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2023 08 07 special GTC Meeting packet_FINAL

…the disease. https://www.cdc.gov /media/releases/2020/p0819-covid-19-impact-american-indian-alaska- native.htm; https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6934e1.htm?s_cid=mm6934e1_w. The CDC found that in 23 selected states (including Wisconsin), the cumulative incidence of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases among AI/AN was 3.5 times that of…


May 11

…NATOW Kirby Metoxen, Councilman Members Only Packet 321 of 847 �������� ��� ��� ���������������� � ������������������������� � ����� ��� ��� ���� �!�”#�$%�&’��(�������)�*�� ������+��,!%#!��+,%�-.�%#!/�+,%�-01�/%�2�3,%4�/-01�/%�5,6�- 7%%�/&��8$9-7%%�/&��8$9-7%%�/&��8$9-:���� �����)�*�� ������;#/&$�,1,4 ,< ��4/�4/&414&#, �%!,1� �/…


August 23

…– Oneida ESC Group, LLC Sponsor: Lisa Liggins, Secretary XV. ADJOURN Posted on the Oneida Nation’s official website, www.oneida-nsn.gov pursuant to the Open Records and Open Meetings law (§ 107.14.)…


August 24

…facility will offer diversified revenue streams via online and on-site 58 Brian Beers, “How Do Modern Companies Assess Business Risk,” Investopedia (Sept 2018), https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/061015/how-do-modern-companies-assess-business-risk.asp. Public Packet 184 of 294 74…


August 24

…Risk Rating Description Mitigation There are new client groups (tiers) that will be serviced. There are existing client groups that receive below- cost or no-cost products and services. retail additions,…


Quality of Life Survey (Brown and Outagamie County Residents)

…responses will be blended with those of other participants for a group analysis. Do you live in Brown or Outagamie Counties? Take the 2024 Quality of Life Survey: www.surveymonkey.com/r/2024QOL View…


2024 03 06 LOC Meeting Packet

…full cost of providing the program or service. The full cost of providing a program or service includes all costs including operation costs, overhead such as direct and indirect costs,…

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