Food Service Licensing and Cottage Food Operators
Food Handler Safety Classes
The Oneida Food Service Code requires all individuals who wish to sell food at any Tribal Event or on Nation property to take a food handler safety course. Our aim is to educate our food providers and have only the safest food products served in our community. Take a class here. (Note: A food handler safety training certificate is NOT a license to sell food.)
Food Service Licensing
Per Oneida Food Service Code, any person that wishes to sell prepared food for profit must obtain a license. This includes:
- vendors that sell at temporary events,
- vendors that wish to open a permanent establishment
- vendors that wish to become an Independent Food Service Operator (selling, for profit, food that is prepared off-site, independent of permanent establishment, at or within a location approved by the Department within reservation boundaries throughout the year)
How to Become a Licensed Food Service:
Temporary Food Service Establishments (one-time event, for profit)
- Complete Food Handler Safety Course Certification or verify your existing certification is current. You may certify through Oneida or certification through these courses is also accepted: ANAB-CFP Accreditation Program (Accredited).
- Contact the Oneida Nation Sanitarian at (920) 869-4554, or at least three weeks days prior to the event with date, location, and time.
- Complete and submit temporary food service establishment license application at least one week prior to the event.
- The Oneida Sanitarian will inspect your facility to ensure compliance with Oneida Food Service Code prior to the start of the event.
Permanent Establishment
- Complete and submit the Plan Review Application and Operational Plan for Retail Food Establishments BEFORE construction or remodeling.
- If you are a mobile operation, complete the following forms: Mobile Food Establishment Plan Review Application ,and Mobile Food Establishment Operational Plan .
- Complete Food Handler Safety Course Certification or verify your existing certification is current. You may certify through Oneida or certification through these courses is also accepted: ANAB-CFP Accreditation Program (Accredited).
- Insurance is not a requirement of food service licensing, but is highly recommended.
- Upon plan review approval from the sanitarian, complete and submit Perm License App 2025.
- Oneida Sanitarian will review and contact you via next steps.
Independent Food Service Operator (selling within reservation boundaries throughout year without a permanent restaurant/establishment)
- Complete Food Handler Safety Course Certification or verify your existing certification is current. You may certify through Oneida or certification through these courses is also accepted: ANAB-CFP Accreditation Program (Accredited).
- Complete and submit the Plan Review Application and Operational Plan
- Complete and submit Perm License App 2025 .
- Insurance is not required for Independent Food Service Operators, but it is highly recommended.
- Oneida Sanitarian will review and contact you via next steps.
Frequently Asked Questions and Important Notices
- All vendors are required to have one (1) person on site at all times that has proof of a current food safety certification.
- The above licensees are required to prepare food in a Nation approved commercial kitchen or approved set-up. This does NOT include your home kitchen.
- Licenses will be granted through Oneida ELAD after the Oneida Sanitarian has completed a successful inspection and approves the application requirements.
- Community sponsored non-profit fundraising and/or charity events are not required to have Food Safety Certification, nor are they required to submit an application or undergo inspection. It is highly recommended that at least one (1) person involved in the preparation of the food for the event attends a Food Safety course and has knowledge of the Oneida Food Service Law.
Cottage Food Operator Exemption: In accordance with the amendments made to the Oneida Food Service Law, homemade, non-potentially hazardous foods may now be sold for profit and be exempted from the regulation of this law. This means licensing requirements, including fees, are waived. A full copy of the current Food Service Law can be found here: Oneida Food Service Law Please make sure to read the entire law to understand if you meet the qualifications to register as a Cottage Food Operator.
What does this mean? You may now make and sell non-potentially hazardous food products from your home, directly to the consumer (not via the internet, mail, or through a third party), without needing to be licensed. Cottage foods present a lower risk of causing foodborne illness.
What qualifies as a non-potentially hazardous, low risk food? “Cottage food products” mean foods, produced within the home kitchen of a domestic residence, that are non-potentially hazardous, including non-perishable baked goods such as cakes, most fruit pies, breads, brownies, cookies and muffins; dry mixes; dried fruit; jams, jellies and preserves; home-canned foods such as apples, peaches and lemons or salsa, pickled vegetables and hot sauces; and other non-potentially hazardous foods that the Department characterizes as cottage food products for purposes of this law. This includes foods with a pH of 4.6 or less and a water activity of 0.85 or less or an interaction of these values such that the food is not sensitive to time and temperature requirements. If you are not sure if your food product meets the definition of non-potentially hazardous, please contact the Department to inquire and gain approval.
How do I qualify as a Cottage Food Operator Exemption? HOME-CANNERS: If you are looking to make and sell home canned goods, you are required to FIRST complete a canning safety course. Pre-approved canning courses include: The online-course (CURRENTLY FREE) offered by University of Michigan Extension found at **Other courses must be approved by the Oneida Nation Cannery**
REGISTRATION: Cottage Food Operators must be registered with the Department prior to selling home made foods. Registration forms can be found and completed here annually: FY25 COTTAGE FOOD OPERATOR REGISTRATION FORM
LABELING REQUIREMENT: Cottage food products MUST be labeled with the following information: (1) The name and address of the cottage food operator; (2) The name of the cottage food product and the date on which it was prepared, processed or canned; and (3) A clearly legible sign or placard that states: “this product is homemade and not subject to inspection by the Nation.”
For more information contact Brittany Nicholas, Sanitarian Office: (920)869-4554 or Email:
After-hours emergency?
If you have an afterhours emergency (i.e emergency meaning an “Imminent health hazard” exist which is a significant threat or danger to health which requires immediate correction or cessation of operation to prevent injury such as fire, flood, extended interruption of electrical or water service, SEWAGE backup, misuse of POISONOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS, onset of an apparent foodborne illness outbreak, or gross insanitary occurrence or condition), please call 920-655-1708 or email
Report a Food Establishment Complaint
To report a food establishment complaint, please complete and submit this form. If you want to report a foodborne illness, STOP. Please come the following form instead: . Thank You!