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2022 06 15 LOC Meeting Packet

…������������ ������������������ !��”#�$�%&'()*�$�+,-./(0.�1,0234-.5*6�$�+,//4*7,-84-04�$�1/(9.�:;+�(0?4.�$�@A7,”�/4*2′.*BC(0?A27� $�D=*0(‘�E37(0.�F.(.434-.�$�G()�$�G4H(‘�I4J=4)�$�K=-2.4*�$�KLMBKLN�$�>4.=.=,-� $�>/4*4-.(.=,-�$�I47,/.�$�I4*,’2.=,-�$�I2’4�5(8,7.=,-�7(0?4.6�$�F.(.434-.�,9�@9940.�$�;/(J4’�1,0234-.*�$�L.O4/P�Q��RS�T����U��V�W�!��X�Y�� Z����#�� $�%28H4.48�[�;/=C(‘�+,-./=C2.=,-� $�%28H4.48�[�:/(-.�D2-848�� $�M-C28H4.48� � $�/=3(/&�I4̀24*.,/P��� �1(-4”4�a=’*,-_�@b402.=J4�N**=*.(-.�� cdefgh�cihjkl mno�pq�mmm40 of 45 � � ��������� � ���� ��� �� ��� ������� ��������������������������������� !”#�$�%&�’� (�) ������*�(�) ��+��,…

04-08-09-D White Bison Wellbriety Journey for Forgiveness

…abuse, suicides and domestic violence plaguing Native American communities today; and WHEREAS, a primary cause of historical trauma among Native people was the widespread abuse of Native American children at…

Maple Ceremony work packet

…-Ohstowa>k%= – Great Feather Dance/Thanks to the Creator -Acknowledgment of what has been accomplished. -Takwanuhwela=t&= – Closing -Feast Maple Syrup Nutrition Benefits •Manganese- a trace mineral Helps enzymes important in…


…Denied Determining Ofcial’s Signature Date Confrming Ofcial’s Signature Date Verifying Ofcial’s Signature Date The contact information below is solely to file a complaint of discrimination In accordance with federal civil…

02-19-2013 SPEC Proposed policy to allow transfer of Oneida Tribe original child support cases to concurrent jurisdictions

Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin Oneida Business Committee Special Meeting 3 p.m. Feb. 19, 2013 BC Conference Room, 2″d Floor, Norbert Hill Center Minutes Present: Chairman Ed Delgado, Vice…

OCHoD rpt

…an extensive yearly crime prevention program that offers various combinations of activities such as crime prevention education, career exploration, sports instruction, community assessment, community service, higher education promotion, etc. 17…

2024 2025 Returning Enrollment Application and forms (1)

…Determining Ofcial’s Signature Date Confrming Ofcial’s Signature Date Verifying Ofcial’s Signature Date The contact information below is solely to file a complaint of discrimination In accordance with federal civil rights…

2022 09 28 BC Minutes

…Oneida Gaming Commission Legal Services- file # 2022-0730 (04:22:53) Sponsor: Mark A. Powless, Sr., Chair/Oneida Gaming Commission Motion by Lisa Liggins to approve the attorney contract – Oneida Gaming Commission…

10-04-11-A Emergency Amendments to Grievance Process

…the Personnel Commission as if all grievance appeals had been conducted. CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, as Secretary of the Oneida Business Committee, hereby certify that the Oneida Business Committee is…
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