Oneida Vocational Rehabilitation Services
The primary focus of Oneida Vocational Rehabilitation Services (OVRS) Program is to assist American Indians with disabilities gain and maintain employment while receiving culturally appropriate services that will help them overcome barriers and obstacles that are unique to their situation.
OVRS can help you reach your desired career by planning and organizing services necessary to assist you while you work to achieve your goal. The OVRS team will help you with the development of your plan and put identified services in place that help you reach your goal. It is, however, the responsibility of the individual to put forth the necessary effort to complete each step of their plan to the best of their ability so that they can reach their goal.
Who is eligible?
- Be a member of a federally recognized tribe, residing on or near the Oneida Reservation. (Brown County, Outagamie County)
- You must have a documented physical, mental, cognitive or developmental disability.
- The disability must be the major problem for getting, keeping or advancing in employment. If you are not sure what the disability is or how it is making it difficult for you to find employment, the counselor can recommend different assessments that will help identify the disability and point out your abilities and interests.
- You must be reasonably expected to benefit from vocational rehabilitation services. In other words, the disability can’t be so severe that it is impossible for you to work. However, we assume you are able to work until proven otherwise during the development and implementation of your Individualized Plan for Employment.
- You must have the desire to work and actively take part in the journey towards your employment goal.
Required Documents
- Certified Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB)
- Tribal Enrollment Verification/Tribal ID/Enrollment Letter
- State ID/Driver’s License
- Social Security Card
- Proof Residency (bill with your name, bank statement, etc.)
For High School Students (age 14 and up) an Individual Education Plan will be needed
Types of Services Provided
A variety of services can be provided to assist eligible participants to prepare for, obtain and/or to retain jobs. These types of services may include but not limited to:
- Vocational counseling
- Vocational evaluation and/or career exploration
- Job seeking skills
- Job development
- Transition from high school to post-secondary education or immediate employment
- Physical or technical aids needed to accommodate a disability in the workplace
- Tools and equipment
- Other Federally approved services needed to find, keep or advance at a job.
Not Sure? Attend one of the weekly Orientations
- Every Tuesday at 9:00 AM or Thursday at 1:00 PM
- Fill out referral form
- Email completed form to
- Call Oneida Vocational Rehabilitation 920-490-3900 if you need another day or time.