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December 14

…of and to participate in and when they occur. Staff will discuss the location of online tools and resources such as shapefiles, maps, guides and more. Session will end with…

2022 07 06 LOC Meeting Packet REVISED

…wish to speak please come to the microphone or raise your hand. Is there anybody online that would like to speak? Please raise your hand. So not seeing anybody online

2023 03 01 LOC Meeting Packet

…procedures. Those who wish to speak please can come to the microphone, or if you’re online you can raise your hand. Please state your name when making a comment. We…

2023 08 08 Oneida Life Insurance Plan Law Public Comment Review Memo with LOC Consideration

…of the Nation shall complete the Oneida Trust Enrollment Committee approved beneficiary designation form and submit it to the Oneida Trust Enrollment Committee, either online or in person at the…

2018 03 19 – 2018 05 12 – 2018 07 01 special GTC minutes

…with them right now. I’ll have to…education, and I don’t recall the fourth. But they’re online under the Quality of Life Survey results. Nancy Skenandore: Thank you. Since I only…

2018 09 24 special GTC minutes

…from the program managers of all these departments tonight, and then you can cast your vote in this online interactive survey and you know, we can get moving on what…

2022 09 07 LOC Meeting Packet Updated

…during which tribal members will be urged to complete and submit their designated beneficiary forms online or in-person, if they have not already completed this task. Beneficiary forms on file…

Apr. 27 (FY17 2nd Quarter reports)

…enhance the language program outreach to families. The Tndistar online reporting system with the BIE has identified specific goals and objectives for schools to develop which are reported on a…


…Funeral Home, Seymour, on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, from 3 pm until the service at 6 pm with Nick Reyn- olds officiating. Online condolences to Mat’s family may be expressed…

2023 07 12 LTR to LDallas RE Petitions – Chief Counsel Position and Chief Counsel Contract

…documents should be read together. The General Tribal Council portal is located online: portal The Nation’s laws are located online at: https://oneida- The Oneida Nation’s personnel policies and…–-Chief-Counsel-Position-and-Chief-Counsel-Contract.pdf?_rt=MjMwfDIzfNGA0LDRgdGB0YLQsNC90L7QstC60Lgg0YDQsNGB0YHRgtCw0L3QvtCy0LrQuCDRgdC40YHRgtC10LzQvdGL0LUgb25saW5lINC40LTRg9GJ0LjRhSDQvdCwINGA0LDRgdGB0YLQsNC90L7QstC60Lgg0YfQsNGB0YLQviDQuNC90YLQtdGA0LXRgdGD0LXRgjrRhtC10L3QsDog0YfQuNGC0LDRgtGMOiDRgdGC0L7QuNC80L7RgdGC0Yw60YTRgNCw0LfRiy7Qt9Cw0L_QuNGB0LDRgtGM0YHRjyDQvdCwINGA0LDRgdGB0YLQsNC90L7QstC60YMgc2t5cGU6YW10Nzc3fDE3Mjc1NjU0NjQ&_rt_nonce=b6685fb7b2
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