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2024 GWA Membership Informational Letter

…update o Trust Enrollment Department will no longer accept online banking such as Venmo, Chime, Paypal, GreenDot, GoBank, etc. If any online banking institution is received, you will be notified…

2022 08 03 LOC Meeting Packet

…how the Nation provides financial assistance to its members, pursuant to the Oneida General Welfare law. On April 14, 2021, the Oneida Business Committee adopted resolution BC-04-14- 21-D, Oneida Nation…

2023 03 15 LOC Meeting Packet REVISED

…Act. [1 O.C. 109.9-5]. A fiscal impact statement and public meeting are not required for emergency legislation. [1 O.C. 109.9- 5(a)]. The emergency adoption of this Law was necessary, and…

Native Americans put digital spin on traditions amid virus

Native Americans across the U.S. are organizing online and social-distancing powwows and posting videos of dances as a way to offer hope and spiritual support during the coronavirus pandemic. Over…

2024 08 28 BC Open pkt for members only

…-…Approve the travel report – Councilman Jameson Wilson – Dartmouth Tribal Leadership Academy -…Approve the travel report – Councilman Jameson Wilson – Dartmouth Tribal Leadership Academy -… Members Only Packet…

2024 08 28 BC Open pkt for public

…:�;�?@�A BCDEFG�BHGIJK LMN�OP�QRQPublic Packet 50 of 217 ���������� � �� ������������������������������ !�”�#�$%&'()*+�,-.’)./���������0�1��!2�!�3#�45/�6’/-()�7)8-%’�$&9-‘/99��%::-88//�(-*/;8/(�)�*;/�85/�?*/9/’;/�%@�85/�6’/-()�7)8-%’A�45/�B&*C9(-;8-%’�%@�85/�7)8-%’D9�9%=/*/-.’�98)8&9�5)9�’,&�)&(�+#$�*)+’,&N-�6$-$65)+’,&�)&(�'($&+’OP/)+’,&�,:�+6′.)1�1)&(-�6$’&OQ6/$(�2’+#�+#$�/066$&+�.6)&(‘&4�-+)&()6(-�)-�)(,7+$(�+#6,04#�R0-‘&$–��,88’++$$�6$-,10+’,&��”#$�%&$'()�*)+’,&�S$-$65)+’,&�’-�0&’F0$1;�76,/1)’8$(�)-�)�G0671$�T$)6+�S$-$65)+’,&�)&(�2’11�#,-+�)�G0671$�T$)6+�U,&08$&>�2#’/#�6$/,4&’V$-�+#$�8)&;�%&$'()�”6′.)1�8$8.$6-�2#,�)6$�6$/’7’$&+-�,:�+#’-�76$-+’4′,0-�8$()1�OQ6�)/+-�,:�#$6,’-8�)&(�.6)5$6;�+,,�&08$6,0-�+,�+$11W�A&�C�CD#$�8)3,6�4)+$2);-‘&+,�+#$�%&$'()�*)+’,&�S$-$6K)+’,&�+#6,04#�1)&(-/)7’&4�)&(�)++6)/+’5$�-‘4&)4$@H�A&/,67,6)+’,&�,:�/066$&+�S$-$65)+’,&�.6)&(‘&4�-+)&()6(-�R@ ���� ��d���e�����!��:>$6�2,6c’&4�2’>#�+#$Y’-/,&-‘&��$7)6+8$&+�,:”6)&-7,fg)+’,&6′.)1�46)7#’/-�)>�8)3,6�6,)(2);-��”#$6$�)6$/,&>’&0$(�$ij,6+-�+,�$=7)&(�+#’-�’&’>’)+’5$�+,)((‘h’,&)1�1,/)+’,&-@”#$��,880&’/)+’,&-��$7)k+8$&+�/,,6(‘&)>$-�+6’.)?�/,&+$&+�,&�-$5$6)?�(‘4’+)1�.’11.,)6(-�+#6,04#,0+�+#$�)6$)B� lmnoplnqrstuvwxn�yz{||}�~�����un��qn�yz{||}��������rs������v���u��sv������ �������������� ¡��¢£¤¥¦§¦̈©ª�« ¬®̄°±�²±³®́�µ±¶±®·³́ ¹̧º�»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂ�ÃÄÅÆÇ¿ÈÄÁ¿�ÉÊ�ËÇÆÁÌÅÉÍÆÎÏÉÁ�ÐÄÌÄÑÆ¿ÀÉÁ�ÌÒÂÁÌ� ÓÔÕÖ×Ø�ÓÙØÚÛÜ ÝÞÝ�ßà�áâáPublic Packet 53 of 217 ���������� �� �� ��������������������������� �!”�#��”��!����$��������%�”��!��!…

Judge: Lawsuit challenging Keystone pipeline can continue

…Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada. U.S. District Judge Brian Morris in Great Falls, Montana, dismissed U.S. Justice Department arguments that the court had no authority to second-guess the cross-border…

Keystone pipeline restarts 2 weeks after North Dakota leak

By JAMES MacPHERSON Associated Press BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) ~ Canadian crude oil is once again moving through a pipeline nearly two weeks after the line leaked an estimated 383,000 gallons…

Wisconsin tribe sues Enbridge to force pipeline removal

MADISON, Wis. (AP) ~ A Native American tribe in Wisconsin is suing Enbridge Inc. in hopes of forcing the Canadian company to remove a key pipeline that runs through their…
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