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Standing Committees

The Oneida Business Committee maintains standing committees to take up identified subject areas. For the 2023 – 2026 term, there are three (3) standing committees: Audit, Finance, and Legislative Operating. BC Resolution # 09-13-23-F Oneida Business Committee 2023-2026 Term Assignment to Standing Committees identifies the BC members assigned to each committee. Please click on the links below to learn more about each standing committee:

Audit Committee


Finance Committee


Legislative Operating Committee


Onʌyoteʔaꞏká niʔ i Committee


Note: Previous terms of the Oneida Business Committee included two (2) additional standing Committees 1) Community Development Planning Commiteee and 2) Quality of Life Committee. Both of these standing committees were dissolved on September 13, 2023 by BC Motion.  Please contact Records Managment for any record requests relating to these committees.


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