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2023 01 18 LOC Meeting Packet

…is limited to members of the Nation. [10 O.C. 1001.5- 2]. Each approved program is required to set forth any specific eligibility rules and limitations applied to that program. [10…

2024 01 03 LOC Meeting Packet

…The Oneida Business Committee utilizes Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition, for the procedural rules of its meetings except as specifically modified by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Oneida…

Dec. 14

…Committee signature required 4. Budget Information D Budgeted- Tribal Contribution D Budgeted -Grant Funded D Unbudgeted 5. Submission Primary Requestor/Submitter: Christopher Johns, Self-Governance Coordinator Your Name, Title I Dept. or…

December 6 SPEC

…in a denied request may be reconsidered by the Oneida Business Committee at the next available meeting as provided for in Robert’s Rules of Order, Rule 37.” The e-poll for…

2023 03 22 BC Open pkt for public

…Life Insurance Plan. [10 O.C. 1004.5- 4]; Public Packet 37 of 129 Page 2 of 2  Provides rules related to the determination of death and status. [10 O.C. 1004.6-1];…

2022 12 21 LOC Meeting Packet

…Committee, or a position on a 288 judicial court or commission, shall not run for more than one (1) elective office or seat per election. 289 290 102.7. Notice of…

2023 11 01 LOC Meeting Packet

…may submit written com- ments, questions or input. Comments may be submitted to the Oneida Nation Secretary’s Office or the Legislative Reference Office in per- son, by U.S. mail, interoffice…

2022 11 30 BC Open pkt for public

… WISCONSIN: COVID-19 COMMUNITY LEVEL WI Department of Health Services- Public Health retrieved 10/21/2022 Brown County is MEDIUM & Outagamie County is LOW Relevant COVID-19 Vaccination Data WISCONSIN-…

2023 04 07 LOC Meeting Packet REVISED

…Petition L. Dallas – Disclosure of FY- 2020 Budget ARF IV.10 Petition L. Dallas – Disclosure of FY- 2021 Budget ARF IV.11 Petition L. Dallas – Disclosure of FY- 2022…

Quality of Life Survey (Brown and Outagamie County Residents)

The Oneida Nation is conducting a study of the quality of life of enrolled Oneidas. The survey will help the Oneida Nation gather information on members’ opinions about various issues…
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