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Health Forms

  Health Form Student Health Form 2023 Dietary Requests Special Dietary Requests form Medication at School Guidelines for meds administered at school Medication Consent Form Cough Drop Form OCHD Authorization…

May 11

…NATOW Kirby Metoxen, Councilman Members Only Packet 321 of 847 �������� ��� ��� ���������������� � ������������������������� � ����� ��� ��� ���� �!�”#�$%�&’��(�������)�*�� ������+��,!%#!��+,%�-.�%#!/�+,%�-01�/%�2�3,%4�/-01�/%�5,6�- 7%%�/&��8$9-7%%�/&��8$9-7%%�/&��8$9-:���� �����)�*�� ������;#/&$�,1,4 ,< ��4/�4/&414&#, �%!,1� �/…

2022 07 13 BC Open pkt for public

costs, personnel, office, documentation costs, as well as an estimate of the amount of time necessary for an agency to comply with the Law after implementation. Public Packet 42 of…

2023 08 07 DRAFT special GTC meeting packet

…Oneida Nation of Wisconsin’s Tribal Chief Counsel Jo Ann House.” See May 16, 2023 memorandum from Attorney Kelly M. McAndrews to Oneida Business Committee, re: Opinion- Petition- Dallas- Chief Counsel…

2023 08 07 special GTC Meeting packet_FINAL

…the disease. /media/releases/2020/p0819-covid-19-impact-american-indian-alaska- native.htm; The CDC found that in 23 selected states (including Wisconsin), the cumulative incidence of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases among AI/AN was 3.5 times that of…
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