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My friend Gordy and his “Bucket List”

…remarkable record of personal, family and community history behind. Importantly, Gordy saw accumulating documents and recording history as a way to show the world that Oneidas had a magnificent history…

New book looks at the life of a Native American in 21st Century

world, but it also focuses on the good things that I found in the world, and how I overcame the prejudice,” said Clark. The book grew out of presentations he…

Traditional weddings return to the Oneida longhouse

…come to fruition. “There is a belief that what takes place in the longhouse is what is taking place simultaneously in Sky World,” Kateri said. “Having our marriage in the…

US official: Research finds uranium in Navajo women, babies

…among the world’s largest open-pit uranium mines. It closed several decades ago, but cleanup has yet to be completed. “They need funds,” Haaland said. “They job was not completed.” David…

Powless tearing through road racing competition

…in triathlons you’re always involved in swimming, biking, and running so I pretty much grew up doing all three. I was also involved in swimming and running cross country for…

VFW Auxiliary continues serving Oneida community

As the Second World War finally came to a close in 1945 and American war heroes returned home, Oneida’s warrior community established its “Robert Cornelius” Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)…
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