…Amendments Provide that any orders made by the Court under this law, or any orders made by a court of competent jurisdiction regarding child welfare matters, shall supersede any…
…Order that any prior court order for custody, visitation, or contact, with the 1830 minor child is hereby terminated. 1831 708.40-5. The Court shall provide a copy of the order…
…another. Point of order, please come to the mic and state your name and your point of order. Madelyn, can you please back up? Sherrole Benton: Hello, my name is…
…Tehassi Hill to approve the Amended and Restated Per Capita Trust agreement – file # 2017- 0614, dated May 23, 2017, seconded by Lisa Summers. Motion carried unanimously: Ayes: Fawn…
…NATOW Kirby Metoxen, Councilman Members Only Packet 321 of 847 �������� ��� ��� ���������������� � ������������������������� � ����� ��� ��� ���� �!�”#�$%�&’��(�������)�*�� ������+��,!%#!��+,%�-.�%#!/�+,%�-01�/%�2�3,%4�/-01�/%�5,6�- 7%%�/&��8$9-7%%�/&��8$9-7%%�/&��8$9-:���� �����)�*�� ������;#/&$�,1,4 ,< ��4/�4/&414&#, �%!,1� �/…
Welcome to the Oneida Nation Internal Audit Department Mission Statement: Internal Audit serves Oneida membership, management and government by performing independent and objective assessments and reviews of functions, activities and…
TANF Application Public Mtg Notice Final Approved Draft TANF Plan May 1 2024– April 30 2026…