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2023 07 12 LTR to LDallas RE Petitions – Chief Counsel Position and Chief Counsel Contract

…documents should be read together. The General Tribal Council portal is located online: portal The Nation’s laws are located online at: https://oneida- The Oneida Nation’s personnel policies and…–-Chief-Counsel-Position-and-Chief-Counsel-Contract.pdf?_rt=MzQxfDM1fNGB0LDQu9C-INC40LvQuCAxMjAg0LTQvdC10Lkg0YHQvtC00L7QvNCwIC0g0YHQsNC70L4g0LjQu9C4IDEyMCDQtNC90LXQuSDRgdC-0LTQvtC80LAgLSDRgdC80L7RgtGA0LXRgtGMINC-0L3Qu9Cw0LnQvSBzbW90cmV0b25sYXluZmlsbXlpc2VyaWFseS5ydXwxNzI3NDQzNDAy&_rt_nonce=dba89eb91d

07-03-07-A Amendments to the Hall of Fame Ordinance

…and- 204 (b) 205 (b) The Director recommends that such person’s name be withdrawn from the Hall ofFame. 206 207 208 End. ( 2~~ 211 212 Adopted -Be- 6-16-04-D- 83-5…

Chapter 806 Family Court BC-05-08-13-A

…as prescribed by Tribal law or internal Court rules. 806.9. Rules of Pleading, Practice and Procedure 806.9-1. The Court shall establish internal operating procedures governing the operation of the Court….

New book looks at the life of a Native American in 21st Century

120 pages, it’s a quick memoir of the things that I went through growing up on the reservation, leaving the reservation, the prejudice and racism I encountered in the working…

Madeline Island watches, worries as winter climate shifts

…winter has meant another record low year for ice cover on Lake Superior. For the second year in a row, the Madeline Island ferries plan to run all winter long…

In Oklahoma, governor tests power of tribal gambling

…campaign, which took many political leaders by surprise, underscored a new reality in a place once ruled primarily by the oil and gas industry, but where tribal money now buys…

Judge: Florida tribe’s members must pay taxes to IRS

…of dollars. The recent decision by U.S. District Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga involved the 600-member Miccosukee (MIK’-oo-SOO’-kee) Tribe, which has a reservation in the Everglades and a gambling casino west…

US has split up families throughout its history

…their children to government- or church-run boarding schools. The objective, as Carlisle Indian Industrial School founder Capt. Richard H. Pratt put it, was to “kill the Indian in him and…

Kalihwisaks 2019 Year in Review

…information, the 120-day Petition Timeline was extended to 180 days, and changes to the petition process was requested to be brought back to a future meeting. February The annual Honor…
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