Calendar Posting Guidelines
The Oneida website calendars are designed for Tribal Departments, Oneida governmental entities, non-profit organizations, and individuals to publicize meetings, events, and fundraisers. The following guidelines provide a consistent method for submission requests and acceptable posts.
- If workshops, classes, or other events are free to the public and sponsored by a for-profit organization, these events may be included on community calendar so long as there is no attempt to influence monetary exchange. (Example: A visit by an author appearing in a bookstore would be acceptable, a book signing party would not.)
- Fundraising events for non-profit organizations or individuals will be permitted.
- Reoccurring events cannot be posted for extended periods of time. Must re-submit request per weekly/monthly/etc. event.
- Oneida Tribal webmasters reserve the right to edit and select what information will be included in any announcement and which announcements may be posted.
- Oneida Tribal webmasters reserve the right to reject any submission request deemed inappropriate or not serving the public interest of the community.
- The Oneida Community Calendar allows announcements and event postings from the Tribal Departments within the organization, individuals, and any other entities for events not affiliated with or sponsored by the Oneida Tribe provided they follow the applicable guidelines and approval processes for the areas in which they are posting.
- The method of requesting a submission on the community calendar is through the link on the Oneida website (
- Each submission request must include complete event information: sponsor, what it is specifically, dates, times, location, and a contact person with phone number and/or e-mail
- Submissions requests will be reviewed and processed within two (2) business days.
- If an event requires registration, the deadline date for registration must be noticeable in order to announce the deadline as well as the event.
- Event removal is completed with an automatic delete feature within the website design once the event date has been reached.
- Non-profit organizations may use the calendar for events that charge fees or sell tickets but may not directly solicit funds. If fees are charged, that information should be included in the announcement.
The following guidelines establish unacceptable submission requests:
- The Oneida Community Calendar is not to be used for profit-making ventures
- Announcements promoting workshops, classes, or events sponsored by individuals or for-profits charging a fee or selling tickets will not be permitted on the Oneida Community Calendar.
- Classified ads are not permissible.
- Email and phone-in submission requests are strongly discouraged.
- Submissions requests received less than 24-hours prior to the event date may not get posted.
- Submission requests that do not meet the submission criteria will be reviewed and the determination of posting shall be completed by the webmaster.