Department | Phone | Fax |
All numbers are 920 area code unless otherwise noted. | ||
Accounting (Central) | 490-3500 | 490-3590 |
Accounting (Gaming) | 429-3229 | 496-3745 |
Adminstration (Skenandoah Complex) | 496-7000 | 496-7491 |
Airport Child Care Center | 869-1645 | 869-1650 |
Anna John Nursing Home | 869-2797 | 869-3238 |
Apple Orchard | 869-2468 | 869-1740 |
Art Program | 490-3830 | 490-3839 |
Background Investigations | 497-5850 | 497-8048 |
Behavioral Health Administration | 490-3772 | 490-3883 |
Behavioral Health Services | 490-3790 | 490-3883 |
Business Committee | 869-4364 | 869-4040 |
Business Development | 496-7000 | 496-7491 |
Business Management | 496-7418 | 490-3590 |
Cannery | 869-4379 | 869-2194 |
Casino | 494-4500 | 496-3745 |
Center for Self-Sufficiency | 490-6800 | 490-6803 |
Child Care Services Program | 490-6800 | 490-6803 |
Child Support Agency | 490-3700 | 490-3799 |
Children & Family Services | 490-3725 | 490-3820 |
Communications Dept. | 869-4270 | 869-4253 |
Community Education Center (CEC) | 496-7860 | 496-7879 |
Community Health Nursing | 869-2711 | 869-6329 |
Community Health Services Dept. | 869-4840 | 869-6329 |
Community Options Program (COPS) | 869-4888 | 869-6329 |
Community Support | 490-6800 | 490-6803 |
Conservation Dept. | 869-6500 | 869-2743 |
Cultural Heritage | 496-5395 | 496-5390 |
Customer Services (Gaming) | 429-3379 | 496-3745 |
Department of Public Works | 869-1059 | 869-1559 |
Department of Public Works (Automotive) | 869-1628 | 833-9844 |
Department of Public Works (Groundskeeping) | 496-5970 | 338-1628 |
Dept. of Governmental Administration | 869-4509 | 869-4040 |
Division of Land Management | 869-1690 | 869-1689 |
Education & Training Administration | 869-4396 | 869-4470 |
Elderly Services Complex | 869-2448 | 869-1824 |
Elderly Services (Senior Center & Meal Site) | 869-1551 | 869-1526 |
Elementary School | 869-1676 | 869-1684 |
Emergency Management Home Security Administration | 869-6650 | 869-6655 |
Employee Health Nursing | 405-4492 | 405-4494 |
Employee Relations Dept. | 429-3749 | 405-1509 |
Employee Services | 496-3749 | 496-3747 |
Engineering Dept. | 869-1600 | 869-1610 |
Enrollments Dept. | 869-6200 | 869-2995 |
Enterprise/Internal Services Divisions | 496-7348 | 496-7490 |
Environmental, Health & Safety | 869-1600 | 869-1610 |
Environmental Resource Board | 496-5361 | 490-2450 |
Family Fitness | 490-3730 | 490-3899 |
Family Fitness (Adventure & Recreation) | 490-3803 | 490-3899 |
Farm | 833-7952 | 833-2559 |
Finance Dept. | 869-4325 | 869-4393 |
Food Distribution | 869-1041 | 869-1668 |
Gaming Administration | 429-3220 | 496-3745 |
Gaming Commission | 497-5850 | 496-2009 |
Gaming Facilities Dept. (Custodial & Maintenance) | 429-3439 | 429-3453 |
Gaming MIS Operations | 429-3252 | 429-3384 |
GLIS-Geographic Land Information Systems | 496-5275 | 496-2006 |
Governmental Services Division Administration | 490-3901 | 490-3909 |
Grants Dept. | 496-7330 | 496-7494 |
Headstart (Norbert Hill) | 869-4369 | 869-4066 |
Headstart (Three Sisters) | 496-5200 | 499-0624 |
Health Center | 869-2711 | 869-1077 |
Health Center Administration | 869-4828 | 869-1780 |
High School | 869-4308 | 869-4045 |
Housing Authority | 869-2227 | 869-2836 |
Human Resources Dept. | 496-7900 | 496-7911 |
IMAC (Custodial) | 429-3418 | 496-2019 |
IMAC (Customer Service Dept.) | 429-3479 | 496-2019 |
Indian Preference | 496-5316 | 496-7491 |
Internal Audit Dept. | 869-4359 | 869-4024 |
Judiciary | 496-7200 | 496-7229 |
Kalihwisaks | 496-5636 | 496-7896 |
Law Office | 869-4327 | 869-4065 |
Language Revitalization | 490-2472 | 490-2099 |
Legal Resource Center | 496-5320 | 497-5805 |
Legislative Affairs Dept. | 869-4388 | 869-4040 |
Legislative Reference Office | 869-4376 | 869-4399 |
Library | 869-2210 | 869-1299 |
Library (Green Earth Branch) | 833-7226 | 833-9782 |
License Dept. | 496-5311 | 496-7491 |
Mail Center | 494-4006 | 496-7896 |
MIS Customer Service Center (Helpdesk) | 869-4357 | 496-7494 |
MIS Dept. (Management Informations Systems) | 496-7360 | 496-7494 |
Museum | 869-2768 | 869-2959 |
Norbert Hill Center | 869-2214 | 869-2194 |
One-Stop E&EE | 869-1222 | 869-1082 |
One-Stop Hwy 54 | 869-1030 | 869-1054 |
One-Stop Travel Center | 865-7919 | 869-6262 |
One-Stop Westwind | 497-8110 | 497-3242 |
Planning Dept. | 869-1600 | 869-1610 |
Police Dept. (Emergency) | 869-2026 | 869-1864 |
Police Dept. (Non-Emergency) | 869-2239 | 869-1864 |
Pow-Wow Committee | 497-7897 | 490-2450 |
Print Shop | 494-4006 | 496-7896 |
Public Transit | 496-5770 | 496-7883 |
Purchasing Dept. | 496-7400 | 496-7491 |
Records Management | 869-4418 | 869-2194 |
Recreation Site I (Civic Center) | 869-1088 | 869-1621 |
Recreation Site II (County Rd. H) | 833-0010 | 833-0089 |
Retail Administration | 496-7300 | 496-7493 |
Risk Management | 490-3570 | 496-7490 |
Smoke Shop (Iroquois) | 429-3135 | N/A |
Smoke Shop (Isbell) | 496-7872 | N/A |
Smoke Shop (Packerland) | 496-5601 | 496-5616 |
Social Services (OLC) | 490-3700 | 490-3799 |
Social Services (SEOTS-MILW) | 414-329-4101 | 414-329-4120 |
Tourism | 496-5020 | 496-7493 |
Trust Dept. | 490-3930 | 496-7491 |
Tsyunhehkwa Administration | 869-2141 | 869-2147 |
Tsyunhehkwa Farm | 869-2718 | 869-2147 |
Tsyunhehkwa Retail | 497-5821 | 497-5804 |
Utilities Dept. | 496-5290 | 496-5811 |
Veterans Dept. | 869-1133 | 869-1526 |
Wardrobe Dept. | 429-3460 | 429-3444 |
YES (Youth Education Services.) | 869-4331 | 869-4339 |
Zoning Department | 869-1600 | 869-1610 |