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2022 09 07 LOC Meeting Packet Updated

…comi of competent jurisdiction regarding custody or placement of a child until the Children’s Code or other child welfare orders are dismissed [7 0. C. 708. 5- 6]; ■ Provide…

2022 09 07 LOC Meeting Packet

…comi of competent jurisdiction regarding custody or placement of a child until the Children’s Code or other child welfare orders are dismissed [7 0. C. 708. 5- 6]; ■ Provide…

2018 07 10 semi-annual GTC minutes

…I’m going to recognize that, so we’re going to vote on the adoption of the agenda as is with three minutes…three minute limit per speaker per topic. I’m sorry, but…

2022 07 06 LOC Meeting Packet

…an emergency change in placement as described in 1092 section 708.24-6. 1093 708.25-4. Notice. The Department or Nation’s Child Welfare attorney shall submit the request to 1094 the Court and….

2018 09 24 special GTC minutes

…Jo Anne House: Testing, one. The General Tribal Council has always held closed meetings which non- members are not allowed to be in the room. Historically the General Tribal Council…

2018 03 19 – 2018 05 12 – 2018 07 01 special GTC minutes

…with them right now. I’ll have to…education, and I don’t recall the fourth. But they’re online under the Quality of Life Survey results. Nancy Skenandore: Thank you. Since I only…

Home Energy Plus Application 2023

1 Home Energy Plus Application To apply for Energy Assistance online go to For Agency Use Only – shaded areas to be completed by agency Application Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Worker…

2022 06 15 LOC Meeting Packet

…������������ ������������������ !��”#�$�%&'()*�$�+,-./(0.�1,0234-.5*6�$�+,//4*7,-84-04�$�1/(9.�:;+�(0?4.�$�@A7,”�/4*2′.*BC(0?A27� $�D=*0(‘�E37(0.�F.(.434-.�$�G()�$�G4H(‘�I4J=4)�$�K=-2.4*�$�KLMBKLN�$�>4.=.=,-� $�>/4*4-.(.=,-�$�I47,/.�$�I4*,’2.=,-�$�I2’4�5(8,7.=,-�7(0?4.6�$�F.(.434-.�,9�@9940.�$�;/(J4’�1,0234-.*�$�L.O4/P�Q��RS�T����U��V�W�!��X�Y�� Z����#�� $�%28H4.48�[�;/=C(‘�+,-./=C2.=,-� $�%28H4.48�[�:/(-.�D2-848�� $�M-C28H4.48� � $�/=3(/&�I4̀24*.,/P��� �1(-4”4�a=’*,-_�@b402.=J4�N**=*.(-.�� cdefgh�cihjkl mno�pq�mmm40 of 45 � � ��������� � ���� ��� �� ��� ������� ��������������������������������� !”#�$�%&�’� (�) ������*�(�) ��+��,…

Wayne “Buggin” Malone nominated for two Nammys

…work and efforts as musicians,” said Malone. Malone can be reached at his Facebook page, and his music can be purchased online at iTunes, Spotify, or other online music retailers….
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