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2024 07 24 BC Open pkt for members only

…results/back-up ☒ Fiscal Impact Statement ☒ Law ☐ Legal Review ☐ Minutes ☐ MOU/MOA ☐ Petition ☐ Presentation ☐ Report ☒ Resolution ☐ Rule (adoption packet) ☒ Statement of Effect…

July 24

…enterprise rules and regulations, and record keeping. 152  Section V.D of the Oneida Personnel Policies and Procedures specifically addresses 153 complaints, disciplinary actions and grievances. Section V.D.6 provides that…

2024 07 24 BC Open pkt for public

…enterprise rules and regulations, and record keeping. 152  Section V.D of the Oneida Personnel Policies and Procedures specifically addresses 153 complaints, disciplinary actions and grievances. Section V.D.6 provides that…

July 11, 2019/reconvened December 2, 2019 semi-annual GTC minutes_DRAFT

…entitled Establishing Rule Regarding Presentations and Speakers (01:35:40) 170 171 December 2, 2019: Motion by Sherrole Benton to adopt resolution 12-3-19-A Establishing Rule Regarding 172 Presentations and Speakers. Seconded by…

2019 07 11 – 2019 12 02 semi-annual GTC minutes_DRAFT

…entitled Establishing Rule Regarding Presentations and Speakers (01:35:40) 170 171 December 2, 2019: Motion by Sherrole Benton to adopt resolution 12-3-19-A Establishing Rule Regarding 172 Presentations and Speakers. Seconded by…

2019 07 11 – 2019 12 02 semi-annual GTC minutes

…by show of hands July 11, 2019: Amendment to the main motion by Cathy L. Metoxen that we go back to the $1.5 million. Motion ruled out of order by…


…Charles Martin, Oneida Nation Chair- man Tehassi Hill and Quinault Indian Nation President Guy Capoeman issued the statement below. “Today, the Supreme Court once again ruled that ICWA, heralded as…


…set of needs, and should be met with accordingly with self-determined responses and actions, our formal response and research may help facilitate the use of indigenous research and data by…

2022 07 19 semi-annual GTC meeting packet

…set of needs, and should be met with accordingly with self-determined responses and actions, our formal response and research may help facilitate the use of indigenous research and data by…

2022 06 14 BC Open pkt for members only EMERG

…of GTC Meetings, and the GTC Stipend Payment Policy 2. Procedural Considerations – Rules of Order and Voting in a Virtual Environment DR AF T DR AF T Members Only…
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