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Why Go Dry This January and Tips for Success


The holidays are filled with stressful schedules, obligations and lots of opportunities for overindulging. When things slow down, it pays to give your body a break. Back in 2012, an initiative dubbed “Dry January” began overseas. Now, millions of people around the world have joined in. Dry January is what it sounds like, 31 days at the start of the New Year to put a pause on your alcohol consumption. All of us at Oneida Behavioral Health hope you’ll give it a try.

You Might Ask Why?
Why would someone consider participating in Dry January? Here are just handful of really good reasons:

  • Ditch the hangover – say so long to brain fog, headaches and wasted days
  • Refresh your skin – drinking dehydrates your skin and deprives it of nutrients, but skin can bounce back
  • Give your liver a rest – protect this vital organ by giving it some time to recover from overindulging
  • Whittle your waistline – alcohol is stocked with sugar and empty calories and can slow your metabolism
  • Improve your sleep – did you know that alcohol can keep you from getting much needed REM sleep?
  • Better mental health – according to researchers, women who quit alcohol improved their mental health

So, You’re In? Here Are Some Tips
Having a plan for those moments when you’re tempted can make all the difference. Here are some great tips to set yourself up for success this January:

  • Find enjoyable alternatives – whether at the end of the day or out on the town, decide on an alternative drink you enjoy ahead of time like sparkling water, tonic and citrus or your favorite tea
  • Choose new ways to destress – when you know a stressful week is in the cards, identify new ways to unwind like a soak in the tub, deep breathing exercises, headphones and a brief meditation session or writing it all down in a journal
  • Enlist friends’ help – ask your friends to help when you’re tempted by offering you a non-alcohol alternative

What If You’re a Heavy Drinker?
If you are a heavy alcohol user, it can be dangerous to quit using alcohol abruptly. Those with alcohol use disorders who would like to quit drinking should strongly consider a medically monitored detox program that has professionals on hand who know how to treat severe withdrawal symptoms like seizure or coma.

If you don’t fall into the heavy drinker category, but are concerned about your alcohol consumption,  the benefits of Dry January can be pretty impressive. If you find that removing alcohol from your menu in January is too difficult to tackle alone, Oneida Behavioral Health can help. Give us a call at (920) 490-3790.

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