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2024 08 14 BC Open pkt for members only

…Relations Committee work* • January 6, 2025- Inauguration • Before last Tuesday in January 2025*- Governor delivers budget address, announces Executive Budget • Spring 2025*- JFC holds public hearings on…

2024 08 14 BC Open pkt for public

…Tribal Relations Committee work • January 3, 2023 – Inauguration • February 16, 2023- Governor Evers delivered budget address, announced his executive budget • April 5, 2023 – JFC held…

2024 09 25 BC Open pkt for public

Administrative Rulemaking law provides an efficient, effective, and democratic process for the adoption and amendment of administrative rules. [1 O.C. 106.1-1, 106.1-2]. The Administrative Rulemaking law provides authorized agencies the…

2024 09 25 BC Open pkt for members only

…amount requested. Seconded by RaLinda Ninham-Lamberies. Motion carried unanimously. 3. ADD ON: Cornerstone Community Center Arena – Agreement Chad Fuss, Gaming-Admin Motion by Lisa Liggins to approve the Cornerstone Community…

2024 09 25 BC Open pkt for public

Administrative Rulemaking law provides an efficient, effective, and democratic process for the adoption and amendment of administrative rules. [1 O.C. 106.1-1, 106.1-2]. The Administrative Rulemaking law provides authorized agencies the…

2024 01 10 BC Open pkt for public

…under the New Business, Executive Session section, add item entitled Adopt resolution entitled Oneida Business Committee Approval to Purchase of the Units held by Sunvest Solar Investments WI, LLC, in…

Comp Plan with Land Policy Framework

…To be determined • • • • addItIonal consIderatIons In addition to addressing the desired future character and uses, development and redevelopment opportunities must also consider the physical, environmental, and…


…demon- strations and taste testing. Addition- ally, we launched the prepared foods section of the market. During this period, OFM expanded to include 10 vendors and attracted 150 custom- ers…
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