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Don’t Forget Mental Health During National Self-Check Month

If the pandemic taught us anything about mental health, it’s that mental health is just as important to a harmonious life as physical and emotional health. National Self-Check Month in February is a great reminder to check in on our emotional and mental health and overall well-being.

Before starting your self-check, it may help to set the tone for your emotional and mental review. Remind yourself that it’s OK to think about how you feel. When you try to ignore them, your negative feelings can become larger mental health issues. Review the good feelings too. Recognizing positive parts of your life can lead to improved mental health.

Here are some simple questions and ideas you can use during your self-check.

  • Ask yourself how you feel in this moment and how long have you felt that way? Run through every emotion you can think of, from anger and embarrassment to love and compassion.
  • When experiencing or recalling a feeling, recognize how your body reacts to that feeling. Do you clench your teeth or find yourself smiling? Did your heart start to pound or did your body relax? From happiness to shame, and everywhere in between, emotions can manifest with physical reactions.
  • Ask yourself if you’ve had any recurring thoughts or if your mind keeps replaying a particular encounter or conversation? Think about how you feel each time the recurring thought occurs. Does the emotion dissipate or intensify with each recurrence?
  • Have you been worrying lately? If so, ask yourself if there is something you can do to change what you’re worrying about?
  • Take stock of what you’re doing for enjoyment and relaxation.
  • Ask yourself if you’re eating well, moving and sleeping well.
  • How often do you rely on substances like alcohol, drugs or cigarettes to deal with emotions?

Asking yourself questions like these can help you identify both where you’re doing well and areas of your life that may need attention. If you find that you want a little extra help, Oneida Behavioral Health has resources you can use to help restore harmony in mind, body and spirit. Call us at (920) 490-3790 or learn more about the services we provide by visiting


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