy

12-13-95-A Fee to Trust Dennis & Sharon Jacobson Property

12-13-95-B Fee to Trust Randy & Suzanne Kuentjes Property

12-13-95-C Fee to Trust Michael & Renee Staszak Property

12-13-95-D Fee to Trust John Eckert Property

12-13-95-E Fee to Trust Russel & Cynthia Belongia Property

12-20-95-A Real Estate Trust Account

12-20-95-B Environmental Education Grant

12-20-95-C Oneida Oral History Project Grant

12-27-95-A Tribal Medical Relief Block Grant

12-27-95-B Steven & Connie Danforth Lease

12-27-95-C Robert Schuyler Lease Modification

12-27-95-D Fee to Trust Roy & Lida Metoxen Property

12-27-95-E Fee to Trust Mark Stevenson Property


01-05-94-A Headstart Program

01-12-94-A Oneida Language-Offical Language

01-19-94-A 1994 Historic Preservation Grant-Language

01-19-94-B Great Lakes Intertribal Council-Fishing Rights

01-19-94-C Fee to Trust-Sue Peterson Property

01-19-94-D Fee to Trust Gerald Lahay Property

01-19-94-E Fee to Trust Schneider Property

01-19-94-F Fee to Trust Hopkins III Property

01-19-94-G Fee to Trust Krahns Property

01-19-94-H Fee to Trust Levanetz Property

01-19-94-I Utilites Commission-Governmental Facilities Lease Revenue Bonds

01-26-94-A Objection to Presidents IHS Reduction for FY 1994

02-02-94-A Rita Summers Residential Lease-Long Term

02-09-94-A Development Division Authority of Capital Improvements and Construction

02-09-94-B Education Department-Adult Alternative Education

02-25-94-A Self Governance Annual Funding Agreement

02-25-94-B MOA with Business Committee and Trust Committee

03-02-94-A Parental Time

03-02-94-B Quality Improvement Grant-Child Care Program

03-02-94-C Repatriation Act

03-02-94-D Easement Agreement with Brown County

03-11-94-A Support of Radisson Inn Expansion

03-11-94-B Employee Authorization to attend Vietnam Wall Activities

03-11-94-C Corporate Charter of Oneida Airport Business Development

03-16-94-A Comprehensive Gaming Ordinance

03-16-94-B BC Support Staff-Enrolled Tribal Members

04-04-94-A OISSEW-Oneida Nation Social Services-Southeastern WI Program

04-06-94-B Appointment of Council Members to WIGA-WI Indian Gaming Association

04-06-94-C Support for Administration for Native American Program Application

04-06-94-D Authorization of Membership and Delagate for NIGA Membership

04-06-94-E Application for Funding for Native Americans with Disabilities

04-13-94-A Offer to Purchase Gerald Skenandore Property

04-13-94-B Intertribal Transportation Association

04-13-94-C 1994 Priority List Roads

04-18-94-A Authorization of Membership and Delegate Appointment to NIGA

04-20-94-A Participation in Intertribal Administration for Native American Program

04-27-94-A Fourwinds American Indian Athlete’s Project

04-27-94-B Gaming Ordinance

05-04-94-A Oneida Nation Joint Apprenticeship Commission

05-11-94-A Community Operated Delinquency Prevention and Early Intervention

05-11-94-B Request for Financial Assistance for Development on Indian Energy Resources

05-11-94-C Erma Danforth Lease Cancellation

05-11-94-D Lois Skenandore Lease Cancellation

05-11-94-E Lee McLester Lease Cancellation

05-11-94-F Fee to Trust Hopkins III Property

05-11-94-G Fee to Trust Gerlach Thomas Property

05-11-94-H Fee to Trust Hurrish Property

05-11-94-I Fee to Trust Vande Hei Property

05-11-94-J Fee to Trust Smits Property

05-11-94-K Fee to Trust Dexter Drive Vann Property

05-11-94-L Fee to Trust Sacred Heart Property

05-11-94-M Fee to Trust Jeffrey Miller Property

05-11-94-N Fee to Trust Ron Peterson Property

05-11-94-O Fee to Trust Babcock II Property

05-11-94-P Scott & Colleen Cottrell-Residential Lease-Long Term

05-11-94-Q Lou Ann Green-Residential Lease-Long Term

05-11-94-R Louise King & Bruce Cornelius Residential Lease-Long Term

05-11-94-S Tanya R Hill Residenial Lease-Long Term

05-11-94-T Declaration of Home for the Aging Week

05-18-94-A Approving Application for 50 New Mutual Help Homes

05-18-94-B Preliminary Loan for Low Rent Housing-50 Mutual Hlep Homes

05-18-94-C Paper Reduction Policy

05-18-94-D Resource Conservation and Development Council

05-18-94-E Withdraw Proposed Joint Draft Regultions with Dept of Interior

05-18-94-F Learn and Serve America Program Grant Application

05-18-94-G Cultural-Traditional Values

05-25-94-A Small Business Development Center Program

05-25-94-B 1994 Grant Funds for Indian Child Welfare Program

05-25-94-C Corporate Charter to Oneida Construction Corporation

05-25-94-D Approval of Standing Stone Subdivision Final Plat

06-08-94-A Tribal Environmental Regulatory Program

06-08-94-B Multi-Cultural Art-Arts Program

06-08-94-C Protect Mother Earth Conference

06-15-94-A Comprehensive Business Preference Law

06-15-94-B Oneida Language Preservation Project

06-15-94-C Eagle Staff Fund Grant Application

06-15-94-D Appointment of Interim Board for Construction Corporation

06-22-94-A Rescheduling of Cancelled GTC Meetings

06-22-94-B Melinda K Danforth Residential Lease-Long Term

06-22-94-D Lester Harms Residential Lease-Long Term

06-22-94-E Albert Manders Jr Lease-Agricultural Purposes

06-22-94-F George Melchert Lease Cancellation

06-22-94-G Employment of Legal Counsel Process

06-29-94-A Interim Attorney Contract Approval Policy

06-29-94-B Minority Male Coalition Grant Application

06-29-94-C Tribe’s Economic Diversification Strategy

07-06-94-A Support FY 95 Budget for Haskell University

07-13-94-A Intertribal Bison Cooperative

07-13-94-B Recognition of Arts and Art Education

07-13-94-C Social Services-Independent Living Program Grant Application

07-13-94-D Barbara Bush Literacy Foundation Grant Application

07-13-94-E WI Land Information Program Grants in Aid to Local Governments Application

07-20-94-A Schedule of GTC Meetings

07-20-94-B Adult Vocational Education Program Application

07-20-94-C Community Development Block Grant

08-03-94-A Hazard Elimination and Safety Program Application

08-03-94-B Support of Gary Jordan for Chairman of WIGA

08-17-94-A Cooperative Agreement with Outagamie County to Replace Bridges

08-17-94-B BIA Reservation Roads System Inventory

08-17-94-C Eagle Staff Fund Grant Application

08-17-94-D Conrad King-Achievers Day Amatuer Golf Tournament

08-24-94-A Community Services Block Grant

08-24-94-B Oneida Headstart Program

08-24-94-C Oneida Nation Electronics Corporate Charter

08-31-94-A Environmental Health Program-Regarding Wells

08-31-94-B Interim Gift Acceptance Policy

08-31-94-C Hunting and Fishing Regulations

08-31-94-D Family Preservation Support Services Grant Application

08-31-94-E Juvenile Mentoring Program Grant Application

09-07-94-A Emergency Amendments to Administrative Procedures Act

09-07-94-B Veterans Home Loan Program

09-07-94-D 1994 Priority Road Construction Project

09-07-94-E Amendments to Miller & Schroeder Investment Corporation Financing

09-14-94-A Bingo and Casino Standard Operational Procedural Manual

09-14-94-B Human Resources-Severance Pay

09-14-94-C Eagle Staff Fund Grant Application

09-14-94-D Elder Abuse Awareness Grant Application

09-14-94-E Amendments to Waste Water Treatment Services

09-21-94-A Environmental Protection Agency-Education Grant Project

09-21-94-AA Leonard & Yvonne Cornelius -Residential Lease-Long Term

09-21-94-B Improvement on Postsecondary Education Project Grant

09-21-94-BB Carmen Danforth Residential Lease-Long Term

09-21-94-C National Alliance to End Homelessness for Sears-Phil Collins Grant

09-21-94-CC Isaac J & June Cornelius Residential Lease-Long Term

09-21-94-D CBS Foundation Grant Application-Head Start Program

09-21-94-DD LaDonna Harris for Receipt of Lucy Covington Award

09-21-94-E Department of Natural Resources Grant Application

09-21-94-F Continuing to Operate at Current Budget

09-21-94-G Lease Agreement Deletion

09-21-94-H John A & Stacy Doxtater Residential Lease-Long Term

09-21-94-I Fee to Trust Tim and Kathy Dolate Property

09-21-94-J Fee to Trust John Salamonski Property

09-21-94-K Fee to Trust Ronald J Lealiou Property

09-21-94-L Fee to Trust Ed Lemmen Property

09-21-94-M Fee to Trust Edward & Anges Wojkiezicz Property

09-21-94-N Fee to Trust Edward & Anges Wojkiewicz Property

09-21-94-O Fee to Trust Edward & Anges Wojkiewicz Property

09-21-94-P Fee to Trust Edward & Anges Wojkiewicz Property

09-21-94-Q Fee to Trust Christian & Margaret VandeHei Property

09-21-94-R Fee to Trust Virginia & Donald Jared Property

09-21-94-S Fee to Trust Richard Nachreiner Property

09-21-94-T Fee to Trust William Van Boxtel Property

09-21-94-U Fee to Trust Gary & Gloria Wilde Property

09-21-94-V Fee to Trust John Philipsen Property

09-21-94-W Fee to Trust Louis Clark Property

09-21-94-X Fee to Trust Murphy Cowles Property

09-21-94-Y Fee to Trust Scott & Kriss Miller Property

09-21-94-Z Deborah Heckel Agricultural Lease-Short Term

10-05-94-A Emergency Amendments to Administrative Procedures Act

10-05-94-B Oneida Small Business Development Center-Laws and Regulations

10-05-94-C Oneida Nation Water Quality Standards

10-12-94-A Authorizing Delegate & Alternates for NCAI Conference

10-17-94-A Seven Generations Planning Process

10-19-94-A Modification of Contract with Martell & Associates-Road Inventory

10-19-94-B Marlene Weisrock Residential Lease

10-19-94-C BIA Litigation Support Funds Request

11-02-94-A Randall Archiquette-Fleet Manager-General Motors Acceptance Corporation

11-09-94-A Blood Drive-Employee Incentive

11-09-94-B WI Humanities Council Grant Application

11-09-94-C Fee to Trust Fox Valley and Western Ltd Property

11-09-94-D Fee to Trust Lewis E Krueger Property

11-23-94-A Adoption of Code of Ethics

11-23-94-B Emergency Interim Removal Law

11-23-94-C WI Office of Justice Grant Application-Juvenile Group Homes

11-23-94-D BC Meeting Agenda and Scheduled Dates

11-23-94-E Library Services for Indian Tribes 1995 Basic Grant

11-23-94-F Fee to Trust Thomas Gerlach Property

11-23-94-G Home Building and Construction Policy of 1994 & 1994 Comprehensive Housing Plan

11-23-94-H Minnie Hill Residential Lease Cancellation

11-23-94-I Marquerite Webster & Helen Webster Lease Modification

11-23-94-J Irving P John & Leona John Lease Modification

11-30-94-A Streisand Foundation Grant Application-Women & Children Shelter

12-07-94-A COPS FAST Hiring Grant Application-Oneida Police Departement

12-07-94-B Social & Economic Development Strategies Project Grant

12-09-94-A Bay Bancorporation Stock Transfer from OEDA to Tribe

12-14-94-A Recycling and Solid Waste Disposal Law

12-14-94-B Authority to sign John Deere Lease

12-21-94-A LOC-creation of new laws or policy for Tribe

12-21-94-B Intent to File Complaints to K-12 School Districts for racist mascots, symbols etc

12-21-94-C Skenandore & Associates Contract Extension

12-21-94-D Dale Powless Residential Lease Cancellation

12-21-94-E David & Marie Smith Residential Lease Cancellation

12-21-94-F Bruce & Mercie Danforth Lease Cancellation

12-29-94-A. Amendment to Profit Sharing Plan


01-06-93-A Tribal Law Enforcement Program Agreement with Outagamie County

01-08-93-A First American Games & Radisson Inn Lease Approval

01-13-93-A Tribal Sponsored Events are to be Alcohol & Drug Fee

01-13-93-B Lease Agreement with Enterprise Development Authority

01-13-93-C Sublease between Tribe and Enterprise Development Authority

01-20-93-A Early Childhood Education Plan

01-20-93-B Gerald Hill Residential Lease-Long Term

01-20-93-C Leone House Residential Lease-Long Term

01-20-93-D Henrietta Oudenhoven Residential Lease-Long Term

01-20-93-E Wanita DeCorah Residential Lease-Long Term

01-20-93-F Roger Yealey Residential Lease-Long Term

01-20-93-G Edward & Arlene Summers Residential Lease Modification

01-29-93-A Tribal Theft Consequences

01-29-93-B Johnson O’Malley Program Mature Contract Status

02-10-93-A 1993 Historic Preservation Fund Grant

02-10-93-B Adoption of Environmetnal Policy

02-19-93-A Supportive and Nutritional Services for Older Indian Grant FY 93-96

02-19-93-B Dept of Education Grant for Adult Alternative Education Programs

02-19-93-C IHS Tribal Mangement Grant

02-19-93-D Kiland Distribution Corp Class III Gaming Temporary License

02-19-93-E USA Gaming Inc Class III Gaming Temporary License

02-19-93-F Ten O’Two Distribution Inc Class III Temporary License

02-19-93-G Hanson Dist Company Class III Temporary License

02-19-93-H Law Enforcement Ordinance

02-19-93-I Oneida Pardon Ordinance

02-19-93-J Whitney & Betty Metoxen Residential Lease Modificaiton

02-19-93-K Lease Agreement Deletion

02-19-93-L Luann Vandenbloomer Residential Lease-Long Term

02-19-93-M Lee & Paula Thomas Residential Lease-Long Term

02-19-93-N Ervin & Marlene John Residential Lease-Long Term

02-19-93-O David & Karen Powless Residential Lease-Long Term

02-19-93-O James & Georgia Hill Residential Lease-Long Term

02-19-93-P Steve & Julie Hilll Residential Lease-Long Term

02-19-93-R Public Instruction Grant Program-Literacy Project

02-24-93-A Indian Controlled Schools Enrichment Projects Grant

02-24-93-B Cultural-Intra-Oneida Relationships Committment

03-03-93-A Congress Urged to Protect Indian Religion Freedom

03-03-93-B Priority List of Transportation Construction Funding

03-17-93-A Self-Governance Compact FY1994

03-17-93-B Wahpeton Indian School Board Technical Assistance

03-17-93-C Anthony & Arlene Benson Lease Cancellation

03-24-93-A Sponsorship of WI Conservation Corps

03-31-93-A Support of UW-Madison Athletic Board

03-31-93-B FY 93 Home Improvement Program

03-31-93-C Department of Education Grant Application-Library

04-07-93-A Edna Skenandore & Elizabeth Powless Property-Offer to Purchase

04-07-93-B Serena Schuyler Lease Cancellation

04-07-93-C IHS-Chairman Grant Authority

04-14-93-A National Park Service Grant Application

04-14-93-B NIGA Membership

04-16-93-A Support of Great Lakes Inter Tribal Council-Tribal Tourism Packages

04-21-93-B John & Janet Hill Residential Lease-Long Term

04-21-93-C John & Janet Hill Residential Lease-Long Term

04-21-93-D Fee to Trust Clark Property

04-21-93-E Fee to Trust Mooren Property

04-21-93-F Fee to Trust Hodkiewicz Property

05-05-93-A Seek Funds for the Support of Educational Program-High School

05-05-93-B Election Ordinance Amendment

05-12-93-A Authorization of Civil Marriage Agreements

05-12-93-B Semi-Annual GTC Meeting Date

05-12-93-C Support of Rick Hill as NIGA Chairman

05-12-93-D Application for 50 Mutual Help Homes

05-12-93-E Authorization of HUD Funds to Purchase Land

05-12-93-F Application for 50 Mutual Help Homes

05-12-93-G Application for Preliminary Loan for Low Rent Housing of Existing Homes

05-12-93-H Application for Preliminary Loan for Low Rent Housing Land Acquisition

05-12-93-I Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission Membership Application

05-12-93-J Personnel Policy and Procedures Amendments

05-12-93-K Fort Howard Negotiating Team

05-12-93-L Personnel Policy and Procedures Amendments

05-19-93-A BIA Reservation Road System Inventory

05-19-93-B Indian Preference Added to All Contracts and Sub-Contracts

05-19-93-C Overall Economic Development Plan-Policies and Procedures

05-19-93-D Spielbauer Fireworks

05-19-93-E Governmental Facilites Project Authorization

05-26-93-A Education Foundation of America Funding for High School

05-26-93-B BIA-Indian Highway Safety Program-Alcohol Countermeasures

05-26-93-C Hanson & Lois Skenandore Lease Modification

05-26-93-D Support of Haskell University Increase

06-02-93-A WI Department of Transportation Grant Application

06-03-93-A Guaranty to Miller & Schroeder Investments Corp

06-09-93-B FourState Intertribal Assembly-Acknowledges Environmental Concern

06-09-93-C Four State Intertribal Assembly-Funding For Lobbyist

06-09-93-D Four State Intertribal Assembly-Request for Meeting

06-16-93-A Model Comprehensive Treatment Program Grant

06-16-93-B Day Treatment Program Grant

06-23-93-A Private Sector Initiative

06-23-93-B Adult Vocational Education Program Grant Application

06-23-93-C General Mills Foundation-At Risk Program Grant Application

06-23-93-D Larry & Rose Jordan Lease Modification

06-23-93-E Support of National Congress of American Indians

06-23-93-F Right of Way Grant-Town of Hobart-Brown County

06-23-93-G Right of Way Grant-Town of Oneida-Outagamie County

06-23-93-H Right of Way Grant-Town of Oneida-Outagamie County

06-23-93-I Right of Way Grant-Town of Onieda-Outagamie County

06-23-93-J Center For Substance Abuse-Residential Treatment for Women & their Children

06-30-93-B Bank One Money Market Savings

06-30-93-C NCAI Renewal of Membership

07-06-93-A GTC Oneida Hymnals

07-07-93-A MOA between BC and Commission on Aging

07-07-93-B Family Violence Shelter Grant Application

07-16-93-A Endorsement of Contracting Rhinelander Field Office

07-16-93-B HUD Indian Programs Grant Application-Elderly Home

07-16-93-C WHEDA Foundation Grant Application-Housing

07-16-93-D IHS Sanitation Facilites Project

07-16-93-E Linking Community Based Primary Care Grant Application

07-16-93-F Continuation of Mature Contractor with IHS

07-21-93-A Building Codes for Exterior Boundaries of Reservation

07-21-93-B Ford Foundation Grant Applicaiton-High School

07-21-93-C Health Board Amended Roles and By-Laws

07-28-93-A Endorsement of WI Tribal Environmental Committee

07-28-93-B Implementation of Injury Prevention Projects

07-28-93-C Self-Governance Compact and Annual Funding Agreement

07-28-93-D Rick Denny Residential Lease-Long Term

07-28-93-E Linden & Dawn Bain Lease Cancellation

07-28-93-F Peter Jordan Lease Cancellation

07-29-93-A Business Lease between Tribe and Utilities Commission

07-29-93-B Business Sub-Lease with Economic Development Authority and Utilities Commission

07-29-93-C Public Facilities Lease Agreement Between Tribe and Utilites Commission

07-29-93-D Approval Of Guaranty-Utilities Commission to Finance Public Facilites Improvements

08-04-93-A Request for Funding for Arts Program

08-04-93-B Day Care Services Program Grant Application

08-04-93-C Amendments to Sanitary District Ordinance

08-04-93-D Utilites-Public Facilities Lease Agreement-Final Approving

08-11-93-A Bayco Properties-Signatures for Lease Amendment

08-11-93-B Authority on Officers to Assign Securities

08-18-93-A Fee to Trust Schuh Property

08-18-93-B Fee to Trust Vanden Eng Property

08-18-93-C Fee to Trust Krueser Property

08-18-93-D Fee to Trust Robert & Renee Van Rossum Property

08-18-93-E Fee to Trust Robertson Farm Property

08-18-93-F Fee to Trust Rajkovacz Property

08-18-93-G Fee to Trust Roemaat Property

08-18-93-H Fee to Trust Erma Danforth Property

08-18-93-I Fee to Trust Vanden Elzen Property

08-18-93-J Leland & Sandra Doxtator Lease Modification

08-18-93-K Diane Funmaker Lease Modification

08-18-93-L Rolling Hills Subdivision Lease Modification

08-18-93-M Deletion of Parcel from Lease Agreement

08-18-93-N Deletion of Parcel-Rolling Hills Subdivision from Lease Agreement

08-18-93-O Christian Carlton & Judy Jordan Lease Cancellation

08-18-93-P Raymond Cox Residential Lease-Long Term

08-25-93-A Amoco Foundation Grant Application-High School

08-25-93-B Mott Foundation Grant Application-High School

08-25-93-C Employment-Training and Related Services Demonstration Project

08-25-93-D Request for Waiver of Surety Bonds In Business Lease and Sublease

08-25-93-H Corporate Charter to Oneida Airport Business Development Corporation

08-25-93-I Appointment of Interim Board of Directors for Airport Business Development Corp

09-01-93-A Hearst Foundation Grant Application-High School

09-01-93-B Supports Enactment of Pending Legislation to Improve Agricultural Productivity

09-01-93-F Approval of Business Sublease Between Tribe and Utilities Commission

09-08-93-A Approval of Aurene Martin Attorney Contract

09-14-93-A Head Start Operational Policy and Procedures Manual

09-14-93-B Continue to Operate at Current Budget

09-14-93-C Appointment of WIGA Representative

09-29-93-A Audit Committee Operating Procedures

10-06-93-A Community Health Nursing Program as Lead Agency for Community Options Progtam

10-06-93-B Louis & Mary Danforth Residential Lease-Long Term

10-06-93-C Fee to Trust HC Miller Property

10-06-93-D Fee to Trust Don Hill Property

10-06-93-E Right of Way-Reconstruction of Bridge on Tip Road

10-06-93-F Approval of Michael Lokensgard Attorney Contract

10-13-93-A Approval of Jo Anne House Attorney Contract

10-13-93-B Membership in NCAI-National Congress of American Indians

10-20-93-A Peter Jordan Residential Lease-Long Term

10-20-93-B Doyle & Grace Jordan Residential Lease-Long Term

10-20-93-C Kathleen Hughes Lease Cancellation

10-20-93-D Fee to Trust Peter King & Renee Hill Property

10-20-93-E Fee to Trust Clinton B Harrision Property

10-20-93-F Fee to Trust Misikin Property

10-20-93-G Fee to Trust Donald & Alvira Wishart Property

10-20-93-H Fee to Trust De Petro Property

10-20-93-I Fee to Trust Verveer Property

10-20-93-J WB-11 Residential Offer to Purchase

10-27-93-A Legislative Operating Committee By-Laws and Policies and Procedures

10-27-93-B Elder Abuse Program

10-27-93-C WI Urban Forestry Grant Application

11-03-93-A Department of Interior-Litigation Support Funding Request

11-10-93-A Guaranty to Brown County for Airport Parking Lease

11-10-93-B Johnson-O’Malley Program Funds Distribution to Appropriate School Account

11-10-93-C OBC in Support of Leonard Peltier

11-17-93-A IHS-Compact of Self-Governance-Annual Funding Agreement

11-17-93-B Hope I Home Ownership Grant Application

11-17-93-C WI Conservation Corps Application for Crew

11-17-93-D Request for Litigation Support from BIA for Right to Fish in Duck Creek

11-17-93-E Herman & Annette Melchert Lease Cancellation

11-17-93-F Judy & Albert Danforth Lease Modification

11-17-93-G Amendment to Bingo Enterprise Lease Agreement

11-17-93-H Fee to Trust Krueger Property

11-17-93-I Fee to Trust Shay Property

11-17-93-J Fee to Trust Mullen Property

11-17-93-K Fee to Trust Allen & Alfreda Green Property

11-17-93-L Fee to Trust Dale Konop Property

11-17-93-M Fee to Trust Vandehei Property

11-24-93-A Pardon Procedures Policy

11-24-93-B Temporary-Permanent Pardons for Gaming Employees

11-24-93-C Loretta Metoxen for NCAI Area Vice President

11-24-93-D Infrastructure Development Agreement with Village of Ashwaubenon

11-24-93-E Support of Gaiashkibos for additional term as President for NCAI

11-24-93-F MOU Between US Veteran Affairs and the Tribe Regarding Veteran Loans

12-01-93-A Request for Funding for Appeals Commission

12-08-93-A IHS-Sanitation Facilities Project

12-08-93-B Compact and Annual Funding Agreement FY 1995

12-08-93-C Comprehensive Gaming Ordinance-Pardon Ordinance

12-15-93-A Transportation Funding-Fair Share Portion

12-22-93-A Paper Reduction Policy

12-22-93-B Miller & Schroeder Financing Investment Corporation

12-29-93-A Larry & Joylyn Cornelius Residential Lease-Long Term

12-29-93-B Dellora Cornelius Residential Lease-Long Term

12-29-93-C Support Rick Hill to NIGC


01-03-92-A BIA Indian Education Programs Additional Funding Needed

01-08-92-A Declaration of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness in Community

01-08-92-B WI Department of Administration Housing Grant Application

01-15-92-A Gaming Commission-Gaming Ordinance

01-15-92-B Support of Red Cliff Tribe Regarding Older Americans Act

01-15-92-C Petition to Dissolve the Town of Oneida Sanitary District

01-29-92-A New School Contruction

01-29-92-B Cathy L Metoxen Residential Lease-Long Term

02-05-92-A Campaign for Human Development Grant Application

02-05-92-B Transfer of Land to Utilities Commission

02-05-92-C Transfer of Land to Utilities Commission

02-12-92-A National Park Services-Historic Preservation Fund Grant Application

02-15-92-A Oneida Gaming Ordinance

02-19-92-A Tribal Home Repair-Improvement Loan Program

02-19-92-B Nutritional Services for Older Indian Grant Application FY 92-93

02-19-92-C Oneida Vendor’s Licensing Ordinance

02-26-92-A BC request for results of 85-89 Bingo Investigation

02-26-92-B Support of Native American Inter-Tribal Bison Enhancement Initiative

02-26-92-C BIA Training and Technical Assistance Grant Application

02-26-92-D George & Barbara Webster Residential Lease-Long Term

02-26-92-E Ronald & Cheryl Free Residential Lease-Long Term

02-26-92-F Edward & Beverly Skenandore Residential Lease-Long Term

02-26-92-G National Congress of American Indians Designated Delegate

02-26-92-H Carlton S Jordan Lease Modification

03-11-92-A Children’s Trust Fund Grant Application for Child Welfare Program

03-20-92-A Administrative Staff Person Defined

03-20-92-B Commission on National and Community Services Grant Application

03-20-92-D Distribution of FY 92 & 93 Community Fire Protection Funds with Hobart and Oneida

03-21-92-A GTC Oneida Gaming Commission Directives

03-25-92-B Marguerite & Helen Webster Residential Lease-Long Term

03-25-92-C Clarence & Delores Skenandore 5 Year Agricultural Lease

03-25-92-D Request to BIA for Level I and II Survey Certification of Tribal Members and Employees

04-01-92-A Oneida Home Improvement Program

04-01-92-B Participation in Self-Governance Demonstration Project Program

04-01-92-C Library Learning and Enrichment Project Grant Application

04-01-92-D Altheimer & Gray Special Counsel Agreement Amendment

04-01-92-E NIGA Membership

04-08-92-A Application for Indian Child Welfare Act Funds Available FY 92

04-08-92-B Bank One-Money Market Savings-Designating Depository

04-15-92-A Utilities Commission Borrowing from WI Department of Natural Resources

04-15-92-B Financial Assistance Agreement with WI Dept of Natural Resources

04-15-92-C Family Violence Prevention and Services Grant Application

04-22-92-A Menominee Joint Grant Application for Teacher Training Project

04-22-92-B Fee to Trust Airview Parcel

04-22-92-C Fee to Trust Parcel of Land East of Oneida

04-22-92-D Vickie & Jesse-Scot Brown Lease Cancellation

04-22-92-E Sodak Gaming Supplies Inc Vendors Gaming License

04-22-92-F Urging Congress to make Bill SB-1752-Indian Tribal Courts Act a Law

04-30-92-A Ronald & Josephine Skenandore Property-Offer WB 11 Residential Offer to Purchase

05-07-92-A Head Start Program Grant Application

05-07-92-B Brothertown Tribe Request Treatment as Federally Recognized Tribe

05-07-92-C Oneida Sanitary District Ordinance Amended User Fee Portion

05-14-92-A FY 92 Water Quality Management Planning Funds

05-20-92-A Urging Congress to Enact Legislature to Protect Indian Religious Practices

05-20-92-B Declaration of 1993 as Year of HIV-AIDS Awareness

05-27-92-A Maxine Thomas Lease Cancellation

05-27-92-B Fee to Trust Zablocki Parcel A and B

05-27-92-C Municipal Waste Water Treatment Grant Application

05-27-92-D Fox Asset Management-Long Term Fixed Income Portfolio

05-27-92-E Jenswold King & Associates-Equity Portfolio

05-27-92-F Standard Asset Management-Short Term Fixed Income Portfolio

06-03-92-A 1993 Indian Highway Safety Project Grant Application

06-03-92-B Need for Flexibility in Housing vs HUD

06-03-92-C Authority on Officers to Assign Securities

06-03-92-D Comprehensive Housing Plan

06-03-92-E National Congress of American Indians Designated Delegates

06-10-92-A Health and Human Services Grant Application for Nutritional Services

06-10-92-B ACTION-Drug Alliance Program Grant Application

06-26-92-A Health And Human Services Grant Application

06-26-92-A1 Farmers Home Administration Guaranty

06-26-92-B IHS-Proposal for Non-Recurring Alcohol Program Funds

06-26-92-C Letter to G Heilman Brewing Company Opposing Sale of Crazy Horse Malt Liquor

07-01-92-A Amendment to Corporate Charter of Oneida Environmental Inc

07-08-92-A Department of Education Grant Application for Workplace Skills Training

07-08-92-B InterTribal Bison Cooperative Membership

07-08-92-C Application for Drug Abuse Prevention and Eduction Activities Funding

07-08-92-D Environmental Protection Agency FY 1992 Wellhead Protection Demonstration Project

07-15-92-A Transportation Planning Funding under Fair Share

07-15-92-B WI Indian Gaming Association Membership and Delegate Appointment

07-22-92-A Corporate Charter for Oneida Research Technology Center Laboratory (ORTEK)

07-22-92-B Department of Labor Grant Application for Work-based Learning Experience

07-22-92-C Health and Human Services Grant Application for Wrap Around Child Care Services

07-22-92-D Minority Male Grant Application-Community Coalition Intervention Demonstration Project

07-22-92-E Minority Male Grant Application-Minority Males Health and Human Services conference

07-29-92-A Community Development Block Grant Program

07-29-92-B Community Development Building-Budget

07-29-92-C Krahn Property-Designated Signatories

08-05-92-A Administration for Native Americans Grant Application for Veterans

08-05-92-B Russell & Carolyn Skenandore Residential Lease-Long Term

08-05-92-C Fee to Trust Vandewalle Property

08-05-92-D Fee to Trust Boland’s Plat of Oneida

08-05-92-E Authorization for employees to attend Kay^tlako^wa- The Great Laws of the Six Nations

08-12-92-A Unite Now Indian Olympic Nation-UNION

08-19-92-A National Congress of American Indians-NCAI Membership Renewal

08-19-92-B Edward & Arlene Summers Lease Modification

08-19-92-C Fee to Trust Appleton Property

08-19-92-D Fee to Trust Brenwall Property

08-19-92-E Fee to Trust Blasczyk Property

08-19-92-F Fee to Trust B Cornelius Property

08-19-92-G Fee to Trust Fain Property

08-19-92-H Fee to Trust Konkle Property

08-19-92-I Fee to Trust John Robert Peterson Property HWY 29 & 32

08-19-92-J Fee to Trust J R Peterson Property HWY 29 & 32

08-19-92-K Fee to Trust Philipsen Property

08-19-92-L Fee to Trust Pulyleart Property

08-19-92-M Fee to Trust Sorenson-Blaczyk Property

08-19-92-N Fee to Trust Vannieuwenhoven Property

08-19-92-O Fee to Trust Wishart Property

08-19-92-P Overall Economic Development Plan Policies and Procedures

09-02-92-A Children and Families Community Services Block Grant Application

09-02-92-B Department of Natural Resources Request for Financial Assistance

09-18-92-A Declaration that October 92 is Year of the Oneida Nation

09-18-92-B Terry Jordan Lease Cancellation

09-18-92-C Drug Free Zones

09-30-92-A Administration for Native Americans Grant Application

09-30-92-B Declaration of opposition to Indian Characters as Mascots or Team Names

10-07-92-A Head Start Program Grant Application

10-07-92-B Smoking Prohibited in Archiquette Building

10-07-92-C Indian Head Start Program Grant Application

10-07-92-D Head Start Program Grant-Facilities Standards

10-07-92-E Head Start-Approval to Serve Border Town Families who are Eligible

10-07-92-F Environmental Incorporated-No more Funding or Loans

10-13-92-A Oneida Enterprise Lease of Casino Property

10-16-92-A Amended Employment Assistance and Higher Education Grant Program

10-16-92-B 1992-1993 Human Services and Income Maintenance Program Budget

10-16-92-C Halloween Trick or Treat Hours

10-16-92-D Leona Smith Lease Cancellation

11-05-92-A Commerce Legislative Operating Committee

11-20-92-C Gerald Hill Attorney Contract

11-25-92-A Honors November 29th World AIDS Day

12-02-92-A Permission Granted to State of WI for Survey

12-03-92-A Bank One Guaranty

12-03-92-B Miller & Schroeder Guaranty

12-03-92-C Oneida Enterprise Development Authority-OEDA Charter & By-Law Amendments

12-09-92-A Support of WI Winnebago Nation Class III Gaming Operation in Blooming Grove

12-16-92-A Fee to Trust Carlton Property Revised

12-17-92-A application to the BIAffairs for judicary

12-23-92-B BIA Funds for Parks & Wildlife, Home Garden Project

12-30-92-A Profit Sharing Plan

12-30-92-B Bank One Designating Depository

12-30-92-C Clayton & Celene Elm Residential Lease-Long Term

12-30-92-D Fee to Trust CDB Property


01-25-91-A Altheimer & Gray Special Counsel Agreement

01-25-91-B Support for Position of Assistant Chancellor for American Intercultural Program

02-01-91-A Construction Committee

02-01-91-B Oneida Preference for Construction

02-01-91-C IHS-Robert Grybowski Participation in Loan Repayment Program

02-01-91-D WI Counties Association

02-22-91-A Support of NCAI Regarding Suzanne Harjo

02-22-91-E Wastewater Treatment Services Agreement

02-22-91-F MOA Between BC and Gaming Commission

03-01-91-A WI Fund to Maintain System

03-01-91-B Historical Preservation Plan for Historically Sensitive Housing on Reservation

03-08-91-A Self-Governnance Demonstration Project

03-08-91-B FY 1991 Water Quality Management Planning Program

03-08-91-C Dorner Stahl-Phase I Sewer and Water Construction Contract

03-22-91-A FY 1991 Water Quality Management Planning Program

03-22-91-B Family Violence Prevention Act Application for Assistance

03-22-91-C Oneida Earth Week-Oneida Arbor Day

03-22-91-D Bernard & Victoria Johnson Residential Lease-Long Term

04-19-91-A Environmental Standards for Property Enforcement

04-23-91-A Facilites Improvement and Repair Project for Norbert Hill School

04-26-91-A BC Meetings to Be held on Wednesday

05-13-91-A Housing Authority Construction of 30 New Mutual Help Homes for FY 1991

05-13-91-B Land Acquisition within Reservation Boundaries

05-15-91-A NIGA Membership and Appointment of Delegate

05-15-91-C Fee to Trust Peterson Property

05-15-91-H Fee to Trust Diocese Land Parcel

05-15-91-L Common School Fund

05-15-91-M Endorsement of Strategic Plan for Library and Information Services

05-15-91-N Amendment to Corporate Charter with Airport Hotel Corporation

05-15-91-O WI Fund Assistance for Private Sewage System Replacement

05-15-91-P Amended Tribal Sanitary District Ordinance

05-15-91-Q Farmers Home Administration Guaranty

05-22-91-C Appointment of Sarah Plummer to Community Clean Water Program

05-22-91-D MOU Between Tribe and WI Department of Industry-Labor and Human Relations

05-22-91-E Ada Deer Recognition for years of Service at State and Federal Level

05-23-91-A IHS Request for Non-Recurring Mental Health Funds

05-29-91-A Home Garden Project-Community Fire Protection

05-29-91-B BC Support of NATA- Native American Transportation Association

06-05-91-B FY 1990 & 1991 Community Fire Protection Funds Distribution

06-12-91-A Amendment to Oneida Election Ordinance

07-10-91-A Health and Human Service Grant Application

07-10-91-B Request to Congress and President regarding Gwich’in People

07-10-91-C FY 1991 Planning Grant-Comprehensive Community Development Plan

07-17-91-A HUD Fund Request

07-24-91-A Economic and Community Development Committee

07-24-91-B Child Care and Development Block Grant

08-01-91-A Membership with Native American Fish & Wildlife Society

08-01-91-B Housing Authority-Force Account Program

08-01-91-C HUD-Irrevocable Letter of Credit Issuance

08-01-91-D American Games-Implementation of New Games

08-14-91-A BC Meeting-Executive Session for Employee Complaints

08-14-91-B Fy 91 Parks and Wildlife and Home Garden Project Funds

08-14-91-C Gaming Manager Delegated to Purchase Necessary Equipment and Supplies

08-19-91 GTC addendum to Appeals Commission

08-19-91-A GTC-adoption of Administrative Procedures Act and Appeals Commission

08-19-91-B GTC Eldery Trust, Land Acquistion Fund , Tribal Reserve Loan

08-21-91-A Project Care-Community Action to Reach the Elderly Application

08-21-91-B WI Natural Resources-Request for Financial Assistance for Recycling Program

08-21-91-C Bank One-Money Market Savings Account

08-21-91-D Opposition to NACO Policies-National Association of Counties

08-21-91-E Doreen & Lawrence Vansteel Residential Lease-Long Term

08-21-91-F Hanson Skenandore Agricultural Lease

08-21-91-G Parcel of Land Deletion-Lease Agreement Modification

08-21-91-H Parcel of Land Deletion-Lease Agreement Modification

08-28-91-A Appointment of Representatives to Oneida-Menominee Task Force

08-28-91-B BC Support of Housing Authority initiation of Force Account Program

08-28-91-C Tribe Transfer of Parcels of Land to Utilities Commission for Water and Sewer System

08-30-91-A BC Approval of Utilities Commission Borrowing Money From FMHA (Farmers Home Administration)

08-30-91-B Amendments to Oneida Tribal Sanitary Ordinance

08-30-91-C Farmers Home Administration (FMMHA) Guaranty

08-30-91-D Black Jack Operating Procedures

09-04-91-A 1991 Expenditure to Continue for 1992

09-11-91-A Oneida Tribal Membership Ordinance

09-11-91-B Opposition of Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Highway

09-18-91-A Service Vendor Agreement

10-02-91-A Urges Congress to Enact Legislation to Protect Native American Religious Practices

10-02-91-B Urges Negotiation of Rulemaking Act be Invoked by NIGC

10-16-91-A Self-Governance Demonstraton Planning Program

10-24-91-A Fee to Trust-Vanniewenhoven Parcel

10-30-91-A Lake Michigan Winnegago Area Agency on Aging Grant Application

11-06-91-A Law Enforcement Program Grant Agreement-Outagamie County

11-13-91-A Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Grant Application

11-13-91-B Appointment of Representatives to NIGA

11-27-91-A Renewal of National Congress of American Indians-NCAI Membership

11-27-91-B National Congress of American Indians

11-27-91-C Nathan & Carol Smith Residential Lease-Long Term

11-27-91-D Dorothy & Douglas Krull Residential Lease-Long Term

11-27-91-E Dorsey & Whitney-Attorney Contract

12-04-91-A Support of University of WI Law School Great Lakes Indian Resource Center

12-04-91-B WI Class III Gaming into Oneida Gaming Ordinance

12-11-91-A Bureau of Indian Affairs Grant Application-Oneida Judiciary

12-11-91-B Authorizing Sponsorship of WI Conservation Corps

12-11-91-C Francis Skenandore & Associates-General Counsel Attorney Contract

12-18-91-A Oneida Parking Regulations

12-18-91-B Fee to Trust-Hanson Property

12-18-91-C Fee to Trust-Parker Property

12-18-91-D Fee to Trust-Parcel of Land Green Bay

12-18-91-F Vickie & Joseph Webster Lease Cancellation

12-18-91-G Carl J. King & Jacqueline L. Webster lease