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Kalihwisaks – She Looks For News


Kalihwisaks – She Looks For News

Stay informed with the latest news from the official publication of the Oneida Nation

All Submissions:

Content Submission Deadline: 1st Thursday of each month. For the November 2024 edition, deadline is Thursday, October 3, 2024. See Kali Content Submission and Print Schedule

Release date: Last Tuesday of each month. The November 2024 edition will be released on Tuesday, October 29, 2024.

New: We’ve added a new linked table of contents to the Kali! Now you can jump straight to any page by clicking on the title. Plus, don’t forget you can click on the QR codes throughout the publication for more information and extra content!

Enjoy the October 2024 edition or past editions of the Kalihwisaks by clicking on a cover below



















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