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2023 07 12 LTR to LDallas RE Petitions – Chief Counsel Position and Chief Counsel Contract

…Business Committee and all other Boards, Committees, Commission, the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin organization, entities, corporations, etc. in compliance with all legal, regulatory, statutory and compliance matters; 8. Shall only…–-Chief-Counsel-Position-and-Chief-Counsel-Contract.pdf?_rt=NTAyfDUxfG1pbGYgZnVjayBidWRkeSByZXF1ZXN0IC0tLSZndDsgZWR1LWVkdS1lZHUtdS5ibG9nc3BvdC5jb20gJmx0Oy0tLSB8MTcyNjE2ODUxOQ&_rt_nonce=ecf3133e09

September 16, 2019 special GTC minutes_DRAFT

…effectiveness of our communications. Oneida Comprehensive Health Division’s 410 communication philosophy is the belief that all forms of communication are timely, complete, concise, 411 considerate, clear, and honest. We have…
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