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Prevent Opioid Overdose


“An opioid overdose happens when a toxic amount of an opioid  – alone, or mixed with
other drugs, and/or substances – overwhelms the body’s ability to handle it.”

Recognizing an opioid overdose and understanding how to respond to it is an essential life-saving tool. OBH offers virtual training for all first responders and community members so that they have the knowledge to identify when a person who may have overdosed on an opioid.

Our services include: 

  • Providing training on opioids and opioid addiction.
  • Offering training for all first responders and community members who work with the public, so they can identify a drug overdose.
  • Educating all first responders and community members about the treatment options for opioid addiction.

Participating in this training may make the difference if you find yourself in a situation where you need to assess and potentially treat someone that has overdosed. 

“I’ve always had a very positive experience with all of the staff at Behavioral Health.”
– an OBH client


The Naloxone (Narcan) Training PowerPoint link below provides vital information on overdose prevention and survival. It covers the following topics:

  • Harm reduction
  • What is an opioid
  • Recognizing an opioid overdose
  • Responding to an opioid overdose
  • Laws and procedures related to naloxone
  • Tips for preventing opioid overdose
  • Resources for family and friends 

Native Naloxone Training pdf

NARCAN® Overdose Kits Available

To help prevent an opioid overdose, OBH has NARCAN® kits available during it’s regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Our office is located at: 

2640 West Point Road
Green Bay, WI 54301
PH: (920) 490-3790

NARCAN® is an opioid antagonist and is used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. It is usually given by a caregiver or loved one if they think an opioid overdose has occurred.

IMPORTANT: Administering NARCAN® is not a substitute for emergency medical care for opioid overdose. After NARCAN® has been given, you should immediately call 911 or your local emergency number. 

Dose of Reality - Opioids in Wisconsin

Prevent opioid harm. It starts with real talks.
Now, more than ever, it is time to talk about opioids, including prescription painkillers, heroin, and fentanyl. Deaths from opioid overdoses are at an all-time high in Wisconsin. Go to for information to prevent and reduce the risks of opioid use through real talks or open and honest conversations about the dangers. The Dose of Reality website also features information on how to provide support to people you care about before risks develop, and how to get help to those who need it. The Dose of Reality website is a product of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the Wisconsin Department of Justice. 

Fentanyl Test Strips Available


Fentanyl Test Strips Available
Fentanyl test strips can help those using drugs detect the presence of fentanyl in different drug forms, such as pills, powder and injectables. It takes as little as two salt-sized grains of fentanyl to kill someone. Within minutes, someone using the test strips can know whether the drug they are about to take contains fentanyl.

Fentanyl test strips are available through Oneida Behavioral Health at (920) 490-3790. Instructions for using the test strips are available by clicking the link below.

Fentanyl Test Strip Instructions


Please be aware of a growing trend…xylazine in illicit drugs. Xylazine, also known as tranq, is a veterinary tranquilizer that is NOT safe for human use and has been linked to an increasing number of deaths nationwide. It is being added to a number of illicit drugs. In some cases, those taking the drug are aware that xylazine has been added and in others they are not.


Xylazine, used knowingly or unknowingly, often causes skin ulcers and abscesses that are difficult to heal. These wounds can lead to pain and death. Because xylazine deaths are spreading steadily across the country, it’s important to know that naloxone (NARCAN) will not reverse the effects of xylazine, which is not an opioid.


Learn more about xylazine from the National Institutes of Health at this link.

Oneida Behavioral Health has resources for those who are ready to walk away from drugs or alcohol, as well as resources for their friends and family members. Please reach out today at (920) 490-3790.

Xylazine Test Strips Available

Xylazine test strips can be used to detect the presence of xylazine in various drugs including pills, powder and injectables. It is virtually indetectable otherwise, being that you can’t see it, taste it or even smell it. As little as 0.04 grams of Xylazine can become toxic to humans, and repeated use can lead to deadly necrotic skin wounds. With xylazine test strips, someone can know within minutes if the drug they are about to take contains xylazine.

Xylazine test strips are now available through Oneida Behavioral Health at (920) 490-3790. Instructions for using the test strips are available by clicking the link below.

Xylazine Test Strip Instructions

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