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Adult Based Education

The Community Education Center provides our community with educational resources including GED and HSED Services. These resources are available to the general public. Inquire today!


The CEC is now offering GED® Prep!

Call or use link: to register today!

Eligibility Requirements:

Age: Provide proof that you are least 18.5 years old or that your 9th grade class has graduated from high school. Students age 17 to 18.5 years may only be served through a school district or special program. Additionally, you must not be enrolled in a public or private high school.

Residency: Provide proof that you have resided in Wisconsin for at least 10 days.

Application: Complete an application form at the initial meeting.

Call to or use link: to register today!

Take the TABE Pre-Test

To begin the GED® process and determine your knowledge level, CEC offers TABE tests in Reading. TABE tests are free of charge and can be taken at CEC. Picture identification is required for all testing done. Please allow 2.5 hours to finish test.

To sign up for the TABE test, contact the CEC.

Take the GED® Test

After completion of the GED Prep courses and work, you will complete a pre-test to determine your readiness to take the GED test.

NWTC GED and HSED Prep Programs

Testing Center Location is located on the third floor in Room SC365.  Park in Lot A. Enter through the front entrance and follow signage.


The CEC is now offering HSED Program!

Call or use link: to register today!





Eligibility Requirements:

Residency: Provide proof that you have resided in Wisconsin for at least 10 days.

Application: Complete an application form at the initial meeting.

Call to or use link: to register today!

Take the TABE Pre-Test

To begin the HSED process and determine your knowledge level, CEC offers TABE tests in Reading. TABE tests are free of charge and can be taken at CEC. Picture identification is required for all testing done. Please allow 2.5 hours to finish test.

To sign up for the TABE test, contact the CEC.

Additional/Contact Info