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2023 General Election Oneida Business Committee Candidate Forum Videos

…view. If a candidate does not have a video below, they did not participate in the forum. All candidates for the Oneida Business Committee and Gaming Commission were invited to…

First US children’s series with Alaska Native lead kicks off

…moose-head soup? “Not yet,” Johnson says with a laugh. Following the longer premiere, the 30-minute show will run mornings seven days a week, according to WGBH executive producer Dorothea Gillim….

180 Year Anniversary of the 1838 Treaty with the Oneida

…for each individual, and the lines of which shall be so run as to include all their settlements and improvements in the vicinity of Green Bay.” Official records stated there…

Yawʌˀkó∙ Oneida Language Department and Language Nest!

…Department/Language Nest and the ANA Language program. For those looking to dive deeper into Oneida sounds and pronunciation, we highly recommend checking out this helpful YouTube video. It’s been a…

2022 06 08 BC Minutes

…Board: Indian Health Services Pre- Negotiations in Minneapolis, MN. 1 Microsoft Teams is software which provides a communication and collaboration platform for workplace chat, file sharing, and video meetings. Oneida…

January 30, 2023, annual GTC minutes_DRAFT

…Michael Debraska. Motion ruled out of order by Chairman Tehassi Hill; cannot take action on 27 agenda items in a motion to adopt the agenda 28 29 Motion by Lori…

2023 04 26 BC Minutes

…on leave. 1 Microsoft Teams is software which provides a communication and collaboration platform for workplace chat, file sharing, and video meetings. Oneida Business Committee Regular Meeting Minutes April 26,…

2022 09 28 BC Minutes

…Tribal Health Conference in Washington, D.C. 1 Microsoft Teams is software which provides a communication and collaboration platform for workplace chat, file sharing, and video meetings. Oneida Business Committee Regular…
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