ARPA-Tribal Contribution Savings
The Oneida Business Committee adopted Broad Goal statements at its May 26, 2021 regular meeting to provide guidance to the organization in programming and budgeting for the next three years. These Broad Goal Statements provided a sound basis for utilization of the ARPA Tribal Contribution Savings (TCS) and percentages of the total funds were assigned to each goal.
Tribal Contribution Savings (TCS) Budget Obligations – updated 3-3-2023
There have been several projects the OBC has obligated ARPA-TCS funds to be used. These include:
GWA Payment
Resolution: 06-30-21-B Adoption of Direct Membership Assistance Payments Utillizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Federal Relief Funds
Total Obligated: $43,800,000.00
Purpose: The Direct Membership Assistance Payment of $3000 was made for the purposes of providing financial relief to members who have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and the aftermath of its impact resulting in lost wages, health care expenses, inflationary increases on the cost of food, utilities, and other household expenses, and the lost
opportunities in career and/or education advancement.
For: Enrolled members of the Oneida Nation that will be at least 18 years of age by December 31, 2021 and able to attest to a financial need.
Duration: This project has ended and is no longer accepting applicants.
Funding Category: Direct Membership Assistance
Vaccination Incentive
Resolution: 06-30-21-BC Adoption of the Oneida Nation Vaccination Incentive Program for Oneida Nation Members: 09-22-21-B Extension of the Oneida Nation Vaccination Incentive Program for Oneida Nation Members; and 12-08-21-C Extension of the Oneida Nation Vaccination Incentive Program for Oneida Nation Members
Total Obligated: $7,857,500.00
Purpose: Oneida Nation Member Vaccination Incentive Program shall pay eligible member of the Oneida Nation a five hundred dollars ($500.00) incentive payment after the member voluntarily provides proof of the completion of the full manufacturer-recommended dose(s) of a COVID-19 vaccine or, in other words, who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
For: An eligible member of the Oneida Nation shall be defined as an enrolled member of the Oneida Nation, twelve (12) years of age and above. With the adoption of the 12-8-21-C amendment, the OBC expanded the vaccination incentive program to include Oneida members five (5) years of age to eleven (11) years of age, as permitted by the FDA guidelines, the vaccine manufacturer, and other medical professionals.
Duration: This project has now ended and is no longer accepting applications
Funding Category: Direct Membership Assistance
Food Innovation Center
Resolution: 08-25-21-B Obligation for CIP #15-001, Food Innovation Center, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Federal Relief Funds
Total Obligated: $7,155,000.00
Purpose: CIP #15-001 is a construction project to build a Food Innovation Center. The Project Team is responding to questions received during review of project’s CDPC Approval Package. Project will be submitted to OBC for approval and activation of funding in June.
Duration: This project will be concluded no later than September 30, 2023
Funding Category: Food and Agriculture
Residential Home Sites
Resolution: 08-25-21-C Obligation for CIP #23-005, Residential Home Sites, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Federal Relief Funds
Total Obligated: $1,579,000
Purpose: CIP #23-005 is a construction project to build residential home sites at Cattail Marsh. Cattail Marsh is located in the wooded area behind Three Sisters Head Start near the intersection of W. Mason St. and Country Club Rd. The Project Team is reviewing the design of the Cattail Marsh Neighborhood to allow efficient use of the sloped property. The exact number of lots is still to be determined, but we estimate it will be 10 to 20 lots.
Duration: This project will be concluded no later than September 30, 2023.
Funding Category: Affordable Housing
Multi-Family Housing
Resolution: 08-25-21-D Obligation for CIP #21-111, Multi-Family Housing, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Federal Relief Funds
Total Obligated: $7,367,335.72
Purpose: CIP #21-111 is a construction project to build apartments made up of two- and three bedroom units. The Project Team is finalizing the project’s business plan and CDPC Approval Package. Project will be submitted to OBC for approval and activation of funding in August.
Duration: This project will be concluded no later than September 30, 2024.
Funding Category: Affordable Housing
Holiday Food Gift Cards
Resolution: 10-13-21-B Adoption of the 2021 Pandemic Relief Food Card Distribution Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Federal Relief Funds; 12-02-21-A Amendment of BC Resolution # 10-13-21-B Adoption of the 2021 Pandemic Relief Food Card Distribution Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 FRF
Total Obligated: $4,693,500.00
Purpose: A food card distribution for the purposes of providing financial relief to members negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic through lost wages, health care expenses, inflationary increases on the cost of food, and other unexpected costs or loss of revenue.
For: All enrolled members of the Oneida Nation, ages 18 and above, who have attested to a need for such relief due to the economic impact created by the COVID-19 public health emergency
Duration: This project has ended and is no longer accepting applicants.
Funding Category: Direct Membership Assistance
Pandemic Pay
Resolution: 10-13-21-C Obligation for Pandemic Pay, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Fiscal Recover Funds Lost Revenue, as amendeds
Total Obligated: $2,000,000.00
Purpose: A pandemic pay program to compensate employees who interact with others in the course of their work and as a result have a heightened risk of encountering the COVID-19 virus
For: Oneida Nation employees who interact with others in the course of their work.
Duration: This project has ended and is no longer accepting applicants.
Funding Category: Revenue Generation
Adolescent Wellness Treatment Center Tribal Partnership
Resolution: 11-01-21-A Obligation for Adolescent Wellness Treatment Center Tribal Partnership, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Fiscal Recovery Funds Lost Revenue
Total Obligated: $50,000.00
Purpose: the member Nations of the Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council (GLITC) have identified providing support for those Native youth that addicted to prescription drug abuse should be taken up in partnership to provide assistance to all Native nations and communities and will help in combating prescription drug abuse in Native communities
For: Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council (GLITC)
Duration: This project will be concluded upon purchase of land to build the adolescent wellness treatment facility
Funding Category: Overall Priority
Government Infrastructure
Resolution: 11-10-21-E Obligation for Government Infrastructure, American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Fiscal Recover Funds Lost Revenue
Total Obligated: $2,214,218.09
Purpose: the Government Administrative Office has completed a strategic plan which includes Government Roles and Responsibilities work, and General Tribal Council meeting solutions; and the Project Owner for this strategic plan and the Nation’s Secretary have proposed to obligate the Fiscal Year 2022 ARPA funds in the amount of $2,214,218.09 from the ARPA FRF LR, Government Roles and Responsibilities
For: Government Administrative Office
Duration: the infrastructure projects are planned for conclusion by September 2023
Funding Category: Government Roles and Responsibilities
Higher Education-Student Relief Fund
Resolution: 12-08-21-D Obligation for the Oneida Nation Student Relief Fund, Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Fiscal Recovery Funds Lost Revenue
Total Obligated: $4,000,000.00
Purpose: Qualifying Oneida members may use the Oneida Nation Student Relief Fund for their initial degree of any level, duplicate or lesser degrees, professional development and training through seminars, certifications and licenses, or other professional advancement classes or training. The education options must be offered through an accredited institution or professionally affiliated association. Qualifying Oneida members are limited to a maximum of two (2) seminars, certificates, licenses or nondegree related classes per year. The award may include course materials or fees required for the training or class not included in the cost of the program.
For: Qualifying enrolled Oneida tribal members
Duration: This program is currently accepting applicants, more information can be found here.
Funding Category: Education
Amelia Cornelius Cultural Heritage Park Renovations
Resolution: 03-23-22-D Obligation for Amelia Cornelius Culture Park & Veterans Wall Enhancements Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $2,682,210.00
Purpose: The Amelia Cornelius Culture Park Project includes: Veterans Memorial Wall parking lot, sidewalks, eagle statue base, and paver project; the Northwest Corner upgrades to include: new parking lot, bathrooms, pavilion, and visitor center; Log Home/Long House upgrades to include: accessible ramps to log homes, asphalt trail system, stage area, road closure gates, and removal of DPW Shed; the Language House area upgrades to include; road work, removal of tree and light pole and replace with a cul-de-sac. New DPW Shed and new lights will be installed around the park.
For: The Amelia Cornelius Culture Park & Veterans Wall Enhancements project
Duration: This project will be concluded by December 31, 2024
Funding Category: Culture and Language
Digital Store Front
Resolution: 03-23-22-E Obligation for Big Bear Media Upgrades Project Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $93,874.00
Purpose: Oneida Big Bear Media will utilize funds to purchase the following: Digital Store Front customized store front, IntoPrint MP200, HP700, HP54, and Maintenance & Supplies.
For: Big Bear Media Upgrades Project
Duration: This project will be concluded by September 30, 2023
Funding Category: Overall Priority
Early Childhood Education Programs
Resolution: 03-23-22-C Obligation to Support Oneida Early Childhood Programs Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $2,500,000.00
Purpose: Learning Recovery – Oneida Early Childhood
Supplemental Programming
For:Education and Training
Duration: This project will conclude no later than March 31, 2025
Funding Category: Education
Digital Technology Services-Cybersecurity
Resolution: 03-23-22-F Obligation for Security Improvement Maturity and Cybersecurity Risk Reduction Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $160,000.00
Purpose: Security Improvement and Cybersecurity Risk Reduction Increased cyber-attacks against businesses, organizations, tribes, and casinos requires that a well-developed cyber security plan and program be assessed and acted upon to protect the Oneida Nation.
- Better understanding of Oneida’s network boundaries. Internal segmentation,
cloud environments, and Internet outage.
- Need for an organized, prioritized, and quantified (cost, quality, and schedule)
security plan.
- A plan against which progress can be reported and outcomes measured.
- Specific assessments and penetration testing would serve to inform the potential
for continuous management of the security plan.
For: Digital Technology Solutions
Duration: This project will be concluded by 3 months from the start date.
Funding Category: Overall Priority – Land, Infrastructure, Sovereignty
Oneida Police Department Retention/Pandemic Payment
Resolution: 04-13-22-D Obligation for Oneida Police Department Retention/Pandemic Payment Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $68,000.00
Purpose: The Oneida Police Department Retention/Pandemic Payment is to retain and recognize positions that play a critical role in maintaining the health and safety of our Community, to support those employees who worked during this unprecedented public health emergency and to recognize the sacrifices made on a daily basis throughout this pandemic.
For: Oneida Police Department Employees
Duration: This project will conclude no later than May 20, 2022
Funding Category: Revenue Generation
140HP Loader Tractor
Resolution: 07-13-22-H Obligation for 140HP Loader Tractor Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $88,000.00
Purpose: The 140HP Loader Tractor will be more useful and efficient for our beef and buffalo operation than our current equipment. It will be able to haul haylage, corn silage, and high moisture corn, cut hay for the beef and buffalo, as well as run the batwing mower to upkeep the pastures, buffers, fence lines, and CRP fields.
For: Oneida Nation Food and Agriculture Department
Duration: This project will conclude no later than December 31, 2022
Funding Category: Food & Agriculture
140HP Mixer Tractor Utilizing
Resolution: 07-13-22-I Obligation for 140HP Mixer Tractor Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $130,200.00
Purpose: The 140HP Mixer Tractor will be used to replace the current tractor that is seeing end of life replacement needs and is not powerful enough to meet the needs of the current Oneida Nation Farm operations. The 140HP Mixer Tractor will be used in multiple field operations, including hauling haylage, corn silage, and high moisture corn, which are all feed commodities for our beef and buffalo. It will cut hay, rake hay, and run the mowers to maintain pastures.
For: Oneida Nation Food and Agriculture Department
Duration: This project will conclude no later than December 31, 2022
Funding Category: Food & Agriculture
6155M Cab Tractor with Crimper
Resolution: 07-13-22-J Obligation for 6155M Cab Tractor with Crimper Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $132,160.00
Purpose: The 6155M Cab Tractor with Crimper will be compatible with existing equipment at Tsyunhehkwa Farm. It will assist with no tilling efforts and will allow farm operations to be more efficient with adding another large tractor to the inventory. The crimper is a system that will encourage better environmental support as it allows for year-round cover cropping and reduction in fertilizer costs. This tractor and crimper will allow a faster response to multiple corn field when needed, increasing staff efficiency. The goals are to reduce erosion and runoff, increase soil health, and reduction of footprint left on the land, all of which promote sustainability.
For: Oneida Nation Food and Agriculture Department
Duration: This project will conclude no later than December 31, 2022
Funding Category: Food & Agriculture
MS 400 VB Spreader
Resolution: 07-13-22-K Obligation for MS 400 VB Spreader Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $50,960.00
Purpose: The MS 400 VB Spreader will be used to add to the inventory of the Oneida Nation Farm. The farm hauls manure for its operations, and an additional spreader would aide on the timeliness of application and increase efficiency of overall operations.
For: Oneida Nation Food and Agriculture Department
Duration: This project will conclude no later than December 31, 2022
Funding Category: Food & Agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture Consultation
Resolution: 07-13-22-L Obligation for Regenerative Agriculture Consultation Assessment Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $280,588.00
Purpose: The Regenerative Agriculture Consultation Assessment will look to perform baseline soil health assessments of our agriculture departments, including Tsyunhehkwa, the Oneida Nation Farm, and Orchard. This study will assess operations and create a multi-year recommended action plan to work to incorporate increased best practices of regenerative agriculture practices. This project will include staff training, as well as community producer training. The benefits of this project include decreasing chemicals into our food systems and ecosystems, optimi 44 zing soil health of our lands, and increasing healthy foods into our foods system.
For: Oneida Nation Food and Agriculture Department
Duration: This project will conclude no later than December 31, 2025
Funding Category: Food & Agriculture
Public Arts and Arts Survey
Resolution: 07-13-22-M Obligation for Public Arts and Arts Survey Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $50,000.00
Purpose: The Public Arts and Arts Survey will facilitate a tribal community survey about the arts program services and activities seeking perceptions and input for invigorating and revitalizing cultural identity as Oneida people; and the commission and placement public arts in key areas on the reservation that create gathering places for Oneida people and visitor for the reflection and revitalization of unique tribal cultural identity, heritage, and creative artistic expression for future generations.
For: Oneida Nation Arts Program
Duration: This project will conclude no later than December 31, 2025
Funding Category: Land, Infrastructure, & Sovereignty Overall Priority
Oneida National Treasures Recognition
Resolution: 07-13-22-N Obligation for Oneida National Treasures Recognition Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $530,000.00
Purpose: The Oneida National Treasures Recognition is a 5-year project that will formally recognize individual Oneida people or groups for their work in preserving, protecting, and promoting our Arts, Language and Culture each year. A formal recognition ceremony will be held for the selected individuals/groups and other invited guests. The project includes funding monetary awards to the selected individuals and/or groups, purchase of their artwork, video and multi-media documentation, museum quality display supplies and materials, and an awards banquet with presenters.
For: Oneida Nation Arts Program
Duration: This project will conclude no later than December 31, 2028
Funding Category: Land, Infrastructure, & Sovereignty Overall Priority
Oneida Nation Student Relief Fund
Resolution: 7/13/22-O Obligation for the Oneida Nation Student Relief Fund, Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $2,000,000.00
Purpose:Oneida Nation Student Relief Fund has provided an opportunity for Oneida Nation members to work toward their post-secondary education, professional training, and certification goals, regardless of their Oneida Higher Education Scholarship status; and the obligation of additional funds will provide an opportunity for more Oneida Nation members to improve their employment prospects during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For: Qualifying enrolled Oneida tribal members
Duration: This program is currently accepting applicants, more information can be found here.
Funding Category: Education
Oneida Nation Home Infrastructure Program
Resolution: 07-13-22-P Obligation for Oneida Nation Home Infrastructure Program Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $3,000,000.00
Purpose: The Oneida Nation Home Infrastructure Program will pay the cost of connecting enrolled members of the Oneida Nation who reside on the reservation to natural gas when the service is located on their roadway but is not run to their house, pay the cost for enrolled members of the Oneida Nation who live on the reservation, relying on a well for water, to purchase and have installed water softeners and/or water purification systems, and pay the cost for connecting enrolled members of the Oneida Nation who live on the reservation to internet when the service is located on their roadway, and pay the cost to buy out enrolled members of the Oneida Nation who live on the reservation out of their expensive contracts for internet service, propane gas service and water filtration rental contracts so that the above services can be implemented and completed.
For:Qualifying enrolled Oneida tribal members
Duration: This project will conclude no later than December 31, 2023
Funding Category: Housing
Home Repair and Improvement Program
Resolution: 07-13-22-Q Obligation for Oneida Nation Home Repair and Improvement Program Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $12,000,000.00
Purpose: The Oneida Nation Home Repair and Improvement Program will provide loan funding to eligible enrolled members of the Oneida Nation for the purpose of home repair or improvement, as an offering administered by Bay Bank.
For: Qualifying enrolled Oneida tribal members
Duration: This project will be sustainable and has no end date.
Funding Category: Housing
Oneida Nation Food Assistance Program
Resolution: 07-13-22-R Obligation for the Oneida Nation Food Assistance Program Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $14,000,000.00
Purpose: The Oneida Nation Food Assistance Program will provide an allocation of five hundred dollars ($500.00) to each enrolled Oneida Nation member that is at least 18 years of age by December 31 in 2022 and 2023 for the purchase of healthy food items. The Oneida Business Committee intends the Oneida Nation Food Assistance Program to be distributed to eligible members pursuant to the Oneida General Welfare Law, 10 O.C. 1001 et seq.
For: Qualifying enrolled Oneida tribal members
Duration: This project will be implemented for two consecutive years and concluded by December 31, 2023.
Funding Category:$13,195,291 from Direct Membership Assistance and $804,709 from Food and Agriculture
Oneida Nation School System STEM Lab
Resolution: 07-27-22-N Obligation for Oneida Nation School System STEM Lab Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $67,277.42
Purpose: The Oneida Nation School System (ONSS) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Lab will work with the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) to continue the development of a vertically aligned STEM program that will result in opportunities for high school students to graduate with certifications or college credits in STEM related subjects
For: Oneida School System Students
Duration: This project will be concluded by June 30, 2023
Funding Category: Education
Oneida Language Department (OLD) and Tehatiw^nakhwa Language Nest (TLN) Expansion Project
Resolution: 07-27-22-O Obligation for Oneida Language Department (OLD) and Tehatiw^nakhwa Language Nest (TLN) Expansion Project Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $9,685,027.00
Purpose: The Oneida Language Department (OLD) and Tehatiw^nakhwa Language Nest (TLN)
Expansion Project will provide for the continued implementation and expansion of Oneida Language Revitalization efforts
For: Oneida Tribal Members and Youth
Duration: This project will be concluded by September 30, 2028
Funding Category: Culture and Language
Beef Discount Project
Resolution: 10-12-22-A Beef Discount Project Utilizing Tribal Contribution Savings
Total Obligated: $75,000
Purpose: The Beef Discount Project will fund the processing costs of 75 animals that will be wholesaled to the Oneida Community at a discounted price. The funding will cover the processing cost of 75 animals, and implement a discount offer to membership that allows them to purchase animals wholesale with the cost savings 100 percent trickling down to them. The goal of this project is to support membership in being able to prepare for the continuing rising cost of food by stocking their freezers with a high quality protein source, while simultaneously supporting the Nation’s system and economy by encouraging membership to invest their dollars back into Oneida.
For: Oneida Tribal Members
Duration: This project will be concluded by September 30, 2023
Funding Category: Food and Agriculture