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Support Orders

Establish Child Support Orders

The purpose of establishing child support orders is to determine how much money each parent should contribute for the care of the child.


Factors to think about when stipulating an agreement for a child support order:

  • Placement – Where the child lives
  • Visitation – Which nights of the week does the child stay with each parent
  • Custody – Who makes decisions on health care, school, etc.
  • Child Support Obligation – Calculated based on placement and visitation
  • Arrearage – Unpaid child support
  • Past Due Support – Date of application or date of review
  • Health Care – Who carries insurance and who pays unpaid health costs
  • Tax Deduction – Refers to IRS Guidelines but can be addressed in court order for tax purposes of who can claim child in that fiscal year

Modify Child Support Orders

  • Child Support Orders can be modified anytime there is a significant change in the family situation. Please contact the Oneida Family Court for instructions on how to file a motion.

  • Oneida Family Court – (920) 496-7200

Change In Custody

  • If the custody and/or placement of the child changes, the order should be changed to make sure the custodial parent is receiving child support

Change In Employment

  • If changes in your employment occur, the child support could be modified to reflect the non-custodial parent’s ability to pay

Reporting Changes

  • Changes should be made within 10 days

Case Reviews Every 24 Months

  • Oneida Nation Child Support will review cases every 24 months
Additional/Contact Info