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Community Support Fund Application 12-2023

…is not disregarded for U.S. federal tax purposes. Limited liability company and enter the appropriate tax classification. (P= Partnership; C= C corporation; or S= S corporation) • Partnership Partnership •…

2024 Summer Youth Work Program

…in items 1 through 5 below. Form W-9 (Rev. 10-2018) 1. Interest, dividend, and barter exchange accounts opened before 1984 and broker accounts considered active during…

Shanshan Feng Claims Dramatic Victory at Thornberry Creek LPGA Classic

…63 (-9) to reach an unassailable total of 29-under-par to capture the famous Skywoman trophy at the 2019 Thornberry Creek LPGA Classic. In her first appearance at Thornberry Creek at…

2023 Annual Report

…Bloomington,MN 05-11-22 Bemidji Area Pre- Negotiation $1,165.67 Washington,DC 06-22-22 Public Mtg- Local Government Advisory (pd $1,155.93) $1,155.93 Total $5,066.06 Balance $3,133.94 BROAD GOALS 2020-2023 HOUSING We want Tribal members of…

Dec. 28

…Distribution Form when transfer of tickets is completed. 8.1.3 Files Ticket Distribution Form and forwards a copy to the appropriate party/parties as needed or required by contract or policy. 9.0…

03.23.22 Kali_FULL

…TOBACCO USE —–––−–-−-–-−-–—-–-−– Get free help to quit commercial tobacco. Contact the American Indian Quitline: CALL 1-888-7AI-QUIT (724-7848) OR TEXT READY TO 200-400 KEEP TOBACCO A HEALTHY TRADITION. ONEIDA-NSN.GOV |…

Aug. 24

…box will appear, in “under default value” click on “checked” then ok. PROGRAM INFORMATION 1 Department: Tribal Historic. P-re_s_e_rv-atio~ Offi~~’~]:-· D~ision/Non–:-D=–. i,-v.,-is-:-io-n: Go~:rnmen~~l ~ervices~l fprogram: WISDOT/THPO Grant Program Accountant Lori…

Oneida Tribe Definitions 1-18-24

…Third Party: An individual or entity that is involved in a transaction. TPA: A third-party administrator or worker’s compensation benefits. (Early Return to Work Policy) Third Party: An individual or…

2024 08 28 BC Open pkt for public

…:�;�?@�A BCDEFG�BHGIJK LMN�OP�QRQPublic Packet 50 of 217 ���������� � �� ������������������������������ !�”�#�$%&'()*+�,-.’)./���������0�1��!2�!�3#�45/�6’/-()�7)8-%’�$&9-‘/99��%::-88//�(-*/;8/(�)�*;/�85/�?*/9/’;/�%@�85/�6’/-()�7)8-%’A�45/�B&*C9(-;8-%’�%@�85/�7)8-%’D9�9%=/*/-.’�98)8&9�5)9�’,&�)&(�+#$�*)+’,&N-�6$-$65)+’,&�)&(�'($&+’OP/)+’,&�,:�+6′.)1�1)&(-�6$’&OQ6/$(�2’+#�+#$�/066$&+�.6)&(‘&4�-+)&()6(-�)-�)(,7+$(�+#6,04#�R0-‘&$–��,88’++$$�6$-,10+’,&��”#$�%&$'()�*)+’,&�S$-$65)+’,&�’-�0&’F0$1;�76,/1)’8$(�)-�)�G0671$�T$)6+�S$-$65)+’,&�)&(�2’11�#,-+�)�G0671$�T$)6+�U,&08$&>�2#’/#�6$/,4&’V$-�+#$�8)&;�%&$'()�”6′.)1�8$8.$6-�2#,�)6$�6$/’7’$&+-�,:�+#’-�76$-+’4′,0-�8$()1�OQ6�)/+-�,:�#$6,’-8�)&(�.6)5$6;�+,,�&08$6,0-�+,�+$11W�A&�C�CD#$�8)3,6�4)+$2);-‘&+,�+#$�%&$'()�*)+’,&�S$-$6K)+’,&�+#6,04#�1)&(-/)7’&4�)&(�)++6)/+’5$�-‘4&)4$@H�A&/,67,6)+’,&�,:�/066$&+�S$-$65)+’,&�.6)&(‘&4�-+)&()6(-�R@ ���� ��d���e�����!��:>$6�2,6c’&4�2’>#�+#$Y’-/,&-‘&��$7)6+8$&+�,:”6)&-7,fg)+’,&6′.)1�46)7#’/-�)>�8)3,6�6,)(2);-��”#$6$�)6$/,&>’&0$(�$ij,6+-�+,�$=7)&(�+#’-�’&’>’)+’5$�+,)((‘h’,&)1�1,/)+’,&-@”#$��,880&’/)+’,&-��$7)k+8$&+�/,,6(‘&)>$-�+6’.)?�/,&+$&+�,&�-$5$6)?�(‘4’+)1�.’11.,)6(-�+#6,04#,0+�+#$�)6$)B� lmnoplnqrstuvwxn�yz{||}�~�����un��qn�yz{||}��������rs������v���u��sv������ �������������� ¡��¢£¤¥¦§¦̈©ª�« ¬®̄°±�²±³®́�µ±¶±®·³́ ¹̧º�»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂ�ÃÄÅÆÇ¿ÈÄÁ¿�ÉÊ�ËÇÆÁÌÅÉÍÆÎÏÉÁ�ÐÄÌÄÑÆ¿ÀÉÁ�ÌÒÂÁÌ� ÓÔÕÖ×Ø�ÓÙØÚÛÜ ÝÞÝ�ßà�áâáPublic Packet 53 of 217 ���������� �� �� ��������������������������� �!”�#��”��!����$��������%�”��!��!…
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