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07-11-01-D Health Facilities Revenue Bond

COMMITTEE OF THE TRIBE OF INDIANS OF WISCONSIN ‘EST \ )~ -c3-1fs’, ,’,,~1′,’ ,t’_:’~ ‘-,-‘~ “‘;’-‘-“– J Treast1fer / . 61/,q/O! ‘7 Oneida/res2 Gerald Danforth Chaired Meeting Cristina Danforth Judy…

2024 08 28 BC Minutes

…as information, seconded by Jonas Hill. Motion carried: Ayes: Lawrence Barton, Jonas Hill, Lisa Liggins, Kirby Metoxen, Marlon Skenandore, Jennifer Webster, Jameson Wilson, Brandon Yellowbird- Stevens Oneida Business Committee Regular…

09-24-14-P Extension of Emergency Amendments to the Judiciary Law – Transition Plan

…Oneida Business Committee directs the Legislative Operating Committee to prepare amendments to be presented to the General Tribal Council which shall allow the Oneida Business Committee to set, by resolution,…

Native Employment Work Application (NEW)

…Physical Address: Apartment/Unit# City: State ZIP: County: Phone Number: Email: Sex: (circle one): Female Male Marital Status (circle one): Single/never married Married living together Divorced Widowed Are you a veteran:…

02-08-12-A Amendment to corporate charter of the Oneida Seven Gens Corporation

…provided that if nonmembers are appointed in accordance with this Article they shall be limited to a single five (5) year term. d. All Board members must have experience in…

Quarterly Report 1st – Comprehensive Health

…allow transition from two- stage process to single-stage process. Dental Assistants and Trainees (Continued on next page) Outcome/Goal # 3 Advancing Customer Focused Experience (Strategic Direction 4) MEASUREMENT: ACCOMPLISHMENTS RELATED…
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